Sure enough, he should have waited another two years.

"It's almost time, let's go and have a look." Pang Tong said.

The three walked side by side, and there were indeed a lot fewer people.

Looking at the rankings, Liu Yingjun's name is high, and the rest of the rankings are not wrong.

"This Liu Yingjun has talent, but he has no brains, and even mocked Dongyanghou, haha!"

The people watching the policy theory couldn't help laughing.

Maybe it's because of jealousy.

The three of them leaned over to take a look, and a piece of "Ode to Efang Palace" came into view.

Sure enough, the defeat was not wronged.

Although policy theory does not occupy many points, it can tell a person's true level.

Liu Yingjun's article is perfect,

The reviewer's comment is "Contemporary Jia Yi"!

"This person is so arrogant that he put Jia Yi's article first," Lu Xun said.

"Heaven is a genius!" Pang Tong exclaimed.

So, where did this handsome Liu come from?

Zhuge Liang was very curious.

At the same time, the defeat was convincing.

This person, even the Marquis of Dongyang dared to hate him, what else would he not dare to do?

Suddenly, Liu Yingjun became a hotly discussed existence in Yangzhou, and everyone wanted to meet this magical figure.

However, he never showed up.

Just left the legend.

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Lu Xun all had their own guesses.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhuge Liang went fishing again.

In order to allow them to review their homework better and take the imperial examination, Taixue gave them leave.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang can enjoy the present freedom.

Fortunately, I no longer have to be bound by the rules of Taixue in the future.

The second place is enough to make a difference.

Not long after, a guest came, and it was Sima Yi.

Sima Yi seemed to be weather-beaten, and said: "If I improve one point in arithmetic, I will definitely beat you."

"If you don't count your math grades, it's already cheating for you, aren't you satisfied?" Zhuge Liang laughed.

"How can life be content? You are also unwilling to lose to someone you have never met." Sima Yi said.

"No, this person is far stronger than you and me." Zhuge Liang said.

Sima Yi did not deny this point.

For those really smart people like them, Confucianism, it is enough to be proficient.

Who doesn't have a short board or two?

"You didn't deserve to lose!" Zhou Buyi suddenly appeared.

"I knew it, you couldn't help showing off." Zhuge Liang said.

"What did I show off?" Zhou Buyi asked in confusion.

"Not sure, what do you think?" Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Zhou Buyi became angry!

It turned out to be the first place!

When did the teacher hide his secrets?

In Zhou Buyi's impression, Liu Ke should be hovering around tenth.

But now it is wrong.

Names are played backwards.

What a shame.

Therefore, Zhou Buyi didn't dare to see Liu Ke, and came out to find Zhuge Liang, just to regain some sense of existence.

After all, only he knew Liu Yingjun's identity.

In the end, Zhuge Liang guessed it by virtue of his ingenuity?

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