When seeing Zhen Mi, Princess Wannian was attracted by her beauty.

Moreover, Zhen Mi boldly made a request to her, that is to see Dongyang Hou.

Princess Wannian has also reached Huaichun's age, so she chatted with Zhen Mi endlessly.

Coincidentally, Princess Wannian knew Dongyanghou very well, and she remembered everything in her heart.

When the two chatted, it was an hour.

"I'm leaving, I'm going back to Hebei." Zhen Mi said regretfully.

"You can stay! The Women's Academy will protect you from the wind and rain. There, no one will embarrass you. Let me tell you quietly, there are many sisters who escaped marriage there." Princess Wannian said.

"For the sake of the family, I did it voluntarily. For the sake of the family, my elder brother is not even afraid of offending the Marquis of Dongyang. What is my sacrifice?" Zhen Mi said.

"Family..." Princess Wannian thought of the Han Dynasty.

When Emperor Xian left, he also used this as an excuse. What happened?

Without freedom, life is not miserable now, but there is no future.

"Is the family really so important?" Princess Wannian murmured.

"Without the family, there would be no us." Zhen Mi said.

"However, your sacrifice is too great." Princess Wannian said.

"Aren't all women like this?" Zhen Mi said.

"No, women shouldn't be like this." Princess Wannian said firmly.

"I can't say no to you, but I'm leaving." Zhen Mi said.

Suddenly, Zhen Yao came over in a panic and said, "We should go." Then he gave Princess Wannian a grateful look.

"What happened?" Zhen Mi asked.

"Second Young Master, I don't know where he got the news, but he is rushing to Yangzhou." Zhen Yao said.

Yuan Shao's second son is Yuan Xi, who is also Zhen Mi's fiancé.

After Yuan Shao captured Youzhou, he appointed Yuan Xi as the governor of Youzhou. It can be said that Yuan Shao attached great importance to this second son.

It stands to reason that Yuan Xi, as the governor of Youzhou, and Youzhou had just been taken down, was waiting for success, so he shouldn't have left.

However, when he heard that his fiancée was going south to Yangzhou, Yuan Xi couldn't sit still, asked his father for leave, and came overnight.

The Zhen family had placed people beside Yuan Xi, otherwise Zhen Yao would not have known so soon.

Zhen Mi is about to get married, you, a brother, are running around with her, what are you plotting?

When Zhen Yao thought of Yuan Xi's accusation, he became a little flustered. In the future, the Zhen family will still rely on the Second Young Master, so they cannot let him down.

Therefore, Zhen Yao hastily came to inform Zhen Mi and interrupt their conversation.

Otherwise, Zhen Yao would never have been so rude to his savior.

"Your Highness, I'm leaving, you take care of yourself, and see you soon." Zhen Mi said.


Princess Wannian is not a fool!

In this era, one is north, one is south, and they are both women. It is almost as difficult as going to heaven to meet each other.

Zhen Mi stood by the Dongyang River, the breeze was blowing on the river surface, making waves, she looked quietly for a few breaths, finally sighed, and boarded the carriage.

After getting into the carriage, Zhen Mi lifted the curtain and waved to Princess Wannian.

Princess Wannian actually felt unwilling in her heart, she hated parting the most in her life.

It's been a long, long time since I parted with my brother.

Something has to be done!

Princess Wannian thought secretly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Ke finished handling the matter, before he knew it, it was already night.

Even though his father held a birthday banquet, Liu Ke did not relax and was still handling government affairs.

It can be said that it is very hardworking!

However, he was not complacent.

Some things need to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the people below will not be able to unfold at all.

What Liu Ke dislikes the most is procrastination.

As soon as he opened the door of the study, he saw the resentful appearance of a young girl.

It is Princess Wannian.

To be honest, Liu Ke really didn't care enough about her.

"Why, what unpleasant things happened?" Liu Ke asked.

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