In the end, the four people present moved the place.

The infirmary of Huangying Academy.

After Wu Yacha dismissed the medical teacher, he asked a question seriously.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Let me explain."

Taking advantage of Wu Xiaxian's coma, Kujo Ditaro wiped out all the reasonable and capable pots.

In fact, Kujo Tetaro was right.

The cause of this incident was completely on Wu Xiaxian's body. If it is strictly counted, Kujo Toshitaro is still a victim.

Of course, one-sided claims are definitely untenable.


Wu Yacha was dubious.

Kujo Tetaro didn't change his face, and there was no flaw in his expression.

After the two looked at each other, the atmosphere in the arena began to become anxious.

Wu Yacha raised Erlang's legs and nodded thoughtfully.

"You can ignore everything else, but what do you mean by pressing my daughter to the ground?"

"Limit her mobility and ensure her own safety."

"Oh? Touch her thigh by the way?"

"The scene is too chaotic, so it's irresistible."

Kujo Ditaro's answer is hard to convince, especially Wu Jialou's mother.

Wu Yacha took a long breath, looking ready to go.

Kujo Ditaro interrupted, "By the way, I still have something to do. Can I go first? I was brought here suddenly by Wu Xiaxian, so I didn't even deal with my business."


Wu Yacha's thoughts suddenly broke down, and he couldn't remember what he wanted to say for a while.

Kujo Tetaro was indeed busy, so he urged him several times.

Wu Yacha frowned, waved and said, "Okay, you can go to work."

"Oh, bye-bye."

Kujo Ditaro turned and left, but was stopped.

"what's your name?"

"Kajo Tetaro."

"Kujo... Didaro?"

Wu Jialou raised the corners of his lips and said excitedly: "You want to be my boyfriend, I've decided, you can be my husband!"

Kujo Ditaro was taken aback for a moment, and cooperated: "Is this really true?"

"Grandpa said that the purpose of the patriarch is to give birth to strong offspring. You are very powerful, and our children will definitely be even stronger, so let's have children!"

Wu Jialou's eyes flickered, and his face became more and more red.

"Having a baby? Take a closer look, you look very cute and have a good figure. You are a rare beautiful girl..."

Kujo Tetaro raised his chin, thought for a while, and said abruptly, "But...I refuse!"


Wu Xiaxian, who was supposed to be unconscious, burst out laughing without warning.

Wu Yacha, who was closer to the bed, cruelly pressed a switch on the bed.


The hospital bed was suddenly folded, and Wu Xiaxian, who was caught in a pinch, couldn't laugh anymore.

"...Auntie...I was wrong...Auntie...Auntie..."

"Enough laughing, right? Then it's my turn, oh ho ho ho ho..."

While Wu Yacha was mocking, he couldn't help but glance at the two people not far away.

"What...? Why?"

Wu Jialou tilted his head, puzzled and said, "You came here because you wanted me to be your girlfriend? Aren't you very happy now?"

"You just saw the surface. The reason why I came here was actually to stop Wu Xiaxian's attempted crime. As for the others, they are just excuses. You are still a high school student, not suitable for marriage and having children. You should just enjoy life."

Kujo Ditaro speaks earnestly and sincerely, and is really sanctimonious.

To be honest, he is very happy now, but he has to bear it.

There is no way, if you laugh out loud at this moment, that fight is inevitable.

"I'm sixteen years old. I can get married and have children. You are the strongest man I have ever seen outside of my tribe. Let's get married! Let's have children!"


"Mom, didn't grandpa say that the mission of the patriarch is to leave strong offspring?"

Wu Yacha was at a loss for words for a moment, and didn't know how to answer.

At the same time, there were groans coming from the folded hospital bed.

"Ouch...I'm going to die..."

"Stop screaming, with your physical fitness, this little pain is nothing."

"Auntie... the injury is added to the injury, it will overwhelm the last straw... ouch..."

Wu Yacha kicked it out, and the folded hospital bed returned to normal.

"Run..." Wu Xiaxian raised his hand the first time he escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, "People... people ran away!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As we all know, some people live, he has died.

Obviously, Wu Xiaxian, who has no lower limit at all, is this kind of person.

Kujo Ditaro firmly believes that Wu Xiaxian must be unknown in his later years, and even have green hair on his head!


When Wu Jialou chased him out of the infirmary, he didn't see Kujo Tetaro.

After looking around in confusion, she showed a weird smile.

"That's right, the more mysterious the better...hehehe..."

"Who does this look like..."

Seeing her daughter whose condition was gradually getting out of order, Wu Yacha fell into deep thought.

Wu Xiaxian propped up his upper body, and after thinking of something, the corners of his mouth gradually rose.


Kujo Tetaro wanted to leave the school openly, but was stopped by the school police.

There is no other reason, but because the school toilet has not been repaired, they cannot let people leave in advance.

Even though Toshitaro Kujo found all kinds of reasons, the school police still refused to enter, insisting that it was their duty and it was not convenient.

Kujo Ditaro didn't dare to force it. After all, this is a girls' school. If he fails, he will be forced to become an Internet celebrity.

At that time, all kinds of troubles will emerge one after another, and life will become no privacy at all.

Kujo Tetaro walked around the academy, and the result was very pessimistic.

There are cameras everywhere, the height of the fence is beyond the normal range, and in addition to that, there are very smart sirens.

Kujo Toshitaro gave up his plan to escape over the wall, but he didn't want to go back and seek help from the Wu clan.

Just when he was in a dilemma, a crisp ringtone suddenly reached his ears.

"Has get out of class been over?"

Kujo Tetaro looked at the teaching building with a complicated expression.

You know, the reason why he was able to come here was because he was tasked with repairing the toilet.

But now, what he did completely violated his admission settings.

If he is misunderstood by force majeure, his reputation will be completely ruined.

"I can't get out of the school, and the fence is not easy to climb. Now that the students are all dismissed, what should I do..."

Kujo Tetaro pinched his chin, his face became more and more defined.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.


"Kujo-kun, I'm coming."

Seeing the beautiful black-haired girl running straight towards him, Kujo Tetaro smiled and waved.

"Zou Liu Yuan, I'm sorry, let you go all the way."

"It's okay, just help others."

Soruin Azumi stopped in front of Kujo Tetaro, raised her head and said, "Kujo-kun, why did you come to our school? I heard from my classmates that you are workers who came to repair the bathroom, but I think you should have other ideas." Concealment, right?"

"It's a long story, Soryuin, can you trust me?"

"Huh? Of course I trust Kujo-kun."

"Very well, then I won't talk about it."

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