Suddenly, the scout came to report:

"Report, Dongyang Hou's army has left the camp, and the armor is complete!"

Sure enough, Dongyang Hou will not miss the appointment.

Sun Ce couldn't help but clenched his spear tightly.

The Jingzhou dispatched troops this time with an extremely luxurious lineup. The generals included Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Pan Zhang, and Wei Yan. The latter three were talents discovered by Sun Ce. They had good abilities and were entrusted with important tasks by Sun Ce.

Especially Wei Yan, who has outstanding martial arts skills and is able to command troops well, but his qualifications are still relatively inexperienced.

Cao Cao's army formation is not bad. Even if Xiahou Dun is far away in Taishan County, Cao Ren stays in Chang'an, Xiahou Yuan defends Zhao Yun, and Yu Jin supports Luoyang, there are still generals such as Cao Hong, Cao Chun, Cao Zhen, and Xu Huang fighting.

"No matter what plots Dongyang Hou has, we will crush him with this battle!" Cao Cao said vigorously.

"Observe your orders!" the generals replied.

At this moment, Cao Cao was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

However, Zhou Yu caught one point and said, "What does it mean that the armor is complete?"

Ordinary troops are not qualified to wear armor.

Liu Ke changed his normal routine and equipped the Yangzhou Main Battle Corps with armor.But these armors are only for defense.

"The army of the Marquis of Dongyang is covered under iron armor." The scout replied.

"Tell me again, what you saw." Zhou Yu said.

The scout described it in detail.

Cao Cao's complexion changed drastically when he heard that, this kind of armor has never been heard before!

"From this point of view, this is the Marquis of Dongyang's reliance." Zhou Yu said.

During the march, Liu Ke kept transporting the heavy armor in a carriage, so Zhou Yu did not get first-hand information.

"I've never heard that relying on armor can defeat three times as many enemies. In this battle, the Marquis of Dongyang will definitely lose." Cao Cao said forcefully.

He's not just boosting morale, he's motivating himself.

"What the prime minister said is very true, but according to the description, this kind of armor is heavy, so we should take the strategy of exhausting the enemy and fight a protracted war." Zhou Yu suggested.

Ordinary generals wearing such armor would be panting for an hour of continuous combat, let alone ordinary soldiers.

"Isn't this too embarrassing?" Cao Zhen said.

"It's better than defeat." Zhou Yu said coldly.

"Don't get me wrong, Dudu, I don't have any other intentions, I just want to beat the Marquis of Dongyang in one go." Cao Zhen said.

"Hey, Dongyang Hou is so easy to defeat? A fledgling kid!" Wei Yan sarcastically said.

Cao Zhen wanted to say something, but Cao Cao stared back.

"Shut up! The battle is imminent, don't disturb the morale of the army!" Sun Ce shouted.

Wei Yan backed away.

Soon the Yangzhou Army entered the designated location and began to form troops.

In fact, before coming here, Liu Ke had already arranged it, and now he just made slight adjustments.

The two sides looked at each other from a distance, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see how many people there were.

In one person's sight, there is no difference between hundreds of thousands of people and three hundred thousand people.

Liu Ke slapped his horse forward, Xu Chu and Tai Shici followed behind him.

On the opposite side, Cao Cao and Sun Ce also lined up.

"Both, long time no see." Liu Ke greeted calmly.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is safe and well, and his style is still the same." Cao Cao said with emotion, because of the gout, he felt much older.

As for Liu Ke, what was it like since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and what is it like now.

Really enviable!

Sun Ce cupped his fists in response.

"If we're ready, we don't need to talk nonsense. I'll see the truth." Liu Ke said, you know, the armor on the heavy infantry can crush people, and every breath consumes energy.

Delaying it will not do the Yangzhou Army any good.

"What's the hurry, Marquis Dongyang? We haven't seen each other for a long time, and finally got the chance, so we should talk about it, and the ancient heroes cherish each other, that's all." Cao Cao said.

The reason why Cao Cao was long-winded was because Zhou Yu made a suggestion to delay time.

After seeing the military appearance of the Yangzhou Army, Cao Cao was even more eager to implement this concept.

These armors are not light at first glance.

It's a pity that Liu Ke was very clear about Cao Cao's careful thinking, and said: "In a quarter of an hour, our army will launch an attack. If the prime minister is interested, please stay and chat after the battle."

After speaking, Liu Ke rode his horse and left without stopping for a moment.

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched, what do you mean stay and chat?

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