The scene was magnificent.

"My lord, in order to convince Yuan Shao, you should cross the river day and night," Lu Xun said.

"Okay." Liu Ke said, and then he ordered Dian Wei and Lu Bu to lead [-] light cavalry to cross the river first, act as scouts, and start a scout battle with the opposite bank.

Yan Liangwenchou then got the news.

The Marquis of Dongyang has crossed the river!

It's not that they don't want to attack halfway, but Yuan Shao ordered that they can only stick to it and not fight without authorization.

In this regard, they had no choice but to watch the Yangzhou army cross the river.

For this reason, they lost a large number of scouts.

And sent a meteor horse to inform Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao got the news and rolled down from the bed.

Dongyanghou has made a move, and the target is Jizhou!

Before the letter was sent, [-] troops had already crossed the Yellow River.

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

Yuan Shao would rather choose Yanzhou as the battlefield than fire in his hometown.

For this reason, he visited Cao Cao late at night.

Cao Cao was in a deep sleep, but he was suddenly woken up, and of course he was not in a good mood.

But the personal guard reported that it was Yuan Shao who came in person.

Cao Cao immediately rubbed his eyes, and came out of the room even if he was not neatly dressed.

"At the beginning, what's the military situation when you come here late at night?"

As expected of an old friend, you can tell at a glance.

Yuan Shao didn't hide anything, and told the whole story.

Cao Cao seemed frightened and was stunned. Then he laughed loudly and said, "As long as the Marquis of Dongyang makes a move, things will become clear."

During this time, Cao Cao has been in fear.

Where will Dongyanghou come from?

Now, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Jizhou, Jizhou.

After Cao Cao read it silently twice, he suddenly discovered an important problem.

The Marquis of Dongyang wants to attack Jizhou, so what is the situation in Runan?

Do you still want to support Runan?

Cao Cao walked up and down, very anxious.

Yuan Shao can only take care of his Jizhou, but Cao Cao is different, he must take care of the overall situation.

Otherwise, what awaits him is only a loss.

After experiencing a failure, Cao Cao became more cautious.

In the first anti-Yangzhou alliance, if everyone gathered at one end and Cao Cao suppressed it with prestige, it would definitely bring more pressure to Dongyanghou.

It's a pity that when Cao Cao woke up, it was already too late.

Now, such mistakes cannot be made again.

So Cao Cao hesitated!

"The solution is not immediately available. How about discussing this matter tomorrow?" Cao Cao said.

Although Yuan Shao was anxious at the moment, it was the only way to go.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Cao Cao summoned his advisers to discuss, and Xi Zhicai, Sima Lang, Yang Xiu, Sima Yi and others came in a hurry.

Discussed all night.

If it wasn't for Yuan Yin's visit, Cao Cao wouldn't even know it was dawn.

"My lord has agreed to the prime minister's conditions, when will the prime minister send troops?" Yuan Yin said.

Hurry up, you know it!

Cao Cao was quite irritable at the moment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Huang Zhong entered Jizhou, Liu Ke still controlled the two sides of the river, and the army continued to cross the river.

Of course, this is for Jizhou to see.

Except for Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses, the large army still stayed on the Qingzhou side.

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