Of course Liu Ke knew that if he stayed on the frontal battlefield, he would be Dinghaishenzhen.

Because no one can break his undefeated myth!

However, Sun Ce is a big trouble. His surprise attack on Runan brought great pressure to Yangzhou.

If this trouble cannot be resolved quickly, once Sun Ce expands his advantage, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Because Yuan Benchu ​​didn't react, there was a time difference." Liu Ke said.

If Cao Cao and Yuan Shao joined forces, Liu Ke would not dare to randomly deploy troops.

It's a pity that among the allied forces, no one will give selflessly.

This gave Liu Keke an opportunity.

"The situation in Runan is indeed grim and cannot be delayed," Zhuge Liang said.

"I know what you are worried about. It is impossible for Sun Ce to hold me back. If I cannot defeat Sun Ce's army, I will take the next best thing and bring Zhang Liao back to Jiujiang County." Liu Ke said.

"Since the lord is confident, we don't need to say much," Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke's judgment has not been problematic so far.

"Okay, this time I plan to bring Zhongkang's [-] heavy infantry and Ziyi's [-] cavalry." Liu Ke said.

This is completely field posture.

However, considering Sun Ce's staunch character, Guo Jia did not object to such a configuration.

"The last general takes orders!" Tai Shici and Xu Chu said in unison.

"Heavy infantry is the trump card in this battle. After I take it away, Zilong shrinks the line of defense, and Feng Xiao and Yuan Zhi are in charge of assisting." Liu Ke said.

"Decree!" Zhao Yun and the other three said in unison.

Liu Ke directly handed over the command of the [-] troops to Zhao Yun's hands, which he valued very much.

"You don't need to be restrained anymore. If you have the opportunity, you can seize it yourself." Liu Ke said, he was afraid that everyone would be restrained and the opportunity to fight would be delayed, so he said such a sentence.

"Don't worry, my lord, they are all veterans," Guo Jia said.

"Congratulate you if you win, and figure it out if you lose," Liu Ke said.

"..." Guo Jia was speechless, it was really straightforward.

Liu Ke explained them one by one, and when everything was in order, the army was also ready.

Considering the inconvenience of heavy infantry, Liu Ke prepared thousands of carriages.

Of course, it's not for transporting people, but for transporting battle armor.

Wearing a battle armor weighing dozens of kilograms on the body, and running a long-distance attack, it is definitely a life-threatening matter.

In order not to affect the combat capability of the main force, Liu Ke only took away Zhuge Liang, Tai Shici, and Xu Chu.

Take Tai Shici as the former army.

After all, the cavalry ran fast, and Liu Ke needed to understand the situation in Runan.

After all, the situation was changing all the time, Zhang Liao's news was delayed by at least one day.

Halfway through the army's march, news suddenly came that Zhang Liao had captured Xu County.

"Beautiful!" Liu Ke exclaimed.

Looking at the long battle report, Liu Ke was pleasing to the eye, not letting go of every detail in it.

"Shi Yuan really didn't disappoint me." Liu Ke said.

Pang Tong again?

Although Zhuge Liang wanted to live the life of a salted fish, he also had a competitive heart.His performance in Jizhou was not bad, only a little worse than Pang Tong's performance in Runan.

But now that Pang Tong has made another miraculous achievement, Zhuge Liang is about to be left behind, how could he not be in a hurry?

Seeing the situation, Liu directly handed the battle report to Zhuge Liang.

"Oh, this Pang Shiyuan..." Zhuge Liang was at a loss for words for a moment.

"Kong Ming doesn't have to worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to perform in the future." Liu Ke said.

Zhuge nodded brightly.

It's better than Lu Xun who went south, everyone is at the same time, Lu Xun... no, how can we compare?

Zhuge Liang interrupted his thoughts.

"Wenyuan took down Xu County and now has a place to live, so he is not afraid of Sun Ce's attacking the city. Therefore, the rescue is no longer established. What needs to be considered now is how to defeat Sun Ce's army and drive them back to Jingzhou." Liu Ke said.

Yanzhou is the main battlefield.

"If Sun Ce agreed to make an appointment to fight, things would be much simpler," Xu Chu said.

"I'm afraid it's unlikely." Zhuge Liang said, "Now Sun Ce has two choices, one is to attack Xu County, but Zhang Liao's troops are enough for him to drink a pot, so attacking Xu County is the worst strategy, and the second is to retreat to Ru South, contain our troops and wait for a turning point."

It is more likely and safer to retreat.

Sun Ce, who occupied Runan, strangled Yangzhou's major traffic routes. Even if Zhang Liao took Xu County, he would do nothing.

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