At daybreak, Pang Tong led his army and set out to line up under the city of Runan, about [-] steps away, so that the two sides could clearly see each other.

"Calista, launch!" Pang Tong ordered.

Seeing this, the Runan defenders were taken aback. In the early morning, they were unprepared, so they quickly notified Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu woke up in a daze, and said, "Hurry up and arrest the people! What's the use of looking for me?"

The guard woke up like a dream, and arrested a group of people on the city wall.

Pang Tong immediately ordered to stop shooting.

"It is absolutely not allowed to hurt the people."

Prohibited by orders and orders, the Yangzhou Army has demonstrated good military qualities.

"The people are innocent, can Runan let the people go?" Pang Tong stepped forward and asked.

"Haha, are you joking?" Yuan Shu laughed loudly, "As long as you leave Runan and return to Yangzhou, everything will be fine."

"It is impossible for a monarch to last long if he does not speak morally." Pang Tong said.


Runan is almost lost, you tell me how long?

Yuan Shu didn't want to pay attention.


The Yangzhou army retreated after Mingjin.

When the Runan garrison relaxed their vigilance, Pang Tong came and went all morning.

Yuan Shu simply ordered that the people stand on the city wall and not allow them to come down.

Pang Tong came again several times, except to reprimand Yuan Shu and appease the common people, he did not do anything else.

And just like that, the day passed.

"Military division, what are you doing?" Cang Ba dissatisfied.

Is this the prestige of the Yangzhou Army?

Every time I go to surf for a while, and come back disheartened, I can't do anything.

"You go on watch tonight," Pang Tong said.

"I..." Cang Ba really wanted to object, but Zhang Liao gave him a stare.

That night, Tibetan Pa patrolled idly.

"This military division, if the matter is not done well, can't people say it?"

Tibetan Pa was very depressed.

Later, he found movement outside the tent.

"Who's sneaking around?"

Under arrest and interrogation, it turned out to be a deserter from Runan!

Zang Ba was taken aback, but he still accepted them. In one night, he accepted a thousand people!

At this moment, there are less than [-] defenders in Runan City, and a thousand people ran away in one night.

After careful questioning by Zangba, he found that more than a thousand people had escaped, and some of them were unwilling to join the Yangzhou army and went to other places.

The number is at least three thousand.

"It's still a military division!"

Tibetan Ba ​​is not stupid, and soon understood Pang Tong's ingenuity.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Yangzhou army was not in a hurry, established correct values, stood at the commanding heights of morality, and criticized Yuan Shu's villainous behavior.

Runan was already in a state of panic, and was so suppressed that he couldn't hold his head up.

However, as a soldier, you are forced to take on these responsibilities.

However, Yuan Shu involved innocent people, and the Runan defenders were confused.

Pang Tong wanted to let the people in Runan City understand that this was a wrong act and Yuan Shu was not worth following.

Sure enough, some people were dissatisfied with Yuan Shu that night and became deserters.

This is not a disgrace, but an honor, because at this moment Yuan Shu only has the devil's thoughts left.

Following such a lord will only defile oneself.

Soldiers are people too, with families, and some even have minds of their own.

Yuan Shu can use the common people as a shield, but how high is the status of the defenders?

"The military master's ingenious calculations, I admire!" Cang Ba said respectfully.

"It's too early to admire. You select some people from them and communicate secretly with the defenders in the city. You must open the city gate and take Runan together. This is the key step." Pang Tong said.

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