Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, walked to the door and squatted down in a contented mood.

Looking at the advertisement on the edge of the door, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Yes, let's take a look, um, ok..."

Kujo Toshiwa stood up, turned around and asked Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

"Okay, let's get down to business, I have to go out."

"I heard that your comics are popular, and there will be a signing event next month. Come here to congratulate you."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said, throwing out the gift bag in his hand.

Kujo Ditaro took the gift bag, and before he had time to ask more, an explanation came from ahead.

"I got a prize on the way. Ou gave out a ticket for a two-day tour of a hot spring hotel. You can go to three people. I have to catch up with the manuscript, so I'll give it to you."

"You're so lucky?"

Kujo Tetaro was not looking at the contents of the gift bag, and pretended to be surprised and said: "Senior sister, you are so generous, I am not used to it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't show any face, and stretched out his hand directly, "Then you pay me back."

"I've given it all, so there is still a reason to go back." Kujo Ditaro waved the gift bag and said politely: "Since my senior is so generous, I will also give you a set after the signing meeting next month." Let’s start a special edition booklet.”

"What are you using that kind of thing for? Leave me alone and... eh."

The corners of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's lips curled up, and she said with a sly smile: "There is something wrong with the legs of my table, I just use them to cushion them, okay, that's the deal, bye."

After watching the black-haired girl leave, Kujo Didaro fell into thought.

After an unknown amount of time passed, his eyes lit up, and he quickly called the editor of Yinsha.

"Teacher Kongtiao, what's the matter?"

"Editor Yinsha, in addition to the first special edition, I also want to get twenty sets of first deluxe editions."

"Deluxe version? Teacher Kujo, this is not something we can discuss, it's decided by the company."

"I will go to your company tomorrow to discuss. I will pay for the deluxe version myself. On the contrary, I have to participate in the design and plan of the deluxe version. I can also give you a clear answer about the animation. ,This is for sure."

Kujo Tetaro was in the middle of speaking, and emphasized: "I will come to your magazine tomorrow morning. It is best for the editor of the sound sand to notify in advance, which can save a lot of time."

"This... I understand, I will tell the editor-in-chief, that Mr. Kongtiao, I actually have an unkind request."

The editor of Yinsha scratched his face, hesitated again and again, and said in a low voice: "If there is a deluxe first edition, can you give me an internal channel, I also want to buy a copy for collection."

"Huh? Well, no problem, Editor Yinsha, I will give you a deluxe version."

"This... how embarrassing it is..."

The editor of Yinsha said that he couldn't do it, but his body was very honest, and his face almost died of laughter.

That's right, before she knew it, she was already deeply involved in the "JOJO" fan circle, and she couldn't extricate herself.

"Teacher Kongtiao, why did you suddenly think of making this deluxe version? Is it a gift for a friend?"

"There are considerations in this regard, but once the deluxe version is released, the scale of the signing event will definitely be expanded, and you will understand by then."

"Teacher Kongtiao, you are quite resourceful, but how many of your twenty sets of deluxe editions do you plan to release, and how should readers buy them?"

"Putting out three sets, as for how to buy, I think this way, only those who come to the autograph session to buy the booklet will get a lottery ticket, and those who buy the special edition will get three tickets, anyway, it's almost like this business model."

Kujo Ditaro's proposal was initially approved by the editor of Yinsha.

After the two had an in-depth discussion, they hung up the phone.

"Sixteen sets of deluxe editions should be enough without the editing of the sound sand."

Kujo Tetaro pinched his chin, and various faces flashed in his mind one by one.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the morning of the next day.

Kujo Ditaro had no class during the day, so he simply drove to the next city early.

In order to avoid the rush hour for work, it was only after eight o'clock in the morning when he came to the magazine office.

Before Ditaro Kujo opened the door and got out of the car, he first called the editor of the sound sand.

"Teacher Kongtiao, you have come to the company? Why so soon?"

"I was afraid of catching up with the rush hour, so I set off early, and I still have classes in the afternoon."

"Uh...I forgot, you're still a college student, I'll be there in fifteen minutes..."

Kujo Tetaro hung up the phone, and after waiting for a while, there was a panting sound from the side and rear.

"Uh...uh...huh...Mr. Kujo, you...you're too...quick, you're exhausted...I'm exhausted."

