Saturday morning.

After Kujo Tetaro came out of the magazine, he suddenly felt relaxed.

The reason for this is mainly because his affairs are all done.

Whether it is the deluxe version or the animation, everything has been negotiated and a contract has been signed.

Kujo Tetaro flicked the car keys, returned to the car in a happy mood, and habitually took out his mobile phone.


Kujo Ditaro answered the phone and said with a smile, "Captain Inukane, why are you interested in calling me?"

"President Kujo, what are you talking about, we are each other's partners."

"That's right, Team Leader Inujin, the last thing I did was to trouble you to help me. If it's money, I'll transfer it to you later."

"President Kujo, you're being polite. I'm not here to discuss money with you this time. My people have been messed up. Kamio is missing, and his life and death are unknown."

Hearing this, Kujo Tetaro's smile gradually disappeared...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After driving to the headquarters of the Inukane Group, Kujo Tetaro went directly to the Inukane Group Leader.

In Nuo Da's office, there were many men in black standing. They were somewhat surprised when they looked at Di Taro Kongjo at the door.

"You go find someone first."

"Yes! President."

Team leader Inukina dismissed his subordinates and pointed his pipe at the opposite sofa.

Kujo Tetaro understood, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"You came very quickly."

"Captain Inukane, how did Uncle Kamio disappear?"

"Those who work in gangsters will always encounter such things. They may be persecuted by enemies, or they may be captured by hostile gangs."

Team Leader Inukane was smoking a pipe with a gloomy expression.

"Team Leader Inukane." Kujo Tetaro was not surprised, and said bluntly: "Then what should we do? You should have experience in this area."

"I have sent someone out to look for it, and I have also informed the informants in other gangs. I hope he is all right."

After Group Leader Quan Jin exhaled smoke, the corners of his mouth turned up strangely, "Don't let me find out who did it, hmph!"

"Group leader Quanjin, if you have any clues, please tell me. This is the money I borrowed from you at the beginning, and the [-] million foreign debts I promised you. I will discount it here for you."

Kujo Tetaro took out the check he had prepared in advance, stood up politely and handed it out.

Team leader Inukane didn't put on airs, and also got up to take it.

Kujo Tetaro pursed his lips, looking hesitant to speak.

Team leader Inukane saw the clue and asked, "President Kujo, do you still have any difficulties?"

Kujo Tetaro nodded, "Uncle Kamio is missing, does his family know? What about their safety?"

"Those who come out to hang out are afraid of hurting their own family members, so it is an unwritten rule not to involve family members when it comes to problems between gangsters,"

Team leader Quan Jin sat back on the sofa and added: "But this may not be done by the gangsters, so I have sent someone to secretly protect his family."

"That's good."

Kujo Ditaro was slightly relieved, but not completely relieved.

Before leaving, he thought of something and asked a question.

"Does his family know about Uncle Kamio's disappearance?"

"Gangsters are also legal. If my employee is lost, I should call the police."

"That is to say, all his family members know? Then I won't bother the team leader."

Watching Kujo Ditaro leave, Team Leader Inukane picked up the check, glanced at it, and muttered to himself: "Why did this kid go there recently, [-] million, when I gave it out, my eyes Without blinking..."


The first time Kujo Tetaro returned to the town, he went to look for Kamio Kiyoko.

Ever since she was interrogated and found out that her father was still engaged in gangsters, Kiyoko Kamio had thought of various bad situations.

Now, however, the illusion has come true.


Kiyoko Kamio sat in the passenger seat with her head lowered.

Kujo Ditaro glanced sideways, looking at the little loli who had lost her former look, and felt uncomfortable.

After the two were silent for a long time, Kiyoko Kamio took the lead in breaking the quiet atmosphere.

The voice is not only a little hoarse, but even gives people a lifeless feeling.

"My dad...can't come back..."

Toshitaro Kujo had thought of many words of comfort, but at this moment, he couldn't say a single word.

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell into oppressive silence again.


Kamio Kiyoko took a deep breath, covered her eyes and forehead with her hands, and said in a low voice: "Di Taro, let's be separated for a while, I feel that my emotions may lose control in the next period of time, sorry."

Kujo Tetaro squeezed the steering wheel tightly, even though he was helpless, he still lied.

"Qingzi, this matter has not yet..."

Kamio Kiyoko didn't listen to the explanation, but just said a word calmly.

"People in the gang will not end well if they disappear, Di Taro, thank you for your comfort."

"Qingzi, you are not in a good state now, I can understand, but don't give up on yourself, okay?"

As Kujo Tetaro said, he stepped on the brakes hard.

After pulling Kamio Kiyoko out of the car, Kujo Tetaro pointed to the sea not far away.

"Since you live in this small town, I don't believe your father didn't bring you to see the sea, Qingzi, think about the good."

"But the facts are the facts... Blindly deceiving yourself will not solve anything at all..."

Kamio Kiyoko lowered her eyes, not looking at the distant scenery at all.

Kujo Tetaro was not angry, but still held his temper.

"In this world, most people are in a half-dead state. They want to die but cannot, and those who don't want to die are forced to die, but the world is like this. You can't change the world, so you have to learn to make yourself live easily. Qingzi, this is not deceiving myself."

"When you bet on horses, don't you also believe that those horses with low winning percentages will have a counterattack to win the championship? If so, why don't you think about your father and come back safely?"

"Keep the money you lose, but you can still earn it back..."

"Then if you win the money, will you return it?"

Kamio Kiyoko fell silent.

Kujo Ditaro held the girl's cheeks and comforted him: "Look at the scenery in front of you, and think about whether your father has done something that you thought was impossible to succeed, but succeeded."

"...It's all tricks to deceive children...It's only when I'm ignorant...Hey..."

Kiyoko Kamio covered her eyes with her hands, but the tears still flowed down.

Kujo Tetaro thought of something, and took out the travel ticket Kasumigaoka Shiwa gave him from his wallet.

"Qingzi, this ticket can go to the hot spring hotel for two days. Your family can go there to relax. Maybe when you come back, uncle will be home."

"Thank you...but at this time, I really don't feel like traveling..."

Kujo Didaro didn't force it, and silently put away the wallet.

Kamio Kiyoko took the first two steps and said without looking back, "If my dad is safe and I come back, let's go on a trip, Di Taro."



Kiyoko Kamio pursed her lips slightly, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito's chirping, blown inaudibly by the howling sea breeze.

"What? Qingzi, what did you just say?"

Kujo Ditaro had excellent ears, but at this moment, he still couldn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing."

With a backhand, Kamio Kiyoko untied the so-called most dangerous hairstyle in Two-dimensional.

The purple mid-length hair looks extremely soft under the sea breeze.

With the sea as a backdrop, the girl's back is surprisingly beautiful.

Kujo Tetaro's eyes widened, a desire to paint could no longer be restrained.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"what is this?"

After returning home with Kujo Tetaro, Kamio Kiyoko received a different gift.

Looking at the color pictures stored in the phone album, Kiyoko Kamio's eyes became more and more crystal clear.

Kujo Ditaro sat on the computer chair, facing the direction of the purple-haired girl, nodded and said: "Qingzi, this is your back view, I wrote down the scene at the beach just now, although the two-dimensional image was used style."


After zooming in on the details of the picture with two fingers, Kiyoko Kamio's heart beat violently.

Seeing the moving expression of the purple-haired girl, Kujo Didaro didn't feel complacent, but said something earnestly.

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