"Don't throw it away, I guess it's more troublesome on the poisonous island, I think sister Azusa and Mana are quite normal." Kitahara Iori held the phone and suggested: "I have a good idea, why don't we Playing the underworld again, using the name of molesting, to take away Budao, this will not only achieve the goal, but also make her friends feel ashamed of her, it will serve multiple purposes.”

"Eh?" Kohei Imamura looked complicated, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that your head is full of water."

"It's a feasible solution, but if those people drink alcohol, there might be conflicts at that time. If there is a fight, it's not worth it."

"Di Taro, they definitely won't get too drunk. By then, your physique will be enough to frighten them."

"I think so too. When the time comes, the two of us will cooperate to ensure that you will be set off as a real gangster brother."

Kujo Ditaro turned off the car, tilted his head and said, "With your clothes, even a mentally retarded person will not connect you with the underworld."

Imamura Kohei glanced down, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I can just go up and change a set now, isn't pure black OK?"

Kitahara Iori tugged at her short sleeves, and said in disgust, "If there is anything extra, I'll make it up for you too."

"OK, come up with me."

The two went back and forth, and the overall dressing style changed from nondescript to completely black.

Kujo Ditaro didn't bother to complain, so he started the car and went straight to KTV.


"Sakura, why have you been away for so long?"

"Um, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, so I stayed for a while."

"Well, come on, let's have a drink."

Sakurako Busushima declined the offer to drink on the grounds that she was unwell.

However, it was no surprise that these well-prepared boys kept using various excuses to persuade them to drink.

Seeing the two friends who would not refuse to drink and persuaded her to drink together, Sakurako Busushima sighed in her heart, she was really naive for a while.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Sakurako Busushima drank some beer more or less.

Although the feeling of dizziness is not too strong, the vigilance in his heart has reached a high point.

"Sakura, come on, keep drinking."

"No need, Caizhai, I'm a little dizzy."

"Eh? That's not enough, Sakura is really boring."

"Yakko, the capacity for alcohol is practiced. Every time you get drunk, your capacity for alcohol will get better."

Facing everyone's persuasion, Sakurako Busushima couldn't shirk, and picked up the wine glass again.

Under the illumination of neon lights, the wine in the wine glass presents a colorful and strange color.

While Sakurako Busushima was in a trance, the wine glass quietly dropped, and the wine spilled all over the floor.

Everyone exclaimed incessantly, and the few people whose drinks were spilled began to complain even more.


Sakurako Busushima repeatedly apologized, and when she looked around from the corner of her eye, she saw the door of the box suddenly pushed open.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and what caught their eyes was a man in black clothes.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm in the box next door. Didn't I lose in a punishment game? I want to sing a song with you."

"Ah? It's not convenient for us here, don't be an eyesore here, go quickly."

If the visitor is a beautiful woman, the boys in the venue may readily agree, but if it is a person of the same sex, they will naturally sneer at each other.

The black-haired man scratched his head and said with a sneer: "Everyone, save face, I'm playing a punishment game with my brother, if I can't do it, it will be very difficult."

"Go away, you treat yourself as something, we will not be polite if you are an eyesore."

The men near the door stood up with unfriendly expressions.

The black-haired man put down the hand scratching his head, and snorted coldly: "If you don't sing, you won't sing, what are you dragging, I'm shit!"


"Oh what, a bunch of trash!"

After the black-haired man finished mocking, he opened the door and left immediately.

They had already drank some wine, but now they were blocked by an outsider and scolded at the door, everyone couldn't stand it anymore.

The men near the door chased them out with hideous faces.

"Where is the fool, this is not asking for trouble."

"I just heard that person mention elder brother. Could it be that he knows it?"

"Look at his instigation, if he is black, I will eat this cup on the spot."


The remaining few people were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was somewhat harmonious.

Sakurako Busushima looked left and right, feeling very complicated.

What is this guy Beiyuan doing!

There are seven or eight boys here, what if they get beaten up?

Do you want to intercede for them... My words should still be useful...

With a bang, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

"You guys are so fast? Have you finished beating that bastard?"

"not us..."

The few people who walked into the box all had bitter faces.

At the same time, San Dao followed closely behind, breaking the atmosphere in the arena.

"Brother, it's them who say you're a fart."

"What? Brother, don't mess with this!"


The tall man, who was as strong as an iron tower, pondered for a while, and his face darkened instantly.

"It's not... a misunderstanding, you three."

The handsome man sitting in the middle of the sofa stood up with a smile, and explained: "It was a misunderstanding before."

"What's the misunderstanding? Didn't these guys chase me out just now, and even threatened to beat me to death."

The black-haired man fanned the flames, and his face became more and more villainous.

The handsome man waved his hands again and again, and signaled: "Didn't I just say it, this is a misunderstanding, you guys apologize to the three big brothers."

"Apologize? If an apology is useful, why do you need the police? Huh?"

The handsome blond man standing next to the black-haired man put his hands in his pockets with a ferocious face, and spoke in a very harsh tone.

These two bastards!

The handsome man clenched his fists, and his anger began to ignite.


The muscular man looked around, under his ferocious gaze, no one dared to look at him.

Sakurako Busushima was not afraid, but she lowered her head in order to play the full set.

Do you want to do this again?

Not to mention...acting in his true colors!

They're not actors...too bad.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The strong man's eyes stopped on the three girls.

His actions were obvious, and he didn't intend to hide it, so everyone noticed it.

The black-haired man understood, and said with a smirk: "These three younger sisters are quite handsome."

"We happen to be three of us too, we have a tacit understanding." The blond handsome man smiled wickedly regardless of his appearance.

As the saying goes, men are inherently weak, but women are strong.

With the strength of alcohol and anger, plus the advantage of the number of people, all the boys in the box stood up.

Eh?Is the plot wrong?

Why aren't they afraid of Di Taro?

The two people beside the muscular man looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and they all had the idea of ​​running away.

Looking at the menacing group of people, the muscular man smiled back without fear and strode forward.

Even though there are a lot of people, but facing this tall figure coming directly, the few leaders only feel the pressure is huge, and they can't help but back away.

This retreat, high and low points.

"What are you doing? Do you think my elder brother is easy to bully? Sit down for me!"

Seeing the return of the situation, the black-haired man grimaced and continued to fight against others.

The blond handsome man didn't give way, pointing and clamoring, "What are you doing? Rebellion, my elder brother is the heavyweight boxing champion, come up and touch me if you don't agree? You want to try?"

"..." The man who was called out shook his head again and again, expressing that he had no such idea.


The muscular man raised his hand, and the venue was instantly quiet.

Looking at the people below, he glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "We are next door, it's a bit boring, the three of them come out and chat with us one by one."

"This..." The handsome man's face froze suddenly in the middle of his sentence, and he changed his words: "No problem, that... Cai Cai, ask your friend to chat with Big Brother."

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