Fourth place, Sun Ce, Zi Bofu, Marquis of Wucheng, sphere of influence: Jingzhou, with 30 soldiers.

Fifth place, Liu Zhang, named Jiyu, Yizhou Mu, sphere of influence: Yizhou, with 20 soldiers.


The number one position is undisputed, of course it is Liu Ke.

After Cao Cao absorbed the power of Zhang Yan and Bingzhou, his strength soared and he was almost unstoppable.

Without Liu Ke, I'm afraid Cao Cao's ambitions would be even greater.It's a pity that Liu Ke's existence made Cao Cao wary.

In order to reduce Liu Ke's vigilance, Yanzhou did not set up its defenses.

Maybe this will become a stain on Cao Cao, but he doesn't care at all.

Yuan Shao's power has risen the fastest. Although there are only [-] troops now, there is still room for growth, so his ranking is above Sun Ce.

Once the territory of Youzhou is digested, Yuan Shao's strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

The same is true for Cao Cao, who still has room to grow.

Sun Ce is different. Even if he wants to develop, there is only one place in Jingzhou, which has been almost squeezed.

Sun Ce is really too difficult.

As for some small princes, don't mention it.

According to the data provided by Xu Shu, Sima Hui quickly completed the task.

very simple.

After all, it's just to take advantage of his fame.

"Thank you, teacher." Xu Shu cupped his hands.

"That's nothing." Sima Hui said, also not being polite.

After bidding farewell to Sima Hui, Xu Shu directly visited Liu Ke.

"My lord, the task has been completed." Xu Shu said.

Liu Ke knew that he was talking about propaganda, and said, "That's right, it's very efficient."

Ever since Xu Shu abandoned martial arts, he has been persevering and down-to-earth in his work. Not only Liu Ke, but Lu Su also likes to entrust things to him.

Guo Jia can't do it anymore, he spends all day in a wild state, and no one can restrain him except Liu Ke.

"My lord, there is one more thing for this subordinate to come here," Xu Shu said.

"Let's talk." Liu Ke put down his work.

Xu Shu took out the list of princes and handed it to Liu Ke.

Liu Ke took a look and couldn't help frowning.Liu Ke knew the strength of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, otherwise he would not have expanded his army.

However, he has never seen it so intuitively, so he still maintains enough vigilance in his heart.

The combined army of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao already has [-] troops, which is comparable to the strength of Yangzhou before.

This is quite a threat.

Due to the existence of Liu Ke, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have a common enemy, and the surrounding forces are almost destroyed. It is almost impossible for the two of them to fight.

Therefore, Liu Ke's confrontation with the two is a certainty.

There is no escape.

When the training of the new army is almost done, it is time for a decisive battle.

"Yuan Zhi, I understand what you mean, and I'm interested." Liu Ke said.

"It's good that my lord understands, now is not the time to relax, we in Yangzhou are fighting all the time!" Xu Shu said.

If everyone was as active as Xu Shu, Liu Ke would be much less worried.

"Actually, my lord, there is a better way to carry out your proposition." Xu Shu said.

Liu Ke became interested and asked, "What can I do?"

Xu Shu sat upright and said, "Unify the world! If the world belongs to the lord, who would stand up against it?"

Makes sense!

But where is it so simple?

However, it doesn't seem too difficult.

"Is this what you mean, or everyone's meaning?" Liu Ke asked.

"What I mean." Xu Shu admitted, "After this mission, I suddenly feel that if there is any offense, please also ask the Lord Haihan."

With Emperor Xian still alive, wouldn't it be too arrogant and domineering to say that he would rule the world?

Usually, it can be assumed that Emperor Xian does not exist.However, to unify the world, offering the emperor is a hurdle that can never be avoided.

To put it bluntly, it is seeking to usurp the throne.

In this era, the most important thing is to last forever.

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