Kitahara Iori raised his head, looked at the blond man with a hideous face, and smiled.

Imamura Kohei was taken aback, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"I'm fine."

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"What the hell, we are true love, Geng Ping, I'm sure it's okay to just kiss each other."

Kitahara Iori decided to plan, and the corners of her mouth rose wildly.

Kohei Imamura couldn't believe it, and his face was instantly grim, "Yeah, I don't care, just a kiss!"

"Ah? You don't care? You have to think it through!"

Kitahara Iori stared, her face became more and more ugly.

"Of course, I think very clearly, come on! Dear! I'm afraid of you!"

Kohei Imamura showed no sign of weakness, and moved his face to him with wide eyes.

This guy...

Could he have that kind of thought about me, and then play tricks?

Impossible... He must be forcing me to compromise, if I compromise, then my offspring will be finished! think well!

Kitahara Iori clenched his fists, and after a brief decision, he pursed his sexy thin lips.

The corners of Kohei Imamura's eyes twitched, and his heart was shaken violently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You should probably give up, right? Huh?"

"You are the one. If this goes on, your first time will be mine."

"Obviously there may not be any offspring, why do you have to do this?"

"Are you afraid? Come here and kiss me if you have the ability!"

As time went by, Imamura Kohei's face got closer and closer to Kitahara Iori's mouth.

The two were making the final desperate struggle, intending to use words to break through each other's psychological defense.

However, I don't know how long it has passed, but the conversation between the two still hasn't stopped.

Looking at the blond man with his back turned to her, Yoshiko Hanabata raised the corners of her lips, and her smile became more and more weird.

"You haven't...uh!"

In the middle of Kohei Imamura's words, he felt a thrust from behind, and he couldn't stop leaning forward.

Kitahara Iori reacted too quickly and turned her head in time, but there was still a wet feeling on her face.

Time seemed to be frozen, only the clicking sound coming from the front was extremely ear-piercing.

Kohei Imamura's eyes were tearing, and when he got up, he didn't forget to turn his head and curse.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Aren't you shy, so I'll help you out."

"Help me with a hammer? What the hell...I can't do it, I'm so disgusted! You bastard!"

Yoshiko Hanabata was indifferent, and she didn't mean to blame herself at all, but smiled heartily.

Kohei Imamura was furious, but there was nothing he could do. After all, you can't do anything to girls, right?


There was a high-frequency vibration in his pocket, Kohei Imamura took out his mobile phone, and he was dumbfounded just by looking at it.

【Kujo Ditaro: (picture)】

[Furutegawa Chisa: What are you doing again? 】

[Yoshihara Mana: Are you playing a punishment game?Playing so big this time? 】

[Azusa Hamaoka: awsl! 】

[Tokita Shinji: Are you having a private reception?Why don't you call us? 】

[Shoulong Jiro: Is this in the car?Have the two of them finally awakened? 】

"Get up!"

Kohei Imamura picked up the loveless black-haired man, and slapped him twice with his backhand.

Kitahara Iori came back to her senses, covered her aching cheeks, and cursed angrily, "Why are you whipping me?"

"Don't embarrass me, look at the messages in the group." Kohei Imamura said, handing out his phone.

Kitahara Iori reached out to take it, and after looking at it quickly for a few seconds, his face gradually twisted.

"Di Taro!"


"What are you talking about? You upload the picture, how can we explain it!"


Kujo Toshitaro was unmoved, and retorted confidently, "If you can explain clearly, then why should I pass it on?"

"Are you taking revenge on us?"

Kitahara Iori squeezed the phone tightly, gritted her teeth and squeezed out a word.

"Revenge? Don't say it so badly." Kujo Toshitaro reasoned slowly, with a calm tone, "This level is not considered revenge, Iori, when did you become so hypocritical?"

"Pretentious?" Kitahara Iori shook her head and said with a smile, "No, I'm just asking about your position. It seems that this time you're going to die."

"Oh?" Kujo Tetaro understood, and sighed, "That was really a short-lived friendship."

"Yeah, it's really a short friendship." Kitahara Iori looked lonely, but the corners of his mouth were crazily raised.

Kohei Imamura restrained his expression, and murmured: "You guys... But this is the end of the matter, let us fight without regrets!"


Yoshiko Huabata is playful by nature, and even if she hears the mist, she still wants to join in.

"What are you playing? I'm coming too."

"Oh? Then let me ask you, what stupid things did Di Taro do in high school?"

"Jiazi, I invite you to eat a banana and shut your mouth!"

Yoshiko Huabata grinned and said with a sly smile, "I seem to have discovered something about who Di Taro chased after high school? The starting price is a banana."

"I bought it." Kitahara Iori not only answered decisively, but even paid for it.

Kujo Tetaro pressed the horn and warned, "I'll give you five, shut your mouth."

"Di Taro, this is an auction, the highest bidder wins, what are you doing, blatantly breaking the rules?"

Kitahara Iori's eyes flickered coldly, and he suddenly said a high price, "I will offer ten bananas."

"I give twenty."



"One hundred!"

If Imamura Kohei does not make a song, it is enough, but if it is a song, it is astonishing.

His double offer made the atmosphere in the arena even more anxious.

Kujo Ditaro glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, and said coldly: "Kohei, you want to stand on the opposite side of me, right? You have to think clearly."

"Di Taro, your era is over, as long as you dig out the black history of high school, everything is worth it."

Imamura Kohei held the front of his body with one hand, his eyes were full of sly light, obviously he was planning something in his heart.

Kujo Ditaro snorted, and said disdainfully: "Just because you want to fight with me? 200 bananas, Kako, don't be too greedy."

"200 bananas...200 bananas..." Yoshiko Hanabata gestured with her fingers, looking excited.

Kitahara Iori didn't change his face, and said grandly: "Three hundred bananas, Di Taro, don't be so stingy, this is about your dark history in high school."

"Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing, four hundred bananas."

Kujo Tetaro's tone was ruthless.

Kitahara Iori waved his hand, with a very calm expression, "Well, if I can die on the way to find the truth, then my life will be without regrets, six hundred bananas."

"Since Yizhi is so generous, I will also accompany you, eight hundred bananas."

Imamura Kohei made another move and raised the auction price.

Yoshiko Hanabata laughed so much that her mouth was watering, and her eyes were narrowed.

Kujo Tetaro honked the horn, even though he didn't speak, his actions already explained a lot.

"You... a thousand!"

"One thousand and five hundred, Di Taro's dark history is really exciting."

"Eighteen hundred, don't push yourself too far!"

"Insights? Well, well, two thousand bananas."

After a deathly silence, Kujo Tetarou spoke.

"Well, then congratulations, Comrade Kohei Imamura, you have won."

" 2...wait! What did you say?"

"You heard me right, I won't be filming anymore, my black history in high school belongs to you."

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