"My lords, the little old man just passed by here and just came down the mountain after collecting herbs." The old man said respectfully.

Liu can see that his clothes are plain and his hands and feet are covered with mud. He doesn't look like a bad person.

"Nonsense! When you see us, you bow your body and run away! Nine times out of ten, it is the eyeliner of the thieves on the mountain."

"Help! Save... life!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from the surface of the water, and it sank after a while.

Liu Ke's eyes moved, and the soldiers who knew how to swim jumped into the water one after another, and rescued the child who fell into the water in a short while.

At this time, the child had passed out and lost his breath.

"Hurry up! Please doctor!"

In the wilderness, where is the doctor?

At this time, the old man pushed aside the crowd and said eagerly: "Go and get the ashes!"

Liu Ke glanced at him in surprise, it wasn't a traumatic injury, why would he use plant ashes?

"This old man is Hua Tuo, a doctor!"

The miracle doctor Hua Tuo?

Now it's Liu Ke's turn to be surprised, but the problem is, you are Hua Tuo, so you shouldn't take plant ashes!

Hua Tuo explained: "Mr. Zhang said that to rescue the drowning person: Take the ashes from the stove, and more than two stones, and bury the person from head to foot, and the water will come out of the seven holes, and then he will live."

Mr. Zhang is probably talking about Zhang Zhongjing, who is a miracle doctor just like Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo patted the drowning man's shoulder, pressed his hand again, checked his pulse, and finally shook his head.

However, Liu Ke drove away the panicked crowd, began to press the chest, and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation.When he was hesitating whether to give artificial respiration, the drowning man coughed and came back to life.

"My lord is mighty!" Tai Shici said in admiration.

Everyone worships.

"Look, we buried this wild doctor!" Dian Wei angrily mentioned Hua Tuo.

"If evil comes, you can't be powerless. Hua Tuo is a great doctor in the world." Liu Ke stopped him.

"Bah! Just like him?" Dian Wei said disdainfully, but because of Liu Ke's order, he let him go.

"I'm so ashamed!" Hua Tuo sighed.

Obviously there is no pulse, why does it come alive when you press it?

Hua Tuo couldn't understand it.

In the end, Liu Ke kept Hua Tuo and discussed with each other.

After all, in this day and age, who doesn't get sick?

It is not uncommon for a cold and fever to kill someone.

Along the way, Hua Tuo benefited a lot.He regretted that some unbelievable insights could not be put into practice.

Arriving in Hebei in this way, Liu Ke sent out all his spies, hoping to get first-hand information.

Sure enough, the subordinates reported an important news. After the Yellow Turban Army defeated Dong Zhuo, they did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but retreated back to Guangzong.

While Liu Ke sent someone to report to Gao Shun, he rushed towards Guangzong.

When he was 50 miles away from Guangzong, Liu Ke stopped and set up camp on the spot.

And Hua Tuo is a person who can't be idle, so he went to visit the local famous doctor.

Liu Ke didn't stop him either, after all he had more important things to do.

"My lord, there are [-] to [-] yellow scarves gathered in the land of Guangzong, all of whom are masters of a hundred battles!" Tai Shi said kindly.

Can the subordinates of General Tiangong Zhang Jiao not be tough?The most famous of these is the Yellow Turban Lishi.

Regardless of Zhang Jiao's only [-] to [-] troops, even Zhang Niujiao and Bo Cai's [-] troops combined are no match for them.

During this period of time, Tai Shici has been wandering around Guangzong, attacking the small group of Yellow Turbans who were alone, and capturing some leaders, just to find out news.

"The Yellow Turban Army has been summoning well-known doctors from all over the country, and it seems that some high-ranking officials have fallen ill, and the great virtuous teacher has not shown up for a long time." Tai Shici continued.

Liu Ke's eyes lit up, thinking that the Yellow Turban let Dong Zhuo go... Could Zhang Jiao be sick?

There is much to be done about this matter.

At night, Hua Tuo, who visited the famous doctor, also returned, and also brought back a message:

The Yellow Turban is arresting a famous doctor to treat Zhang Jiao!

This time, it finally came to fruition.

"Zhang Jiao claims to be a great virtuous and good teacher, and uses the mantra of talisman to heal people's diseases. How could he fall ill? Doesn't it mean that the talisman will lose its effect only for those whose beliefs are not firm?" Liu Ke asked puzzled.

How was the Yellow Turban established?It's just cheating.

Hua Tuo smiled, apparently also finding it funny.He has always been opposed to this superstition.

If Wuwu can cure diseases by dancing two dances, why do you need a doctor?

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