"Brother Di, it's almost time, let's stop here."

"That's right, Brother Di, you can get rich by raising pigs properly."

After confirming that the situation had been settled, Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei immediately tried to persuade them.

They were really worried, what if Kujo Ditaro couldn't hold back for a while and beat him to death?

This is not nonsense, after all, they have seen Kujo Tetaro's strength.

Even a table designed for arm wrestling can break, let alone a fragile person.

"You guys woke me up."

Kujo Ditaro took down the helmets of several people, took note of their appearance, and warned: "I remember all of you, and the boxing gym should be easy to find. I don't want to be in trouble, you guys Do you understand what I mean?"

"We are not as skilled as others. We have nothing to say. As for the things you are worried about, we don't bother to do them."

"Really? But I can't trust this guy's behavior."

Kujo Ditaro pulled one person up, and said with a sneer, "I don't think you will give up easily for a troll like you, right? And then ask the navy to blackmail my manga?"

"Are you kidding me, Shuijun? Can I afford it?"


Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, but he was speechless, but just to be on the safe side, he still checked the person's residential address.

"Be careful. If there are a lot of black fans in the comment area of ​​my work, I will go to you as soon as possible."

"You are so arrogant, if I didn't buy those black fans."

"Then I'll beat you up too, because I'm in a bad mood."

Kujo Didaro didn't listen to the nonsense, and after throwing the person down, he drove away.


"Eh? Deutaro, did we forget something?"

"When you say that... it's that sister! We forgot about her."

Kujo Ditaro was taken aback, and said casually: "What sister? I don't know what you are talking about."

"...." Kitahara Iori opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

Imamura Kohei hesitated for a while, and couldn't bear to say: "Are you really leaving her alone?"

"It can be managed."

Kujo Ditaro answered simply, but the corners of his mouth were raised, "As long as you pay for your children, everything will be fine."

"Gonghei, I didn't expect you to be so great. Di Taro turned around and Kohei made a sacrifice."

In the middle of Kitahara Iori's words, he saw the blond man falling asleep, and quickly shook him awake.

"Why don't you pretend to be asleep, a man should promise a thousand dollars, promises..."

Imamura Kohei pretended to be confused, and murmured: "What? What did you say? I don't know very well, oh...my head hurts, I need to sleep for a while."

"Stop pretending, and didn't you say it, this is milking yourself in disguise, are you earning blood well?"

"Are you kidding me, I'm so handsome and capable..."

"OK, it's decided, Di Taro, let's sacrifice him."

Kujo Didaro didn't answer, but turned the car around silently.

Kohei Imamura grimaced, and argued: "Wait, wait, don't do it... All right, I was confused, I apologize to the two big brothers."

"All right, all right, let's talk about your offspring later."

Kitahara Iori raised the corner of her mouth and waved her hand disapprovingly.

Imamura Kohei grabbed the black-haired man's neck and said with a sneer: "Di Taro, don't listen to Iori's nonsense. If you have to sacrifice, why not use Iori. He is such a waste, it is not a pity to die."

"What the hell are you..."

"My value to the team is far more than Iori..."

After Kitahara Iori broke free from the shackles, he pinched the man under his arm with his backhand.

Imamura Kohei stretched the arm at the neck, reluctantly said: "Di Taro...I am more useful than Iori, he is a waste...er...he...sacrificed..."

Seeing the blond-haired man whose resistance gradually weakened, Kitahara Iori smiled grimly and suggested, "Di Taro, Kohei is the traitor among us, so he should be sacrificed later."

"It doesn't matter who sacrificed, but Gengping is indeed a good candidate."

The corners of Kujo Tetaro's mouth, reflected in the rearview mirror, looked extremely serious.

"This guy is beautiful and has so many advantages, he must be restrained."

Kitahara Iori stepped up her efforts, her face distorted beyond human appearance.

Yes, he was sour.

Even the moment Kujo Tetaro found his girlfriend, he had never been so sour.

No way, he thought that in this team, the level of the three people was not much different, even if a traitor appeared in the middle, there were still two people running a fair race.

But the fact is cruel, among the three, only he is running!

