"What do you mean?" Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and joked, "Could it be your experimental base for the turtle?"

"You think a lot." After Wu Xiaxian lit a cigarette, he exhaled, "Our patriarch's granddaughter goes to school there, do you understand me?"

Is this person out of his mind? !

I rejected it as I said last time, but it was useless at all...

Kujo Tetaro frowned, thinking about it.

The Wu Clan's wooing relationship with me cannot be completely broken.

He had to be hung up so that he could get something back from the clan.

Don't think our grievances are over...

Thinking of this, Kujo Tetaro showed a serious smile.

"That's a girls' school, can we get in?"

"Remember Aunt Yasha, she is the teacher inside, I have already greeted her."

"In that case, let's go."

Just like that, the two drove to the gate of Huangying Academy.

After Wu Xiaxian showed something, the school police silently let him go.

Kujo Ditaro, who was sitting on the side, asked with great interest, "The pass that auntie gave you?"

"more or less."

Wu Xiaxian didn't know what he saw, and the volume instantly increased.

"Yo yo yo, the girl here is so upright, look at the one over there, it must be very tasty when tied up."

"You don't need to be tied up, it's delicious enough to look at, and can you think of something other than kidnapping people? Is there any positive energy?"

"I've already said that if you don't do this kind of thing, you will never understand the charm of it. I have a rope in the trunk. You might as well find someone to try it."

Kujo Tetaro was too lazy to be perfunctory, and glanced around inadvertently.

Indeed, most of the girls in Huangying Academy are pretty good looking.

Looking all the way, Kujo Ditaro didn't see a few ugly ones.

No matter how bad it is, they are also ordinary in appearance, but their figure is very bumpy.

Unexpectedly, before entering the women's university, I entered the women's high school first...

Kujo Titaro shook his head and sighed, and couldn't help but recall the school festival of Qinghai Women's University.

According to his memory, the Qinghai Women's Congress held a school festival in early June, that is, in the next few days.

Although the admission ticket has been booked, he really doesn't necessarily have time to go there.

After all, June [-]th is his signing event, as if two programs collided, he would have no choice.

"Let's get off here, this is a work card, or we will be kicked out."

After Wu Xiaxian stopped the car, he threw out a work badge tied with a blue string.

Kujo Ditaro took a look, and his face immediately sank.

"Can't you get some high-grade work cards?"

"Don't pick, this school is not easy to get into. If several of their toilets didn't break down suddenly, we wouldn't have a chance to get in at this time."

"Suddenly?" Kujo Tetaro realized something, and said contemptuously, "Could it be your fault?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about, am I this kind of person?"

Wu Xiaxian showed a simple and honest smile, but the corners of his mouth were crazily raised.

Kujo Tetaro rolled his eyes, then silently opened the door and got out of the car.

Wu Xiaxian came to the trunk, took out some tools, and whispered: "Remember, we are here to repair the toilet, otherwise we will be in trouble."

Kujo Ditaro snorted, "You, the Wu clan, are you also afraid sometimes?"

"We have integrated into the society a long time ago. Now who is not afraid of cyber violence, and this kind of thing is disgraceful to speak out."

While Wu Xiaxian was well-founded, he also changed into a work uniform with a strong sense of sight.

Kujo Tetaro hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help it.

"Your clothes...is it the same style as Mario?"

"That's right, in today's society, we need to learn to be more tactful, so that even if others see us doing bad things, they will mistakenly think that we are posing for pictures."

"Hmm... awesome!"

Kujo Toshitaro clapped his hands and said sincerely, "You really live up to your name, Comrade Wu Xiaxian."

"Okay, get ready, your dream is ahead! GO!"

Wu Xiaxian picked up the big wrench and walked into the teaching building first.

After hesitating for a while, Kujo Ditaro picked up the tools used for camouflage, and then quickly followed.


Because it is in class, there are almost no students in the corridors of the teaching building.

Wu Xiaxian was familiar with the road, and brought Kujo Ditaro to the first scene of the incident.

Originally, Kujo Ditaro thought that the two of them were just pretending, but in reality they slapped him severely.

Wu Xiaxian not only repaired the toilet, but also professionally and efficiently...?

"Damn it, how do you know how to fix toilets?"

Kujo Ditaro's eyes were complicated, and he said contemptuously: "You really are a scum who shouts for a thief, I bah!"

"Shh, if you want to be ruined..."

Wu Xiaxian didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was already obvious.

Kujo Ditaro curled his lips and snorted coldly: "Then you can repair it slowly, I'm going back."

"You'd better not do this. This is a girls' school. If there is one less person between us, the situation will be very bad."

"And you haven't been asked to fix it, why are you in a hurry?"

Wu Xiaxian's words are reasonable, which is convincing.

Kujo Ditaro was speechless, and said sincerely: "Well, I underestimated your lower limit, my problem."

"Okay, my cousin is on the third floor, let's fix the toilet on the second floor first, and then go up at the right time..."

"Brother, please be sober. If we go up in this outfit, even if your cousin is blind, she won't take a fancy to me."

"do not worry..."

After Wu Xiaxian tightened the screw firmly, he said calmly: "My cousin is very simple. Her criterion for choosing a mate is only the value of force."

I really want to kill him...!

Kujo Tetaro squeezed the big wrench in his hand, and looked at the man on the ground with more and more kind eyes.

"I can't hold it anymore..."

At the same time, hurried footsteps came from outside.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Someone is coming."

"It's okay, you go and drive her away, I'll have a while."


Kujo Tetaro walked out of the toilet and stopped the girl rushing in front of him.

"Student, the toilet is broken, don't you know?"

"Eh? You...you repair toilets? How long will it take...how long?"

The dark-skinned girl with twin ponytails had her legs crossed with a distorted expression.

"It's estimated to take about ten minutes."


As soon as Ditaro Kujo finished speaking, he saw the girl running away in a hurry.

In order to avoid similar situations from happening again, Kujo Ditaro found a warning sign from the toolbox and placed it at the door of the toilet.

As soon as the warning sign was put down, the melodious bell for the end of get out of class suddenly spread throughout the entire teaching building.

Kujo Tetaro was taken aback, and quickly walked back to the toilet.

"Don't worry so much, we have legitimate reasons, what are you afraid of?"

Wu Xiaxian was distracted talking while repairing the toilet.

"Just because you can afford to lose face doesn't mean I can't afford to lose face either."

Kujo Tetaro couldn't help but look around in his spare time.

Although it is a toilet, the environment here is very high-end.

If you look at it from here alone, most people's first impressions will be associated with toilets in high-end hotels.

Kujo Tetaro glanced at it for a few times, then withdrew his gaze.

"Is the toilet being repaired?"

"Great, I don't have to run to the top floor to go to the toilet."

"But I'm in a hurry. There's still a queue on the first floor. If I go to the community building, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back..."

The chatter at the door has never stopped since it started.

Kujo Tetaro knew that most of the chattering girls outside were almost exhausted.

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