"Do your own thing."

After all, Gan Ning rushed out to get ready, leaving Lu Xun alone to meditate.

There must be something strange about this battle.

But where is the strange thing, Lu Xun has no clue.

What kind of reason made Zhou Yu send the Jingzhou navy to die?Or, he has the certainty of victory!

Sure enough, it is not such a simple thing to do a good job.

Being a military advisor is really difficult.

Lu Xun fiddled with the map to analyze the current situation. He didn't know how long it had passed.

Later, someone reported that Gan Ning had led the army to go out.

In this regard, Lu Xun could only sigh, and set off all the decorations on the map.

For him, it was a huge blow.

After all, Lu Xun took the initiative to ask Ying to go south to assist Gan Ning in order to make contributions.

In the end, nothing helped.

Too little information is available.

After thinking about it, Lu Xun felt that he couldn't just give up, so he tidied up the map again and fiddled with it again.

From the arrangement of soldiers and horses of the Allied forces, to the locations of the various armies in Yangzhou.

"Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu have already been beaten and disabled. There is nothing to fear. We are in the south, and the most important enemy is Sun Ce." Lu Xun analyzed.

Sun Ce is very belligerent, and it is impossible for him not to appear in such a big battle.

Lu Xun had a flash of inspiration. As long as he knew Sun Ce's position, wouldn't he be able to grasp the latest movements of the enemy army?

However, the scouts have not reported for a long time.

In other words, Sun Ce has entered the army, and Yangzhou has great powers, so there is no way to investigate.

Suddenly, Lu Xun couldn't help thinking of Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu.

Then I thought of Runan...

Lu Xun silently recited "Runan" three times, concentrating all his mind on this place.

Runan is not far from Jingzhou.

And Runan is the rear base of Zhang Liao's army.

Lu Xun connected all his thoughts together and finally came to a conclusion.

Runan is the breakthrough point of Jingzhou!

Lu Xun suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, which explains why Huang Gai came in a hurry to fight Gan Ning.

Regardless of the outcome, Zhou Yu's goal has been achieved.

Gan Ning was completely restrained!

Lu Xun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Zhou Yu was really powerful, and just to be on the safe side, he even sent Huang Zhong.

Moreover, Gan Ning's mentality was well grasped.

The Yangtze River Basin is the territory of the Chishui Army.

Huang Gai came to provoke, how could Gan Ning give up?

A great war cannot be avoided.

It is also possible for Huang Gai to turn around and leave when confronted.

When Lu Xun came to his senses, it was already late at night, and five hours had passed since Gan Ning set off for the expedition.

Originally, Lu Xun wanted Gan Ning to return to the army, but suddenly thought, what if this is just a guess?

Although there is [-]% certainty.

To be on the safe side, Lu Xun wrote a letter to inform Gan Ning that Sun Ce was probably in Runan, and included his own analysis.

As for Gan Ning's choice, that's up to him.

"Come on, hurry up and give it to General Gan!" Lu Xun ordered.

"Obey!" said a guard.

As soon as the messenger left, Lu Xun found that he was not safe enough.

You can't just remind Gan Ning, but also remind Runan.

So, Lu Xun wrote another letter and sent it to Runan.

"No matter what, we must do our best." Lu Xun secretly said.

A day later, Gan Ning received a letter from Lu Xun, and he was dumbfounded.

Don't come early, don't come late, but the letter came at this time.

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