The other two were either flying rockets or airplanes, and they couldn't compete normally at all.

Therefore, in order to achieve psychological balance, he must pull someone into the water.

"Give up, it's impossible for you to win me in terms of physique!"

Kitahara Iori found her spiritual sustenance and began to show her excellent physical fitness.

Kohei Imamura twisted his eyes and uttered a sentence hoarsely, "You wolf-hearted beast!"

"Whatever you say."

Kitahara Iori has made up her mind, her ordinary face is full of determination.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


After driving back for an hour or so, Kujo Tetaro caught up with the truck that was supposed to be carrying people.

"Did that sister jump out of the car?"

"I guess so, but why didn't I meet them on the road?"

Kujo Ditaro turned the front of the car on the spot, thinking: "Could it be that he jumped into the sea?"

Kitahara Iori strangled the blond man's neck, and analyzed: "That sister can live safely to this age, doesn't it mean that she has a strong ability to survive, so she won't jump into the sea, right?"

"Maybe." Kujo Ditaro nodded, and said, "Let's go back first, maybe we will meet her on the way, this idiot is really, I don't understand her way at all."

"Gengping, what do you think of your in-laws? Oh...you are very happy, right, okay, we understand, and we will definitely facilitate this marriage for you."

Kitahara Iori ignored the blond man whose face was getting more and more distorted, and talked a lot by himself.

I don't know how long it has passed, Kujo Titaro found Yoshiko Hanabata who was running wildly.

"Yo, I'm running."

"Well! I'm running."

"Oh... want me to take you for a ride?"

Yoshiko Huabata waved her hand and subconsciously said, "No, I'm looking for someone, and it's not convenient to take your car."

"That's it." Kujo Tetaro raised the window and stepped on the accelerator.

"This car looks familiar, and the voice just now..."

Seeing the white car gradually going away, Yoshiko Hanabata thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Isn't this the car of Di Taro? Hey! Di Taro! Wait a minute!"

"You don't need a ride, don't you?" Kujo Titaro slowed down the car, waited for a while, then tilted his head and said, "Why do you want to take a ride again? Kako."

"No, I didn't notice it just now, forget it, let's not mention this, wait...I'm here to tell you something..."

Yoshiko Hanabata's stupidity once again refreshed the cognition of the three of them.

Kujo Ditaro pondered for a while, waved his hand and said, "Get in the car first, Kako."

Seeing the orange-haired girl getting into the car, Kitahara Iori raised the corners of her mouth and said flatteringly, "Miss Jiazi, let me tell you something nice."

"Huh? Sister Jiazi? Hahaha." Huabata Jiazi scratched her head and smiled, approvingly said: "You are very discerning. If you have something to say, I will listen."

"No no no..."

Kohei Imamura's eyes were about to burst, and he struggled even harder.

Kitahara Iori raised his hands and said with a smile, "Sister Jiazi, my name is Kitahara Iori, and this is the case. As for my brother, I really want to make a baby kiss with your future child."

"Huh? Darling? Oh... I remembered, why did I come to chase Di Taro." Kako Huabata clapped her hands and said excitedly: "Di Taro, I'm here to tell you..."

Kujo Ditaro smiled back, and interrupted: "Kako, don't worry, what Iori said is more important to you."

"Iori, do you mean baby kiss?" Hanabata Yoshiko looked at the black-haired man, her eyes slowly moving down.

Imamura Kohei pretended to be ugly, and his face became more and more distorted.

Kako Hanabata frowned, and said in disgust, "He's too ugly, don't."


Imamura Kohei was ecstatic in his heart, and his expression became even more ferocious.

Kitahara Iori was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Miss Jiazi, don't be fooled by him, he is very handsome."

"No." Yoshiko Huabata shook her head, and said solemnly: "My child will be very cute. It's not okay for him to be like this, but for you, it's okay."

"Eh..." Kitahara Iori's eyes widened, and she evaded: "No need for that, Miss Kako is so cute, my child is not worthy..."

"No, you look quite upright. Although you are not as handsome as Xiao Ming, I approve of you."


Kitahara Iori's face became more and more defined.

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