At this moment, the camp has only simple walls, which cannot resist the attack at all.

With a machete, Ji Ling dancer directly broke through the gate of the camp and led the army to rush forward.

"It's Yuan Shujun, they betrayed the lord!"

The exclamation of the Jiujiang defenders was heard everywhere.

Yuan Shu heard it clearly, what is betrayal?

From the beginning to the end, they have no covenant, okay?


Yuan Shu directly ordered to increase troops, while he supervised the battle from the sidelines.

The Yangzhou Army is indeed elite, but that refers to the main battle corps.

Ordinary garrison troops are no different from the princes' troops, except that their armor is relatively complete.

After Ji Ling broke into the camp, the Yangzhou defenders were confused at first, but gradually got the rhythm.

It actually suppressed Yuan Shujun faintly.

Is this still the defender?

Yuan Shu was dumbfounded, and quickly ordered more troops.

Since one-on-one is not enough, then three-on-one, anyway, the advantage in strength is there.

Finally, the Jiujiang defenders couldn't hold on anymore, and began to gather regularly and gradually retreat.

Seeing this, Ji Ling didn't dare to chase after him, and reported directly to Yuan Shu.

"If you don't chase, don't chase, anyway, there is this camp here." Yuan Shu said.

Soon, the inventory of the battlefield was over.

Yuan Shu couldn't help swallowing when he saw the baggage left by the Jiujiang defenders.

So rich?

There are not only cattle and sheep, but also drinks.

Big dog!

The defenders are not only well-dressed, but also better-fed.

In order to publicize his achievements, Yuan Shu decided to hold a banquet in this camp and invited Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu to attend.

"I have already said that the defense of Jiujiang County is empty, and my information will never be wrong." Yuan Shu said.

"Congratulations to the leader of the Little Alliance for winning the flag!" Liu Bei said.

Zhang Xiu also praised a few words.

Yuan Shu was in a trance.

Seeing how empty and rich Jiujiang County is, Liu Bei gradually became concerned and said, "Next, our army will be sent by the leader of the alliance!"

Sure enough, it's on the road!

Yuan Shu was very satisfied with Liu Bei's attitude.

If you want to win the admiration of others, you need to fight to prove yourself.

No wonder Dongyang Hou is so popular.

Yuan Shu has also experienced it at this moment, and next, he has to work harder.

For example, take down a county seat.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to continue to hide.

Yuan Shu ordered to advance at full speed, targeting Jiujiang County.

"The wealth of Yangzhou is gathered in Dongyang City, Guangling County. However, the development of Jiujiang County is not bad. Maybe if we capture a county, our military expenses will be enough." Yuan Shu said.

Yuan Shu has dealt with Yangzhou for many years, how could he not have any information.

With a little oil flowing out of Yangzhou, Yuan Shu lived better than Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu.

The reason why Yuan Shu was able to rise after repeated defeats was because of his good geographical location.

Caravans from Yangzhou to Yuzhou and even further west will pass through Runan.

Although under Liu Ke's suppression, there is no business tax.

But don't caravans need lodging?Don't need to eat?Don't need to spend?

Yuan Shu started a fringe industry and made a lot of money.

If you have money, someone will work for you.

That's why Yuan Shu was so active.

If Marquis Dongyang falls, how can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't eat his fill?

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