After Cao Cao's apprehension team arrived in Luoyang, where was Zuo Ci?

Cao Cao was so angry that he was teased, but he couldn't catch him.

For this reason, Sima Lang hid at home, saying that he was sick and dared not see anyone.

Not only that, when Ni Heng heard that Cao Cao criticized Liu Ke for beheading Yu Ji, he sneered and said, "Prime Minister Cao is still as ignorant as ever."

Afterwards, Mi Heng announced what Yu Ji did, which was no different from Zhang Jiao's demagogue.

To support Liu Ke by confirming Yu Ji's identity as a monster.

After Cao Cao got the news, he had a splitting headache and roared angrily:

"I regret it, I should have killed this beast long ago!"

It's too late to regret now, with Mi Heng's personality, maybe Cao Cao will be given an opportunity in the future.

Before Liu Ke started to refute, Cao Cao suffered a serious injury, and it was almost impossible to steal a chicken.

Of course, Xi Zhicai's fault would not be his fault, after all, there was nothing wrong with his plan.

The problem is the execution!

If I knew Zuo Ci's attitude earlier, it would be better to forge the eulogy directly.

Or find someone else.

Under the double blow of Zuo Ci and Mi Heng, Cao Cao has lost his sense of proportion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao finally woke up from his grief and anger, but Sun Ce suddenly made another stab.

"It's all about the demon way, good job!"

Cao Cao was puzzled, Sun Bofu, why don't you stay in Jingzhou well?

Why do you have to come out to brush up your presence!

For this reason, Cao Cao couldn't eat well for several days.

Of course, Sun Ce also had his considerations. The reason why he kept pace with the times was because he wanted to pave the way for Sun Quan's mission.

"Has Shang Xiang been detained in Yangzhou for a long time?" Sun Ce said with emotion.

Originally, Sun Quan was only notified of this incident, but where did Sun Quan get the [-] gold?

In the end, Sun Ce found out.

Sun Jian has always been strict with their education, including Sun Shangxiang.

After Sun Jian died in battle, Sun Ce's eldest brother was like a father.But as for Sun Ce, his requirements are still strict, but he can't care for his younger brothers and sisters.

Because Sun Ce has been living in the barracks for a long time, he has become crazy for training soldiers.

There is no way, in order to deal with future wars, Sun Ce can only overdraw his current energy.

However, younger siblings cannot be ignored.

Sun Ce finally remembered this matter, of course he had to solve it to the end, otherwise, when he remembered it again, it would be another month or two.

After listening to Sun Ce's words, Sun Quan's expression became very strange. He admired his elder brother very much, but unfortunately, he was really slow in a certain aspect.

"Brother, you finally remembered." Sun Quan said with a lot of resentment.

so busy...

Sun Ce originally wanted to answer this way, but felt that he was shirking responsibility, so he simply admitted.

"I always tend to ignore you, Zhongmou, you have to remind me more in the future."

"Good." Sun Quan said.

If he hadn't known his brother's character, Sun Quan wouldn't have agreed so readily.

"Let's get down to business, this time you will go to Yangzhou and bring Shang Xiang back," Sun Ce said.

"However, the Marquis of Dongyang wants [-] gold, where can I get it?" Sun Quan said pitifully.

In order to expand the army, Sun Ce's family was impoverished.

Sun Ce laughed embarrassingly, and said, "Zhongmou, you don't know about this, Dongyang Hou's heart is relatively soft. When you go on an envoy, just play the emotional card. If Shang Xiang cries and makes trouble like this again, this matter must be done." to make."

Sun Quan was speechless, this is to make him shameless.

"However, Shang Xiang has always been strong, so she may not cry."

Sun Ce scratched his head, really, this younger sister liked to dance with spears and clubs since she was a child.

"She's just spoiled by her father, it's okay. This time she's away from home for so long, she should feel a little homesick... right?"

Even Sun Ce is not sure.

However, Sun Quan has decided to go on a mission.

Although there is no money, you can't ignore your sister, right?

And after so long, no one cares...

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