"Who else?" Sun Ce asked curiously, the more opponents there were, the happier he was.

"Gan Xingba!" Zhou Yu blurted out.

"It turned out to be him..." Sun Ce quickly realized.

Gan Ning is Liu Ke's trump card, and he looks specifically at Jingzhou.

Therefore, Zhou Yu decided to take it into consideration.

"My lord should have heard of Gan Xingba's martial prowess, and the Chishui Army under his command should not be underestimated." Zhou Yu said.

Thinking of the Chishui Army, Sun Ce fell into memory.

Back then, his father fought against Gan Xingba.

Next, will it be a fateful encounter?

Sun Ce is looking forward to this very much.

As for resentment?

Not much.

After all, at the beginning, Sun Jian and Liu Ke were heroes, but Gan Ning was only ordered to fight.

In a head-to-head fight, the skills are inferior to others, what is there to say?

Moreover, Sun Ce admired Gan Ning's ways very much. Like him, he was very staunch.

This is a duel between men.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As soon as Liu Ke moved, the situation in the world began to change unpredictably.People of insight are paying attention to this war, which will determine the pattern of the world.

Now, Sun Ce finally couldn't sit still!

The mobilization of soldiers and horses in Jingzhou could not be hidden from the eyes of Yangzhou scouts.

Gan Ning had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

However, Gan Ning hadn't figured out how to act.

But today, Gan Ning welcomed an important guest, it was Lu Xun.

Lu Xun felt that there were so many talented people around Liu Ke, and it would be difficult to make a difference if he stayed in Yanzhou, so he volunteered to come to Lujiang County.

Lujiang County borders Jingzhou, and to the northwest is Runan, where Ganning's navy is stationed.

"What are you doing here?" Gan Ning asked bluntly.

Before coming here, Lu Xun knew Gan Ning's temper, so it was not surprising.

"I know the general likes to fight and kill, so I'm here to advise you."

Coupled with Lu Xun's immature face, it is indeed a bit funny.

But Gan Ning didn't laugh.

"What are your skills?"

"Let's not mention this for the time being. If I'm not wrong, Jingzhou has already taken action. I need this opportunity to prove myself." Lu Xun said sincerely.

This sentence made Gan Ning look at him with admiration.

Because of Sun Ce's actions, Gan Ning has just received the news and has not reported it to the higher authorities.

Lu Xun came.

"If only this ability is enough, it's not enough." Gan Ning initially recognized Lu Xun. After all, he could be entrusted with important tasks by the lord, so how could he be a simple person.

"Now the general and I are both prosperous. The general is very unwilling to paddle on the Yangtze River, right?" Lu Xun said.

These words reached Gan Ning's heart.

"Of course." Gan Ning admitted generously.

"The general is a cheerful person, and I won't beat around the bush. Please let me stay in the Chishui army and by your side. As for whether to accept the suggestion, it all depends on the general's mood." Lu Xun said.

"Hahaha, how could I disobey my lord's order!" Gan Ning laughed heartily.

"Let's talk about it next, why is the general bothered?" Lu Xun said.

"Sun Ce made a move." Gan Ning said.

Lu Xun fell into deep thought. He was only guessing before, but now that the guessing has come true, it really is worthwhile to go south by himself.

However, the next step is the time to test a person's ability the most.

Lu Xun had to be cautious.

"The general really gave me a difficult problem." Lu Xun smiled wryly, there was no time to prepare, it was too hasty.

For a newcomer like Lu Xun, the requirements are very high.

"I don't expect you to be able to guide the way. Everything depends on myself." Gan Ning said.

Really straightforward!

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