If it weren't for Yuan Shu's more troops.

This shameless guy, in order to preserve his strength, retreated directly.

Losses are also minimal.

Where are you from?

"Are you not finished with me? I still have something to say. I asked you to persist for half an hour. How long did you persist? A quarter of an hour? Have you?" Yuan Shu asked back.

"Persist for half an hour? Is it for you to escape?" Zhang Xiu said.


This topic is absolutely unacceptable.

"I ran away? If I hadn't resisted Zhang Liao's main force, you would have come back?" Yuan Shu said.

"You are a hot chicken, you don't understand the overall situation, you should be the leader of the hammer." Zhang Xiu left these words and parted ways with Yuan Shu directly.

Yuan Shu is so angry!

After finally getting over the addiction of being a leader, and commanding an army of [-] troops, you actually said that I am not suitable to be a leader?

Just kidding.

If you don't know how to be the leader, how can you command an army of [-] troops!

Yuan Shu didn't bother to argue, and glanced at Liu Bei.

Liu Bei wanted to cry at this moment, so he resigned directly to Yuan Shu and returned to his small county town of Xinye to start over.

Who hasn't failed yet?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke was helpless in Qingzhou.

Cao Cao's response was beyond his expectation.

Even between the two states, a large army was stationed.

what the hell is this?

It is more ruthless than Liu Ke's suspicious tactics.

In this way, the mobilization of Cao Yuan's allied forces will be changeable, which is not good for Liu Ke's arrangement.

"Cao Mengde was also forced by the lord." Guo Jia laughed.

Thinking of Cao Cao's trembling appearance, Guo Jia couldn't help but feel happy.

"Then take your time and play psychological warfare with him." Liu Ke said.

"What is psychological warfare?" Zhuge Liang wondered. As a young man, he showed enough curiosity.

"To put it simply, it is to attack the heart." Liu Ke explained, "As long as it keeps like this, the first ones to collapse must be Cao Cao and Yuan Shao."

"My lord is wise."

Zhuge Liang took it for granted. After seeing the materials in Yangzhou, he was dumbfounded.

There are often businessmen who claim to be as rich as an enemy.

Come and compare with Yangzhou.

Yangzhou is rich!

These materials are enough for Yangzhou's 120 million troops to fight the battle for two years, which is unambiguous at all.

Can Cao Cao and Yuan Shao persist for so long?

The answer is no.

In order to cope with this war, they almost emptied their own background.

Because this battle is related to the pattern of the Central Plains.

Only when the allied forces win can they gradually seize the world.

Otherwise, Liu Ke would be like a mountain, pressing on their chests.

The princes couldn't even catch their breath.

"In short, I miscalculated this step." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia wanted to say something to refute, but the messenger rushed in.

"Report to my lord, Jiujiang County urgent report!"

Everyone was shocked, Jiujiang County really started fighting!

Cao Cao actually used Anzi so quickly.

Liu Ke opened it anxiously, and let go of his hanging heart.

"The [-] Yuzhou Allied Forces attacked Jiujiang County. Zhang Liao defeated it and took [-] prisoners."

"Good!" Guo Jia clapped his hands excitedly, "Congratulations, my lord!"

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