"Brother has exactly this intention in the letter." Zhen Ji said.

So Liu Ke ordered the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce to take action to cover the evacuation of the Zhen family, and asked Zhuge Jin, the governor of Qingzhou, to cooperate.

Qingzhou and Jizhou border, and the operation will start from there.

Zhen Yao cooperated very much, because it was related to the life and death of the Zhen family.

Under the cover of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, the Zhen family gradually transferred their property.

As for some real estate, Zhen Yao gritted his teeth and wanted to give up, but the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce enthusiastically wanted to be a successor.

As long as the price is low enough, they are willing to sell.

Could it be that the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce lost its mind?

The risk is great!

Likely to lose everything.

"Hey, these people are smart." Qiao Dong said.

Since the two young ladies of the Qiao family married Dongyang Hou, Qiao Dong's status has risen and he knows a lot of information.

"I would like to hear the details." Zhen Yao said.

"Because Dongyang Hou will protect the interests of Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce! If Yuan Shao dares to persecute, Dongyang Hou will stand up to uphold justice and declare these real estates invalid. Even if Yuan Shao takes them back, who can they sell them to?" Qiao Dong said.

Do you dare to buy and sell things from the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce?

Zhen Yao was taken aback, he didn't know that such a thing still happened.

Isn't it great to do business in Yangzhou?

How much you earn is your own.

"I don't know if my Zhen family can join the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce?" Zhen Yao asked.

"With Luoshen here, the possibility is very high." Qiao Dong said.

Zhen Yao gritted his teeth and decided to keep the real estate.

It turned out later that Zhen Yao made the right decision.

It didn't take long for the Hebei Zhen family to become the Yangzhou Zhen family.However, Yuan Xi was still in the dark, still thinking about how to deal with the Zhen family.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he made a decision, which was to announce that Zhen Mi had married Dongyanghou.

Then Yuan Xi acted furious, and directly led troops to search Zhen's house.

Immediately, this matter was widely spread, and Yuan Xi became the green hat king.

When the time was right, Yuan Xi led the brigade directly to Zhen's house.

In the end, only empty shells were caught, and I wanted to cry but no tears.

When did the Zhen family run away?

Yuan Xi had nowhere to vent his anger, and he looked like he was insane.

How could this be?

Finally, news came from the border that the Zhen family had moved to Qingzhou.

Yuan Xi was furious and led his men to pursue him, only to be beaten back by the Qingzhou defenders.

Unprecedented aggrieved!

I can't wait to raise my troops to Yangzhou and tear Dongyanghou into thousands of pieces.

It is a pity that Yuan Xi does not have this strength.

The Zhen family was safely transferred to Yangzhou, where they started a new life and developed anew.

Zhen Yao was shocked by Yangzhou's vigorous vitality.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before the war started, Liu Ke's relationship with Cao Cao and Yuan Shao was already tense.

Needless to say, Cao Cao, at the gate of his house, his cavalry unit was defeated.

Still kind of embarrassing.

When Cao Cao received Xiahouyuan's battle report, he was really surprised.

Dongyang Hou is simply deceiving people too much!

But revenge for thousands of troops is not worth it.

In this way, a big battle will definitely be triggered, which is inconsistent with Cao Cao's expectations.

Yuan Shao was even more aggrieved, his daughter-in-law was robbed, that's fine.

Yes, that's all.

But even the Zhen family was poached!

What the hell is this.

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