Originally thought that things would end like this, and I would become an official in Yangzhou step by step, and then slowly work through my qualifications.

Until Liu Ke came to the door.

"Meet the Marquis of Dongyang!" Lu Xun hurried to the living room when he heard Liu Ke's visit.

"Don't panic, I just came to see Lu Xun, the genius of Taixue." Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang was joking." Lu Xun said speechlessly.

Who doesn't know, Liu Ke is Liu Yingjun?

"You are a genius, but I am even better." Liu Ke said.

Lu Xun was born in a traditional family, and he pays attention to introversion, which is different from Pang Tong's Ye Luzi and Zhuge Liang's eclecticism.

So for Liu Ke's words, he couldn't get used to it for a while.

"Bo Yan, with your talent, you will be welcomed wherever you go. Now, I formally invite you to join Yangzhou. Are you willing?" Liu Ke said.

Lu Xun couldn't help clenching his fists, this is an opportunity!

If he only entered the officialdom through the imperial examination, it would inevitably not be solemn enough, but with Liu Ke's invitation, the weight will be different.

Identity and status will change as a result.

Lu Xun's goal is to rejuvenate the family. Yangzhou is so powerful, how could he be unwilling?

Dongyanghou doesn't reject aristocratic families, but he prefers to appoint talented people.

Lu Xun had figured this out a long time ago.

"My lord!" Lu Xun changed his tune.

"Very good, you are all excellent." Liu Ke said happily.

"Name: Lu Xun, courtesy name Boyan."

"Loyalty: 100."

In this way, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Lu Xun were all included in Liu Ke's pocket.

There are people who have an army. How can the Allies compare with Liu Ke?

Liu Ke believed that everyone in Yangzhou would be able to cause a sensation and resolve the crisis by standing up.

The Allied forces wanted to attack Yangzhou, and they were simply overwhelmed.

Now that so many talents are gathered around Liu Ke, Liu Ke decided to set up his own advisor group.

Take these three people as the backbone.

Unlike the cabinet, the advisers are all at the military division level and are responsible for planning the war.

Later, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others were added in to strengthen the adviser group.

There is no objection to this arrangement.

Chapter five hundred and fourteen: leave each other

Among the titles on the gold list, there is another person, and that is Sun Quan.

At this moment, he was very excited because he finally fulfilled his promise.

"Third sister, follow me back to Jingzhou," Sun Quan said.

"What are you going back for?" Sun Shangxiang asked back.

"Although Yangzhou is prosperous, it is also a place of right and wrong. Regardless of whether Yangzhou can survive the difficulties, we must leave." Sun Quan said.

"But, I don't want to leave, Jingzhou is so boring." Sun Shangxiang argued.

However, this time, Sun Quan no longer condoned, but ordered: "You must leave Yangzhou!"

"What matters to you men is nothing to do with us women. If you want to fight, then go." Sun Shangxiang said dissatisfied.

"Why don't you understand? The Marquis of Dongyang is our enemy!" Sun Quan said.

Sun Shangxiang woke up suddenly, yes, although Yangzhou is good, but...

She found that she seemed to have forgotten her original intention.

Why did you come to Yangzhou?

It was not because of the attack on Dongyang Hou.

And why did he attack Dongyanghou?

Sun Shangxiang couldn't continue thinking about it.

Although Yangzhou is good, the Marquis of Dongyang is the enemy!

"The Marquis of Dongyang is the enemy..." Sun Shangxiang said silently, "Second brother, I will go back to Jingzhou with you."

Hearing this, Sun Quan also breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't want to use any means, since she was his sister after all.

"It's great that you can understand the painstaking efforts of the second brother." Sun Quan said.

Sun Shangxiang was silent for a while, and accepted the result.

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