However, Huang Zhong was very calm, and it seemed that there was no big deal.

Only by beheading Yanliang and punishing Wenchou can Huang Zhong feel a little wave in his heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After shooting Wen Chou, Huang Zhong headed east and joined Ding Feng.

Ding Feng was shocked when he saw Huang Zhong was covered in blood, and said, "Old General, are you in trouble?"

"Wen Chou led an army to intercept him, and he has been beheaded, so there is no serious problem." Huang Zhong said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Ding Feng was even more shocked.

The feat of beheading Yan Liang before was not counted, and now Wen Chou is being killed?

Who doesn't know that Yan Liangwen Chou is a famous general in Hebei, and together with the other two generals, they are called "Hebei Four Court Columns".

Now Huang Zhong killed Er Tingzhu by himself, who can compare with such an achievement?

"Congratulations, general, you're back in victory!" Ding Feng said.

"You don't need to say anything polite, it may not be safe here, so let's go back first." Huang Zhong said.

After that, Huang Zhong returned to Qingzhou on a big ship.

Liu Ke personally came to the port to meet Huang Zhong.

The original mission was to do something to attract Yuan Shao's attention after arriving in Jizhou.

Who would have thought that Huang Zhong would kill Yuan Shao's two favorite generals directly.

Now it's hard for Yuan Shao not to pay attention.

"Han Sheng, well done!" Liu Ke praised.

Huang Zhong grinned and said, "Thanks to my lord, everything is going well!"

Tai Shici also looked at this old man with admiration. Everyone knew about Huang Zhong's martial arts, but he had never had any outstanding records.

Now when he makes a move, it will be thunderous.

Yan Liangwen Chou is no small person.

"Hmph, I was supposed to go." Lu Bu said unconvinced, talking about martial arts, what is Yan Liangwen ugly?

Just no chance.

"Don't be sour." Dian Wei said.

Liu Ke glared at them and shut up.

Today's protagonist is Huang Zhong!

"My lord, it's all thanks to Military Advisor Zhuge!" Huang Zhong said, and told Zhuge Liang's magical calculation.

If it wasn't for Zhuge Liang's design to lure Yan Liang out, how could Huang Zhong fight Yan Liang?

If Zhuge Liang hadn't discovered the ambush in advance, I don't know how much it would have been lost.

Therefore, Huang Zhong said a lot of good things for Zhuge Liang.

"Kong Ming really didn't disappoint me!" Liu Ke patted Zhuge Liang on the shoulder and said.

Zhuge Liang was flattered and responded with cupped fists.

"Tonight, we congratulate Han Sheng and Kong Ming!" Liu Ke said.

The Yangzhou Army held a grand banquet, and this banquet did not hide anyone, it was very ostentatious.

Some people are happy, others are naturally sad.

Yuan Shao was on the side of grief.

Yan Liang died, and he rushed back in a hurry. Before he could sit still, the news of Wen Chou's death came again.

Jizhou, why so many disasters?

"The sky is not fair!" Yuan Shao roared angrily, obviously he has a very good background, why can't he have a good result?

What is the use of the four generations and the three princes?

Can Yan Liangwenchou's life be saved?

Can Jizhou be kept from being poisoned by Dongyanghou?

both are not.

"My lord!" the judge called out deeply.

However, Yuan Shao seemed to be unable to hear, and did not respond, looking up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My lord needs to be quiet, we will come back later." Feng Ji said.

The judge sighed and backed out.

Doomed not to sleep tonight.

"Our army's loss is not big, but it's a pity that the two generals Yan Liang, Wen Chou." The examiner said.

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