Yuan Yin wanted to say something more, but the sergeant had already dragged him down.

"General! General! I, Runan, will contribute another five million gold!"

"Do you really think we are poor ghosts?" Cangba sneered.

Zhang Liao couldn't laugh at all, and said:

"Everyone, the heavy burden is on your shoulders. If you reject Yuan Shu, if you can't take Runan as soon as possible, what will the allied army think of us? How will the lord see us? How will we gain a foothold in Yangzhou in the future?"

Zangba restrained his smile.

"Be sure to go all out and take down Runan!" Zhang Liao said.

"Understood!" Everyone said in unison.

Yuan Yin was thrown out of the Yangzhou camp, very miserable.

Cao Cao's army rejected Yuan Shu's request, and Yangzhou army rejected Yuan Shu's reconciliation.

Runan, there is no way out.The Yuan family has no future.

Who is responsible for falling to this point?

Yuan Yin returned to Runan in dismay and reported the matter to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu laughed sadly and said, "They are all forcing me!"

"My lord, there is no unparalleled road, we must still have a chance!" Yuan Yin said.

"Take your clansmen and join Yuan Shao." Yuan Shu said sadly. Once upon a time, he looked down on Yuan Shao as a bastard.

But when things come to an end, I can only ask him for help.

This ending is embarrassing.

"My lord, I want to stay!" Yuan Yin said.

"No, this is my order. The Yuan family cannot fall into my hands. Only by relying on Yuan Shao can the fire be left behind. And you are the person I trust most." Yuan Shu said.

"Then what about my lord?" Yuan Yin asked.

"Didn't the Marquis of Dongyang want me to be ruined? I'll just wait in Runan to see if he has the skills to take down Runan." Yuan Shu said viciously.

He once brought down Cao Cao, and now he can bring down Dongyanghou as well.

"Master..." Yuan Yin called out.

"As a child of the Yuan family, I cannot be a mother-in-law." Yuan Shu said.

Yuan Yin sighed and began to discuss the future of the Yuan family.

"From now on, the Yuan family will leave it to you." Yuan Shu cupped his fists and said.

"My lord, don't worry! The Yuan family will definitely make a comeback." Yuan Yin said.

After seeing Yuan Yin off, Yuan Shu's face was frosty, and he began to put on his armor.

"Dongyang Hou, you forced me to do this!"

It has to be said that after putting on the armor, Yuan Shu's appearance is completely new.

"If you want to take down Runan, how can you do it without paying the price?"

Yuan Shu sneered, and a vicious plan formed in his mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, at the urging of Zhang Liao, the Yangzhou Army bombarded Runan indiscriminately.

"According to this efficiency, the city can be broken today." Zhang He said.

Zhang Liao's words still made everyone quite uneasy.

After all, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If they do fail, they will be a joke.

Yuan Shu even gave up Runan, but he still refused.

It's fine to refuse, but Runan can't be taken down.

Such a situation is absolutely not allowed to happen.

So when Zhang Liao commanded the siege, everyone cheered up.

As long as there is a chance, he will bite like crazy, rushing up the city wall eight times in one morning.

The beating made Yuan Shu ashamed.

The strength of the defenders in the city was almost exhausted.

After a short break at noon, I lit a fire to cook.

In the afternoon, just as Zhang Liao was about to order the catapults and ballistas to shoot to destroy the morale of the enemy, he suddenly found rows of figures standing on the city wall.

Zhang Liao picked up the binoculars and saw that they were ordinary people!

Basically, they are old people, women and children, which can be seen at a glance.

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