Until new spies come to report.

"Lieutenant Liu Dingfang of the Yueqi School came to help, smashed the Yellow Turban reinforcements, and beheaded Sun Xia, the head of the enemy!"

Huangfusong was silent for a while, then suddenly broke out:

"it is good!"

Chapter 50 Invincible

It was the first time such exciting news came after Yang Di was captured.

Fortunately, Huangfusong didn't have a heart attack, otherwise he would probably faint from happiness.

Cao Cao couldn't help being stunned, labor and management worked hard for a long time, but this news couldn't be worth it!

What are you trying to do!

The wound on his body was painful.

Yan Zhong also suffered the same pain. He lost the opportunity to charge forward, and he had to be a "consultant" in order to appear in the commander's tent, but he didn't come up with a single idea.

"Liu Dingfang ignored the general's order! He should be punished severely!" Yan Zhong said.

After all, strictly speaking, Sun Xia is also the Yellow Turban Army in Nanyang, but later developed into Wancheng.

So, Liu Ke "let go" Sun Xia.

Huangfusong didn't follow Yan Zhong's words, as if unintentionally said: "How is Nanyang?"

At this time, Wang Yun broke in without prior notice, glanced left and right, and said, "Nanyang has already fallen, and soldiers are precious and fast. I invited Liu Dingfang." He deliberately emphasized the word "please come" and changed the topic again .

"I also ask General Huangfu to complete the official documents."

"Your Majesty Situ is worrying too much. The world is in chaos now, and we should do extraordinary things in extraordinary times." Huangfu Song waved his hand, signaling that everyone should stop entangled in this matter.

Under Yan Zhong's tampering, Liu Ke's achievement of conquering Nanyang and annihilating Sun Xia was overfulfilled, no one will mention it.

Seeing that the meeting could not go on, Huangfusong waited dryly for Liu Ke.

Liu Ke walked into the big tent covered in blood, and said: "General Huangfu, the soldiers fought bloody battles in front, but they were slandered by villains. How can we convince the people?"

Huangfusong's eyes were dull, he was at a loss, he didn't expect Liu Ke to attack at this time.He knew what Yan Zhong was doing, but he was still his confidant, so he comforted Liu Ke, no matter what big enemy is in front of him, he should fight against it together.

"Okay, let's put it aside for now, the most urgent thing is to take down Xihua!"

Liu Ke didn't say a word, everyone thought he had given in, only Wang Yun and Cao Cao always felt terrified.

In the tent, everyone was chattering, unable to discuss why.So they all turned their attention to Liu Ke, and Huang Fusong did the same.

"The last general invites you to fight! We will go to Xihua in three days!" Liu Ke lived up to everyone's expectations.

"Okay!" Huangfusong was in a good mood. Although he might not believe it in three days, as long as he dared to do it, it would be a great achievement.

"Three days, what if you can't take it?" Yan Zhong said in a strange way.

"Be like this!" Liu Ke cut off Yan Zhong's head with a sword, and splashed blood on Huangfusong's face.

Everyone dared not take a breath.

Cao Cao touched his neck, but fortunately, it was still there.

And Wang Yun touched his cheek dully, and there was a lot of blood on it, and said loudly:


Liu Ke slammed the curtain and left.

Wang Yun still didn't give up, and chased after him, chattering endlessly.

Liu Ke ignored it, and summoned all the craftsmen of the army to start building well rails and catapults.This technology has long been broken by Dongyang, and it is not considered a breakthrough. It has already appeared in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

At the beginning, he abducted a lot of craftsmen from Xuzhou, and every time he went to a place, he gathered a lot, and there were also hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the refugees.

As soon as he heard that it was a siege battle, Liu Ke brought all the craftsmen with him.He was not idle for a month in Nanyang, and he also figured out the blueprints of Jinglan and Catapult.

The next day, Huangfu Song sent Yan Zhong's head.

The implication is self-evident: remember your promise!

It seems that Huangfusong is also very angry, if he can't attack Xihua in three days, Liu will be in big trouble.

"Okay! We didn't like him a long time ago!" Dian Wei clapped his hands and applauded.

Guo Jia even took a sip of wine happily, the lord's action is very gratifying.It's just that the sequelae are a bit serious...

Finally, the third day of the appointment arrived.

Liu Ke gathered the crowd and said:

"Win or lose at this moment!"

Under the city of Xihua, the Dongyang army is waiting in full battle.

Peng Tuo looked at the officers and soldiers crowded under the city, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle. Why was this army of officers and soldiers completely different from the ones he encountered?

"Liu Dingfang!" Bocai turned pale with shock. He thought Liu Ke had disappeared, but unexpectedly reappeared.

Why do you fail?

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