With frequent changes now, Yuan Shao chose to wait and see.

For this, Cao Cao expressed his understanding.With Dongyang Hou's movements unknown, it's better not to act rashly.

Cao Cao couldn't help thinking of the information he had received before, that Dongyang Hou's target was Jizhou, not Yanzhou.

Yanzhou is just a cover!

Cao Cao scoffed at this.

Yanzhou is so close to Dongyang Hou, don't fight, run to Jizhou?

Aren't you afraid that Cao Cao's army will break into Qingzhou and cut off the way back?

However, now there is a connection between the intelligence.

Cao Cao had to overthrow the previous inherent thinking.

The battlefield is never static.

"Hou Dongyang is attacking the east and the west, but he doesn't know which is the east and which is the west." Xi Zhicai said.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the territory of the Marquis of Dongyang was long and difficult to defend.

Jiaozhou, Yangzhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou are all coastal areas. Most of the coastline belongs to Liu Ke, and the rest belongs to Yuan Shao.

With such a long line, it is difficult for the defenders to mobilize.

Therefore, for Dongyang Hou to take the initiative to attack Yanzhou, the thinking of taking the initiative is deeply ingrained.

Liu Ke also planned this way.

If Liu Ke attacks Jizhou, the line will be even longer.

Not just the defensive line, but also the supply line.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Everything is messed up.

Cao Cao's only advantage is that Yanzhou and Jizhou are neighbors and can respond quickly.

"In my opinion, it's better to let Yuan Benchu ​​attack Qingzhou and force the Marquis of Dongyang to respond, while our army waits for the opportunity." Sima Lang said.

"Yuan Benchu ​​is not a fool, will he be obedient?" Yang Xiu asked, "What's more, if Yuan Benchu ​​acts alone, he may become the target of Dongyang Hou's hunting. He can only stay in Jizhou without moving, so that he is safe."

Yang Xiu's tone was very rude, but very reasonable.

Yuan Shao's troops were more than sufficient for defense, but attacking was no different from courting death.

Unless the two work together.

But once they jointly attack Qingzhou, will Yanzhou still need it?

Cao Cao couldn't take risks, and Yuan Shao couldn't stand alone.

What an embarrassment!

It was so difficult before the war started.

"The Dongyang Marquis suspects the strategy of the soldiers, and this is where the brilliance lies." Xi Zhicai said.

I won't hit you, wait for you to mess up first, and then I will attack suddenly.

"You might as well stand still and wait for the Marquis of Dongyang to show his fox's tail." Sima Lang continued.

That being the case, Yuan Shao guards Yuan Shao, Cao Cao guards Cao Cao, wait for Dongyang Hou to act.

"Our army stands still? The Marquis of Dongyang laughs in his dreams." Yang Xiu said.

"..." Sima Lang was speechless, did I offend you?

Not a single strategy, specifically to refute other people's views.

"What is Dezu's opinion?" Cao Cao asked.

You see, even the lord can't stand it anymore!

Sima Lang immediately regarded Cao Cao as his bosom friend.

"How to mobilize our army, we must at least find out where the Marquis of Dongyang is?" Yang Xiu said.

"What Dezu means is..." Cao Cao looked thoughtful.

"Does Xuzhou have an army of [-]? If Dongyang Hou's main force is in Xuzhou, how could he attack Jizhou?" Yang Xiu said.

A hit!

"The scouts just reported that the number of troops in Xuzhou has remained at around [-]." Sima Lang said, as if he had caught Yang Xiu's braid.

"False and real, true and false, are the most basic art of war." Yang Xiu said disdainfully, as if to say, you haven't read the art of war, have you?

"Dezu's words are justified, and we sent more scouts to investigate the situation in Xuzhou." Cao Cao said.

Yang Xiu was very proud.

On the other hand, Sima Lang's face was gloomy and ugly.

Sima Yi didn't say anything, as if it didn't exist.He didn't take his brother's embarrassment to heart.

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