Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, revealing an inexplicable smile.

The white-haired old man stopped talking and left the room.

Kujo Ditaro looked sideways slightly, but did not follow closely behind.


Nuo Da's room was filled with members of the Wu clan.

The white-haired old man at the top announced the content of the meeting.

"Yamashita Company hired our Wu clan as their fighters to participate in the boxing competition this trip. Which one of you wants to represent it?"

"Why do so many people want to go? It is stipulated in the contract that if we can win this boxing competition, we can get an additional [-] billion. We should fully respond to the generousness of this employer and send the strongest person. Wu Lei'an, you will represent Yamashita Company in this competition."


Among the crowd, a strong man with short blond hair stood up.

The man grinned, revealing an exaggerated smile.

"The competition is dead, I don't care, old man."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die in the boxing competition..."

After pondering for a while, the white-haired old man said coldly: "For the sake of fairness, if any of you want to participate in the competition, if so, you can fight Wu Lei'an here, and the winner will represent the Yamashita Company."

"Well, I happen to be a little bored."

Wu Lei'an supported his neck, tilted his head and glanced at the people around him.

Unbiased, his eyes fell on the girl in the sweater leaning against the corner.

Wu Jialou, who was wearing a sweater on his upper body and bandages on his legs, raised his face as if feeling something, and made a provocative expression of sticking his tongue out.

Wu Lei'an didn't take it seriously, and looked at the others with a smile.

"Is there anyone? Hey, hey, don't be so cowardly, okay?"

"No... anyone, right?"

The white-haired old man stretched his voice, waiting for the clansman who might answer.

Unfortunately, no one wants to compete for the qualification to represent, or rather, no one wants to face Wu Lei'an.

"Then the person representing the battle is Wu Lei'an."

"Hey... I was so happy."

Just as Wu Lei'an was about to sit down again, he heard a voice in front of him that made him excited.

"Wu Lei'an, you don't have to be so depressed. I have already found an opponent who can satisfy you. Now, everyone goes to the arena."

"An opponent that satisfies me? Old man, is it real or not?" Wu Lei'an clenched his fists, and the corners of his mouth turned up even more.

"Of course, you know, in front of him, I am no match."

After saying that, the white-haired old man walked out of the house first.

Everyone followed closely behind, and after a while, there were only one man and one woman left in the room.

"Little devil, what do you want to say to me?"

"Wu Lei'an, do you know the opponent you will face later?"

"Ah? How could I know, but the old man said so, he must be a very interesting opponent, hahahaha..."

Wu Lei'an smiled and wanted to leave.

Wu Jialou stood up straight and said abruptly: "You will lose, Wu Lei'an."

"Ah?" Wu Lei'an stopped and said with a sneer, "Little devil, what are you talking about?"

"Hmph, I said you will lose, to my husband."

Wu Jialou said every word, his little face was a little flushed.


Wu Lei'an clutched his belly, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Little devil, what are you talking about? Husband? No way...hahahaha..."

"Sooner or later he will be."

After Wu Jialou left a word, he left directly.

"Husband? Seems to be getting more and more interesting..."

Wu Lei'an barely stopped smiling, but the upward arc of the corner of his mouth was unscrupulous.


As we all know, Brother Pingtou has a wise saying.

That is, don't tell me how many people there are in the fight, I just need the time and place.

Everyone wants to be Brother Pingtou, but Brother Pingtou cannot be surpassed after all.

Knowing that he needs to compete with others, Kujo Titaro rushed to the scene without asking about the opponent's situation.

Along the way, Wu Yacha, who was in charge of leading the way, knew everything.

"Wu Lei'an is the strongest in our clan, and the liberation can be achieved 100%."

"He is a combat lunatic, he will not know how to show mercy, remember that when the time comes, don't take it lightly."

"The Wu Clan you met before, except for Garuda and me, none of them had more than 15% liberation..."

Although he said a lot of information, Wu Yacha could see that Kujo Toitaro hardly cared about the upcoming competition.

Wu Yacha understands the reason why arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated.

Therefore, for the next competition, she is not optimistic about Kujo Ditaro.

The arena is about two meters above the ground, with iron fences on the edges.

At this moment, the arena is surrounded by the Wu clan who are about to eat melons.

"How is it? Did you ask, who is the person facing Wu Lei'an?"

"It seems to be called Kujo Ditaro. I heard it from Wu Xiaxian. He set up a betting market. Why don't you go get some hands?"

"Xiaxian, why are you working so hard? You've hurt yourself like this, and you're still making money here?"

Looking at the clansmen surrounded in front of him, Wu Xiaxian laughed, and said straight to the point: "It doesn't matter to me, how about it, no bets, Wu Lei'an pays [-] for [-], and Kujo Tetaro pays [-] for [-]."

"Just show off to you, the Lord rewards it, Wu Lei'an's, buy me a million."

"I also buy Wu Lei'an, five million."

"I'll buy the short Ditaro, this card is all-in."

Looking at the girl in sweater who put down the card and left, Wu Xiaxian's face suddenly became clear.

"Hey! Cousin, small business, small business!"

"Xiaxian, why are you panicking? This is something you wish to do. The patriarch will not trouble you."

Wu Xiaxian didn't bother to explain to others, and quickly caught up with the girl in the sweater.

"Cousin, let's do it this way, we've earned five or five points, okay?"

"....All right."

After Wu Jialou took back the card, he left silently.

Wu Xiaxian wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "Although I lost [-]%, it's fine if I can make money..."

"Hey, Wu Xiaxian, can you still do it? I will pressure Wu Lei'an by [-] million."

"Me too, ten million."

"And I..."

Wu Xiaxian was cheerfully collecting money and keeping accounts, but suddenly, his eyes dimmed.

"I bet on Tetaro Kujo, one billion."


Wu Xiaxian raised his head, and what caught his eyes was the crazily upturned corners of the muscular man's mouth and aggressive, sharp eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Don't do it."

"What? Can't I bet? Why? Do you want to be a dictator?"

"No, I'm a small business, you have a billion, who can stand it!"

Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, the corners of his mouth still raised.

"Let's say [-] million, it's a good deal for you."

"What the hell are you..."

Wu Xiaxian was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

In the end, in order to be able to send Kujo Tetaro away, he gave up another [-]% of the profit.

Although it was a bit of a loss, but fortunately, almost all the people who asked him to bet money bet on Wu Lei'an to win.

Even if there are a few bets against Di Taro, the total amount is only a few million. According to the odds of [-] to [-], the loss will be tens of millions at most.

And at this moment, in the betting market, there are already hundreds of millions of gambling funds accumulated.

Therefore, as long as Kujo Ditaro wins, even with a [-]% share, he can get a profit close to [-] million.

Di Taro, don't lose the chain!

After Wu Xiaxian closed the market, he looked nervously at the two people on the arena.

"You are the husband candidate of the little devil? Huh?"

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