Stamping and shoving can no longer satisfy their greed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bei was heartbroken.

"Stop it, stop it! The enemy is now, what are you doing?"

However, no one paid any attention.

Zhang Fei hurriedly led his people forward, trying to stop them, but they lost their minds because of money.

"No matter how much you rob, hand it in!" Zhang Fei shouted, pushing the crowd away.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Because the rain of coins keeps falling.

"Haha, Liu Beijun is really a bunch of farmers!" Yuan Shu laughed loudly, obviously there was more money in the city, wouldn't they go into the city and grab it?

Don't mess up at such a critical time.

There is another reason why Yuan Shu is so happy, that is, Shouchun has started throwing money to save lives, how many troops can there be in the city?

Jiujiang County is empty, God help me too!

"It's really impossible, I can only switch to my army." Yuan Shu sighed.

I can't argue with it.

Liu Beijun, who lined up behind, could only watch the siege troops grab money, are you angry?

Well yeah.

The rain of copper coins is still falling.

It's enviable!

"Brothers, you can't watch them rob, we have to do something!"

"My lord, the siege army is at a stalemate, let's go support a wave!"

After finishing speaking, he left the formation and rushed towards Shouchun.

If someone takes the lead, if you don't rush, you will be a fool.

So, all Liu Bei's army rushed to Shouchun.

Some even greeted each other, while others didn't even say hello.

Liu Bei gritted his teeth and almost died of anger.

Now, Yuan Shu is not calm anymore. At the beginning, he could gloat over others' misfortune. Now that he is like this, is he still attacking the city?

"Order Liu Bei to withdraw his army and reorganize his troops. If an army suddenly emerges, the consequences will be disastrous."

Yuan Shu said cautiously.

However, he was really hit by his crow's mouth.

There were bursts of drums in the distance.

And the roar of horseshoes!

"I'll go, is there really an ambush?" Yuan Shu was taken aback, not knowing what to say.


This heavy step.

Yuan Shu's heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

If you heard me right, this Nima is a heavy cavalry, right?

Although there are not many heavy cavalry, all the princes know something about it.

After all, the power of heavy cavalry is almost unstoppable.

If it weren't for the many cities in the Central Plains, almost all of which were offensive and defensive, the role of heavy cavalry would definitely be greater.

However, even if the number of heavy cavalry is small, the destructive power must be the strongest.

With your own lineup, what can you use to resist?

"Tell Zhang Xiu, you must persist for half an hour!" Yuan Shu said, he must remain calm before he can come up with a solution.

After all, there are [-] troops here, and the number of heavy cavalry is not many.

Boom boom boom!

From the west, there was another fierce drumbeat.

Boom boom boom!

On the east side, another soldier and horse came out.

No matter how stupid Yuan Shu was, he knew he had been ambushed.

Everything is Dongyang Hou's conspiracy!

Sure enough, Dongyanghou is still Dongyanghou.

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