I don't know if it's the charm of money, but the strong figure just now appeared in the mind of the girl at the front desk.

"Could it be... no... Hehehe..."

The girl at the front desk covered her face with her hands, with a strange look in her eyes.


Kujo Tetaro did not go home, but ran to the headquarters of the Inukane Group.

Perhaps because of his acquaintance, the two guards at the door not only wouldn't stop him, but even respectfully called Di Ge.

Kujo Tetaro listened comfortably, and after a few words of praise, he went directly to the president's office.

In the office, apart from Team Leader Inukin, there were no other outsiders.

At this moment, Team Leader Quan Jin was sitting behind his desk, holding his forehead in both hands, with a sad look on his face.

"Captain Inukane, what happened?"

"I can't write any words, President Kujo."

"Words? Is it the lyrics of Backstreet Girls?"

Kujo Ditaro opened his mouth slightly, and said in surprise: "Why are you in charge of this kind of thing? Can't you find a professional to share it, Team Leader Inukane."

"This is not possible." Team leader Inujin picked up the pipe, took a puff, and said with emotion: "I am their producer, and they are as important as children to me."

What are you gangster talking about with me!

child?I'm afraid it's not the kind of Old Wang next door!

Kujo Tetaro continued to slander in his heart, but there was no change on the surface.

"Group leader Inujin, I have a sustainable development cooperation, and I want to talk to you."

"Oh? President Kujo said it's okay."

"Is such that...."

Kujo Ditaro briefly explained the loan storm plan.

Team Leader Inukane smoked a cigarette, and after a long silence, he shook his head and said, "President Kujo, the idol debut plan you mentioned may not work."

"The money for the surgery is at least a few million, and this kind of thing is too easy to cause trouble. You can lend money to those Ps or something, but you can't let them make their debut."


Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and changed his words: "It's not urgent to make a debut. Ninety-nine percent of people can't make it this far. What I mean is that the team leader's men are needed to take action against those PUA men. The pattern is something like this..."

"Fairy jump... huh?"

The well-informed team leader Inukane immediately recognized the essence of the pattern mentioned by Kujo Tetaro.

Kujo Tetaro nodded, "I'm short of manpower here, and I want the team leader to provide some people. Of course, I will pay the corresponding compensation."

"It's not a problem. Although Kamio was dismissed by me, he still has some former followers. Let them assist you. As for the remuneration, you can give it as you see fit."

"Then it's a pleasure to work with."

After Tetaro Kujo finished talking about the business, he casually asked about other things.

"Group leader Quanjin, do you know the Wu clan?"

"I know, if I didn't know, I wouldn't have dismissed Kamio."

Team Leader Inukane did not hesitate, telling what he knew.

"The Wu family started to develop from the Asuka era, and it has been more than 1300 years. The family size is unimaginable. No one dares to offend them. A dog gold group like me is not enough for others to control."

"They have strong penetration, and they can be found in any profession. They almost exist in business, politics, and the underworld. It's almost as if they are cheating."

"That's right, it's really like hanging up."

Kujo Ditaro nodded secondly, with many thoughts in his heart.

You know, he already had a very high estimate of the power of the Wu clan.

But now that he heard it, he still underestimated it a bit.

But fortunately, the Wu family did not fight him to the end, and even planned to recruit him into the gang.

Although he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​getting married, this hazy relationship could be used.

Kujo Tetaro doesn't know if there are any other benefits, but it would be good to have one more channel for handling affairs.

Team Leader Inujin didn't know much about the Wu Clan's intelligence.

Kujo Tetaro didn't ask questions wisely, and after discussing the cooperation, he said goodbye and left.


The time in school is always memorable.

Unknowingly, the last day of May also passed.

Kujo Tetaro is sitting in the library, the table is full of books.

"Damn, after two months of class, it turns out that I didn't learn..."


Kujo Tetaro's muttering caused many students to lament.

Due to the temporary decision of the school, the summer vacation that was supposed to be at the end of June was brought forward to June [-]th.

After doing this, many sleepwalking students in class immediately embraced the Buddha's feet.

Kujo Tetaro has been busy recently, so let alone studying hard, it would be nice to be able to report.

As we all know, when you want to seriously study, there will always be some stumbling blocks.

"Di Taro, let's hold on to the Buddha's feet for the time being."

Kujo Tetaro raised his head, and what he saw was a black-haired man with a broken smile.

In addition, there is a handsome blond man with a grim expression.

After the two took their seats one after another, they started whispering demons one after the other.

"Di Taro, don't learn, let's go to the bar."

"Yes, anyway, those who should fail still fail, why don't you go have a good time now."

"The thing I hate the most in my life is the slut who cheats people on the surface to play, but secretly learns secretly."

Kujo Tetaro was not polite, showing a terrifying expression that is not like a human being should have.

Kitahara Iori didn't take it seriously, and said seriously: "What are you talking about, how can we study secretly."

Imamura Kohei spoke righteously, nodded and said: "Yes, at most we will take attendance, after-school homework, and class performance points. As for secretly learning such dirty things, no one is serious. "

"Yeah, we're decent people."

"You guys have to be careful, after all, you have to take the exam to get the marks for the final exam!"

Kujo Tetaro narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully: "There are many irresistible things, do you understand what I mean?"


The two thought for a while, then got up solemnly, and then left one after the other.

Kujo Ditaro smiled coldly, just as he was about to immerse himself in his studies, he saw a golden pair of ponytails walking in front of him.

The 17th Chapter [-]: President Di Taro, I want to give you a monkey!


Sawamura Eriri looked around, trying to find a quiet place.

However, it is a pity that the library, which is usually empty, is full of students at the moment.

When Sawamura Eriri was greatly disappointed, she inadvertently saw an empty seat.

Looking at the muscular man sitting on the other side of the desk, she froze for a moment.


Kujo Tetaro waved and lip-synced 'yo'.

Eri Sawamura hugged the book tightly and walked over with her head buried.

"You come to study too, Sawamura Eriri."

"Don't call me by my full name."

After Sawamura Eriri sat down, she said in a low voice, "Why are there still vacancies here, and why are there so many students today?"

"The holiday has been brought forward. By the way, why do you come here to hold Buddha's feet?"

"Wh... what, I'm not cramming, I'm always here."

Eri Sawamura puffed up her cheeks and put down the book forcefully.

Kujo Titaro looked down and said in surprise, "Your English is poor? You can't tell."

"No... no, I just brought it here casually."

Eri Sawamura pushed away the English book and flipped through other textbooks.

Kujo Tetaro propped his chin, and spoke English abruptly.


Eri Sawamura blushed, but said nothing.

That's right, although she has half British blood, her English is surprisingly poor.

In order to avoid being teased, she never revealed her biracial identity at school.

Otherwise, all kinds of high-sounding hats will overwhelm her.

Toshitaro Kujo was actually just joking around, and didn't mean to take it too seriously.

Looking at Eri Sawamura, who was determined not to review English, he showed a meaningful smile.

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