After Kamio's father left, Kujo Tetaro called Kato Megumi who had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as the two were alone, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became subtle.

Kujo Tetaro drank his coffee, and said slowly: "Assistant Kato, please don't be restrained. I will cover you, cousin. Go, bring over the fruit plate on the coffee table."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"what is the problem?"

Kato Megumi came to the front of the desk with a fruit plate.

Without unnecessary polite words, she went straight to the point.


Kujo Tetaro stopped pretending and returned to his previous state.

"For various reasons, I took over this company. Generally speaking, it's pretty good here."

"There are various reasons?"

Kato Hui was thoughtful, but didn't ask further.

Seeing the expression of the black-haired girl, Kujo Tetaro smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, there's nothing for you to do, just help me tidy up the office at ordinary times."

"Cousin..." Kato Megumi bowed slightly and apologized, "I'm sorry, I can't work part-time here, thank you cousin for your kindness."

"Hui, what are you worried about? I originally caused your problem, so you don't need to have any psychological burden."

Kujo Ditaro stood up, walked in front of Kato Megumi, and continued: "If you feel too relaxed, I can ask you to do something else, such as..."


Megumi Kato took a step back and explained: "I didn't mean to blame my cousin, nor did I think the job was too easy, it's just...cousin, I...I actually don't want to work."

"do not want to work?"

Kujo Ditaro was puzzled, and asked half-believingly: "You don't want to work? I understand that students don't want to work, but you will enter society sooner or later. Wouldn't it be good to sharpen your skills earlier?"

"Thank you cousin for your kindness, but I really don't want to work, I have other things to do..."

Kato Megumi wanted to leave, but was stopped.

Kujo Ditaro stood in front of the black-haired girl, and said meaningfully: "Megumi, we have been together for three months anyway, you are not someone who would say such things, if you want to leave, at least say one Makes sense to me."

"What did my cousin say? No one likes to work. Isn't it a normal reaction for me?"

As Kato Megumi said, her little hands couldn't help pinching a corner of the clothes.

Kujo Ditaro didn't give way, and said stubbornly: "I said, I don't believe this reason, if you want to leave, tell me a reason for my approval."

"Cousin, you are so difficult."

Kato Megumi sighed softly, turned his head to look at the ground, and said helplessly, "Cousin, I don't want to work under my relatives, even my cousin."

"Hui, it looks like you have something to hide. If that's the case, then you can go."

Kujo Ditaro gave way, his expression unusually calm.

Kato Megumi was taken aback for a moment, then slowly walked towards the door.

Seeing that the black-haired girl was about to walk by, Kujo Tetaro suddenly stretched out his hand.

Kato Megumi turned his head, looked at the big hand on his shoulder, and asked doubtfully, "Cousin, didn't you let me go?"

"What happened all of a sudden? You've confused me like this. At least make it clear?"

Kujo Tetaro didn't want to make things unclear, so he would rather backtrack.

After hesitating for a moment, Kato Megumi said, "Cousin, are you satisfied with your current life?"

"Why do you ask this? Let's be satisfied for now." After Kujo Tetaro finished his answer, his face was thoughtful.

"I am also satisfied with my current life. Although it is very ordinary, it is very suitable for me. I don't know what my cousin is like when he is working, but for me, the cousin in life is the one I know. "

After Kato Megumi said, he turned his head and looked to the other side.

Kujo Tetaro pursed his lips and silently raised his hand.

I don't know if there is a mistake in understanding, but he can hear the meaning in Kato Megumi's words.

It probably means that I want an ordinary life, but after staying with my cousin for a long time, my lifestyle will change. Such a change is not what I want...

There may be a deviation in understanding, but Kujo Tetaro understands one thing from it, that is, the current self will affect the life direction of the people around him, and even cause confusion and helplessness for the other party.

It is understandable that Kato Megumi wants an ordinary life.

If Kujo Ditaro raises an objection at this moment, he will become an unreasonable villain instead.

"Okay, since you've talked about this, I won't force you to work part-time here."

"Well, I'm wasting my cousin's time, so I'll go back first."

Kato Megumi bowed farewell, and then left naturally.

Kujo Tetaro sat on the sofa and muttered to himself: "It's an ordinary life, it seems that sometimes I take it for granted."


Arriving at the long-lost dive shop, Kujo Tetaro hadn't even entered, when a familiar voice came from inside.

"Hahahaha, let me show you my geoduck!"

"A mere toothpick dares to be arrogant! Come out, Cannon!"

"There is a set, Iori!"

Kujo Tetaro walked to the door and quietly watched everything inside.

It was impossible for the tall man standing at the door not to be noticed.

Furute Kawana waved her hand and said happily, "Di Taro, why are you here? Why don't you come in?"

"What? Di Taro? Pick him up!"

"Show me your geoduck and let me... hiss!"

Kujo Ditaro pinched the faces of the two men rushing forward, and after scanning the field casually, his eyes fell on the half-naked blond middle-aged man.

"Why is this uncle here again?"

"Uncle Sumino, he seems to be looking for you."

"Find me?"

Kujo Toshitaro looked at Furute Kawana Kawana, wondering, "Why did he ask me?"

Nana Kawate smiled and shook his head, "I don't know about this either, you can ask him after he sobers up."


Kujo Ditaro withdrew his gaze, pushed away the two people in front of him, and said with disgust: "You are too young to talk to me."

"What the hell! Mine is a cannon!"

"You said Iori's small, I have no objection, but my big Ivan..."

Imamura Kohei lowered his head stiffly, looking at the black-haired man who was squatting on the ground and thinking, his face turned red.

"What are you doing?"

"Well... I just think, your shape is a bit strange."

"Strange? What's so strange?"

"It's so small...poof!"

Before Kitahara Iori could finish speaking, she was kicked down.

Suddenly, the trouble that instinctively solved with words rose to the point of life and death.

The scene of the two wrestling together is very visually impactful.

If it weren't for the high psychological quality of the people present, a large-scale brawl would have been inevitable.

"You bastard! How dare you stop me! Not everyone has the opportunity to use the following, why are you resisting! You despicable villain!"

"In that case...Sine!"

"Useless useless!"


The two not only fought more and more fiercely, but also killed each other.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, someone stepped in to mediate and interrupted the farce.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro's trip to the dive shop was only a temporary one.

But that didn't stop him from joining in.

Unknowingly, the sky outside completely darkened.

Due to the late hour, the crowd who were supposed to be drinking and joking has decreased by more than half one after another.

"Di Taro, Uncle Sumino, I will trouble you to send it back."

Nanaka Furute walked up to Tetaro Kujo, pointed at the blond middle-aged man not far away, and said with a smile, "Uncle Sumino can't drink, but he insists on going back, so I have to trouble you."

"It's okay, it just so happens that he also has something to tell me."

Kujo Tetaro nodded, and went to help the blond middle-aged man.

Although Sumino's father was mostly sober, his body was still swaying, but his speech was already fluent.

"Dee Taro, let's go together."

"Well, uncle, what are you going to tell me?"

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