"My lord has orders, don't act rashly." Guo Tu said.

"But Nanpi only has [-] defenders! How can we resist Dongyang Hou's tiger and wolf army?" Yan Liang couldn't help raising his voice.

Guo Tu didn't know how to answer this question.

If Nanpi was lost, Yan Liangshao would have to be whipped.

As for Guo Tu, he will also be demoted and punished.

"I can't go!" Guo Tu gritted his teeth.

"Military Master, now is not the time to be afraid." Yan Liang said.

"When did I get scared?" Guo Tu said loudly.

"Since that's the case, you and I will divide the troops. I only need [-] troops to support Nanpi, and the rest of the army will be handed over to the military division for you to guard the camp." Yan Liang said.

This is definitely not what Guo Tu wants to see.

Although he is good at strategy, he really can't lead the army in battle. What's more, there are so many strong generals in Yangzhou, without Yan Liang in charge, he can't play at all.

In fact, Guo Tu also tends to support.

It's just that following the lord's orders, mistakes are much smaller, and he doesn't want to take risks.

"General Yan, commanding troops to fight a war is not a joke. You are the commander in chief here. I am only in charge of admonishing you," Guo Tu said.

In other words, even if the promise is lost, Yan Liang is still responsible.

Yan Liang was just a warrior, so he didn't understand these twists and turns, and said: "Since I am the coach, you should listen to me."

"General, you have to think clearly. This place is more important than Nanpi. My lord set up a camp here to contain the main force of the Marquis of Dongyang." Guo Tu said.

"Mother-in-law, can you be happy?" Yan Liang said.

How could it be possible for Yan Liang not to be angry after many days of cursing, it was just that he hadn't flared up.

Seeing Guo Tu's appearance now, Yan Liang became angry.

Yan Liang walked out of the camp angrily, and ordered [-] soldiers and horses.

"General, where are you going?" Deputy General Gao Gan asked.

Yan Liang slapped his head and forgot to explain the matter, so he explained the whole story and said:

"Take care of the tent."

"General, it's enough to leave this matter to me, why bother the general himself?" Gao Gan said.

"Huang Zhong is not someone who is easy to deal with." Yan Liang said.

Gao Gan was speechless for a while.

Won't you say something nice?

Yan Liang was so careless that he didn't even notice it.

Gao Gan is used to it.

"Good luck, General."

"After I cut off Huang Zhong's dog's head, I will come back to drink with you." Yan Liang said.

The reason why Yan Liang went out in person was indeed stimulated by Huang Zhong, otherwise how could he lead the army in person?

Just can't swallow it.

After Yan Liang led the army out of the camp, Gao Gan quickly found Guo Tu and said, "Military Master, why don't you persuade the general?"

"Hey, will he listen to what I said? A reckless man!" Guo Tu said.

Gao Gan sighed, hoping that the Marquis of Dongyang would not attack the camp again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Yangzhou army did not go straight to Nanpi, but ambushed in the woods.

"Report! In Yan Liang's camp, there are [-] troops dispatched!" Scout Hui reported.

This news finally made Huang Zhong feel relieved.

After all, coming here, he is also under great pressure.

What if Yan Liang doesn't come?

Wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Fortunately, Yan Liang is very good.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, everything was under control.

When Yan Liang's army passed by, Huang Zhong gave an order, and the Yangzhou army rushed out like tigers and wolves.


With the absolute superiority of troops, there is no need for any fancy formations.

Just crushing is enough.

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