The just-right staccato made the supposedly serious passage even more perverted...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Teacher Kujo, this is the conference room, I'll go find the editor-in-chief Minano, please wait a moment."

After the editor Yinsha closed the door and left, Kujo Tetaro had nothing to do, and flipped through the comments on the manga website.

As in the past, the confrontation in the comment area still hasn't stopped.

Kujo Ditaro has long lost the mood to delete comments, after all, there are too many people who scold him.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the Internet is a place outside the law, for these keyboard warriors who are full of trains, he really wants to pack them all up and let the Quanjin Group rush him to Thailand for surgery.

And then... all debut!

When Kujo Tetaro speculated maliciously, the door of the conference room slowly opened.


Kujo Tetaro got up politely, looked at the green-haired girl in white who walked into the room, he was stunned for a moment.

"Kids, this is the conference room, you..."

"Kid?" The girl in white raised her head and said blankly, "Brother, do you have candy?"

"Candy?" Kujo Tetaro smiled, took out a pack of chewing gum from his pocket, and said softly, "Here, go play elsewhere."

"Thank you, but I can't go."

After the girl in white took the gum, she went straight to the conference table and sat down.

Kujo Tetaro didn't know why, but he didn't ask.

After all, this is not his territory, so there is no need to control it so much.

Besides, this little girl with three nos has not shown her childish side, so he has no objections for the time being.

"Well, chewing gum is delicious, all right, let's get down to business."

While the girl in white sucked the gum, she did not forget to lick the sugar on her fingers with her tongue.

Kujo Tetaro didn't think it was strange at first, but after hearing what the girl said, his expression suddenly changed.

"Could it be... you are the editor-in-chief Minano?"

"Well, I'm the editor-in-chief, isn't it surprising?"

"This employment... Cough, editor-in-chief Minano, let's talk about business."

Kujo Tetaro didn't think that the editor of Yinsha would find a little girl to tease him, so he stopped questioning the girl's identity immediately.

Editor-in-Chief Minano nodded, and said in a flat voice: "I have already learned most of the situation from Yinsha. We started from a young age. Regarding your luxury edition customization, if you pay for it yourself, there is no problem. We The company will also publicize the matter.”

"Funding is not a problem, but my requirements are a bit too much, and I even want to add figures to the deluxe version."

"Join the figure?"

Kujo Ditaro added without hesitation: "The deluxe version, everything must be more complete, figures, posters, peripheral clothes, shouldn't they be all available."

"Don't you think it's a little too hasty?" Editor-in-Chief Junye raised his clear eyes, and there was still no wave on his clean face.

"I'm a little anxious, but it's out of print and the first release. Editor-in-Chief Minano, I can pay overtime. Can I get [-] sets out?"

Kujo Totaro's unscrupulous appearance has aroused the intense attention of the editor-in-chief Minano.

The two, one tall and the other short, looked at each other face to face for a few seconds, then the editor-in-chief Minano spoke.


"That's good."

Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Then about the animation, what does Editor-in-Chief Minano think?"

"The process from manga to animation should not be so fast, but if you are willing to pay for it yourself, then there must be no problem."

Editor-in-Chief Minano was distracted from answering questions while chewing gum.

"However, making animation is very expensive. You have to burn more than [-] million yuan for one episode, and this is still at an ordinary level. Maybe your comic income may not be able to earn back the investment in animation."

Kujo Didaro didn't say much, and a simple sentence directly blocked the topic.

"Editor-in-Chief Minano, money is really not a problem!"


Editor-in-Chief Minano remained silent, but the bubbles of chewing gum in front of his mouth were getting bigger and bigger.

With a slap, the expressionless green-haired girl was covered in white sticky stuff all over her mouth.

After the slender and small tongue rolled over the chewing gum around his mouth, the editor-in-chief Minano chewed and said.

"Since you've said that, I'll report it to the president, about cough..."

Without warning, the editor-in-chief Minano bent over and coughed violently.

Seeing the girl coughing badly, Kujo Tetaro couldn't help asking, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I usually eat too much sugar, cough cough..."

Editor-in-Chief Minano coughed more and more, and even fell to the ground at the end.

Kujo Tetaro realized the seriousness of the situation, went to the water dispenser to get a cup of warm water, and immediately came to the girl and squatted down.

"You drink some water."

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