In the end, you still have to send troops.

Losing Yanzhou for nothing is not worth it.

Cao Cao coughed and said, "The current situation is not optimistic."

The reason why Cao Cao wanted to retreat to Hulao Pass was because Yangzhou was too threatening, so he could only resist a little by shrinking continuously.

"Marquis Dongyang is a wise man, ordinary means are useless to him. He is not particularly attached to the territory, and he withdrew even though half of Yanzhou was at his fingertips." Xi Zhicai said.

This is where Cao Cao is helpless.

As soon as he came back, Zhao Yun decisively abandoned the area captured by Yanzhou and retreated to Xuzhou.

Otherwise, Cao Cao still has a chance to play.

Cao Cao has no way to deal with this cunning enemy.

Take the initiative to attack, dare not.

Defensive counterattack, dare not.

You can only play and stick to it.

The main reason is that Liu Ke didn't give him a chance.

Cao Cao also thought about negotiating a peace, but now there is no record of making a move, how could it be successful?

As for the destruction of Yangzhou, it is already impossible.

"My lord, it's time to urge Sun Ce to send troops," Sima Yi said.

Now, only by adding allies can we open up the situation and put pressure on Dongyanghou.

Moreover, Sun Ce is different from Yuan Shu, he is not a coward, and he is famous for his daring to fight.

Even Liu Ke admired it.

"Sun Bofu? Will you join now?" Cao Cao was not sure.

"The current situation is out of his control. Do we have to wait until..." Sima Yi did not continue.

But how could Cao Cao not understand, only a sigh.

Sun Bofu, it's up to you!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A prince without an army is tantamount to having no future.

Yuan Shu fled to Chen County like a bereaved dog.

Chenjun is close to the three counties of Yingchuan, Runan, and Chenliu, and it is the area that Dianwei sent troops to help take.

Among them, the seat of Chen County is Chen County, and Yuan Shu hid in Chen County.

Get away with it.

"My lord's order has been officially issued, let us pursue Yuan Shu." Zhang Liao said.

Everyone was not surprised by such an order.

"Great, this way, Yuan Shu can be taught a harsh lesson." Zang Badao said, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Let Yuan Shu's obedient son live a few more days!

"Our army is ready to attack at any time," Zhang He said.

Everyone is very enthusiastic.

After all, Yuan Shu used the common people as a shield to utter bad words, not to mention how aggrieved the Yangzhou army was.

Even if Runan was captured, Zhang He didn't feel satisfied. He chased him shirtless for a long time, and finally came back after being helpless.

"Don't worry, my lord has one condition, that is to catch them alive." Zhang Liao said.

In Chen County now, the defenders are sparse, no more than [-].

As long as the Yangzhou army takes action, it will take only a few minutes to take down Chen Jun.

However, it is more difficult to catch Yuan Shu alive.As long as Yuan Shu has a little backbone, he will commit suicide before the defeat.

Or something happened that caused Yuan Shu to die accidentally, wouldn't the mission fail?

That's why Zhang Liao was in such a difficult situation.

"This matter needs a long-term plan." Zhang Liao said.

"This... If you want me to say, it depends on the fate." Zang is overbearing, anyway, it is right to kill him, regardless of Yuan Shu's life or death.

If you commit suicide, there is no way.

How could it be possible to stop a person who wanted to commit suicide?

What's more, for a frustrated person like Yuan Shu, death is a relief.

"No, the task of the master's agent must not be missed. This is the last resort." Zhang Liao said.

Cangba was silent. This kind of brain work still depends on the brains.

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