"Sister Jiazi, the excuse of refusing on the grounds of not delaying your studies is equivalent to being a good person to you, and it is normal for Di Taro to give up."

Kitahara Iori couldn't see the situation clearly, so he planned to be stable on both sides.

Yoshiko Hanabata waved her hand, and said seriously: "That's not it, Sayaka doesn't have any friends of the opposite sex, except for Xiao Ming, who is Di Taro, as long as Di Taro works harder, he can actually catch up with Sayaka, and Sayaka is not rejecting Di Taro. Taro, she said she doesn’t want to fall in love in high school, so she told Di Taro in disguise that college is fine.”

"..." Kitahara Iori took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Sister Jiazi, if the world is as beautiful as you think, then I should have a girlfriend too."

"I'm not talking nonsense to you." Kako Huabata held up a finger and said with a sly smile: "If I'm not wrong, you can give me a banana. If I'm wrong, forget it."


Kitahara Iori felt that if he cared about the fairness of the bet, he would look stupid, so he readily agreed.

Yoshiko Hanabata took out her mobile phone and quickly sent a text message.

Kitahara Iori frowned, glanced forward, and asked, "Di Taro, why are you so quiet?"

"The more you know, the happier I will be when I do it?"

Kujo Tetaro lowered the car window, and the cold wind blowing in front of him made him smile from the heart.

Kitahara Iori's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, isn't this forcing me to turn back!

Imamura Kohei has long been a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Even in the face of such threats, his will remains unmoved.

"Miss Jiazi, you said that Di Taro chased many girls in high school, do you remember how many girls there were?"

"Well... I can't remember all, there should be seven or eight."

"Seven or eight? Di Taro, you really spread the net."

Kujo Tetaro didn't have aloofness, so he answered very naturally.

"Anyway, none of them were caught, so what does it matter if you know."

"It's not like that. Girls are all selfish."

Imamura Kohei raised the corners of his mouth, his beautiful face gradually became ferocious.

Kujo Tetaro didn't take it seriously, and reminded: "We have already returned to the town."

Hearing this, Yoshiko Huabata began to complain.

"Xiao Ming is also true. I have been away for so long, but I haven't called me a single call."

Kitahara Iori endured the desire to complain all the way, but finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"...Miss Jiazi, I think the problem lies with you."

"What? Why is it my problem? Have you made a mistake?"

"This problem has to be traced back to your past. You'd better think about it yourself."

Huabata Yoshiko was in a fog, looked down at the phone, and said excitedly: "Sayaka is back to me."

"What did she say?"

Except for Totaro Kujo, the attention of the three people in the car was all on the chat messages on the mobile phone.

Yoshiko Hanabata squeezed her chin and replied, "Sayaka said, I don't understand what I'm talking about."

"What did you post?"

Kitahara Iori sensed something was wrong and moved her head closer.

【Sayaka, can you fall in love now? 】

"Well... If she doesn't think it's strange about your question, I think it's strange."

"Eh? Why?"

Kitahara Iori was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: "You just ask her, Di Taro likes you, what do you think?"


Yoshiko Hanabata bowed her head to type, and just in the middle of typing, the cold wind slipping past her neck made her sneezed uncontrollably.


Yoshiko Hanabata rubbed her nose, looked at the text message that had been sent, her expression was a little stiff.

"What's wrong? Didn't you send the wrong message?"

"How is it possible, such a low-level mistake."

Kitahara Iori narrowed her eyes, and poked her head suspiciously, "Sister Jiazi, did you make a mistake? Otherwise, why stop me from seeing it?"

"No! How could I make such a low-level mistake, hahaha..."

Yoshiko Hanabata folded her hands behind her back, sweating profusely on her face, completely confirming her suspicions.

The corner of Kitahara Iori's mouth twitched, and he urged: "Sister, what did you post wrong, please withdraw it quickly."

"Uh...it's too late, the phone has already vibrated."

"Then what did she reply? Anyway, just explain it."

Yoshiko Hanabata picked up the phone and looked at it, with a strange expression on her face.

Kitahara Iori leaned over his head, and the content of the text message that caught his eyes made his eyes widen.

【Sayaka, Di Taro likes your........ breasts】

【Jiazi, what are you talking about? How can you make fun of this kind of thing? I'm really angry! 】

"Eldest sister, what kind of plane are you doing? You can't type it like this even if you make a typo."

Kitahara Iori couldn't help but suspect that the girl in front of her didn't accidentally make a typo, but deliberately messed up.

"It's not a big problem, just let me explain. Sayaka is easy to talk to."

Huabata Yoshiko said that she was going to write a message to clarify the misunderstanding.

However, at this moment, the other party sent a message first.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro has been in a state of indifference to the commotion of the three of them.

It's not that he is generous, but that killing requires motivation, let alone three people.

Therefore, he had to ambush.


Yoshiko Hanabata looked at the message and suddenly narrowed her eyes.

Kitahara Iori noticed the element and moved her head curiously.

【Jiazi, have you ever met Di Taro? 】

[Yes, I met Di Taro in the town, and now he is by my side. 】

[That's right, I haven't seen Di Taro much after graduating from high school. How is he doing recently? 】

[Sayaka, didn’t you reject Di Taro’s confession because you didn’t want to fall in love in high school, but now that you have graduated from high school, does it mean that you can fall in love? 】

"Sister, it's very problematic for you to post like this."

Kitahara Iori pursed her lips with a stiff expression.

Yoshiko Hanabata waved her hand with a confident smile on her face.

Kitahara Iori felt uneasy, and even a little afraid to look at the message that would be sent.

At the same time, a calm voice came from ahead.

"What did you post?"

"It's nothing."

"Nothing? Bring the phone."

Kujo Tetaro stretched out his hand back, motioning for the phone.

Huabata Yoshiko did not do so, and found various reasons.

Kitahara Iori didn't dare to make a sound, silently disappearing her presence.

Imamura Kohei has a firm stand and is bound to carry the resistance to the end.

"Di Taro, don't you care?"

"You want to die, don't you? Believe it or not, I really took you to sell your kidney? Donate something by the way."

"Di Taro, don't make such a fuss. Since you haven't caught up with him, aren't you just ordinary friends? Why... don't you have any extraneous thoughts?"

Imamura Kohei grinned, his face became more and more distorted, and there was even a red light in his eyes.

Eight...eight ga!

This bastard... can actually blackmail Di Taro with this matter without changing his face...

too crazy!

Kitahara Iori glanced sideways, the corners of his eyes were bloodshot with horror.

Imamura Kohei didn't want to die, but he had no way out, so he could only die and survive.

"Yes, Di Taro, am I right?"

Kujo Tetaro pulled over and answered, "She is my high school classmate. You see people with colored glasses, so everything you see is colored."

Imamura Kohei covered his trouser pocket, and asked solemnly: "If this is the case, then the girls you chased in high school should all sever ties, right?"

"Why do you want to sever the relationship? Only those who have ghosts in their hearts will do such a thing. Those who really let go can be treated with a normal heart."

"That's not what they said. Some people are good at reverse thinking, so they deliberately go in the opposite direction."

"You are so familiar? Could it be someone who has experienced it? I see, you were a scumbag in high school."

"Di Taro, you don't have the right to say that about me. Have you forgotten what you did in the gym before? I still have the photos."

"What? What the hell are you talking about? What kind of photo? It's time to get out of the car."

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