"Ignore him, let's go downstairs first."

Kujo Ditaro pushed and pushed Wu Jialouluo, and walked to the elevator.

Wu Jialou was a little puzzled, "Why are you in such a hurry, Wu Xiaxian is not my opponent at all, and it won't take half a minute to deal with him."

"In this case, you are not in a hurry at this time, are you?"

Seeing the elevator open, Kujo Ditaro urged: "Let's go, the elevator is open."

"Well, you're right, any time is fine."

After the two went down to the lobby on the first floor, they found a random place to sit and drink tea.

I don't know if it is an illusion, but Kujo Tetaro often finds that people are watching him around.

Wu Jialou also noticed something strange.

"Di Taro, is someone following you?"

"You've noticed it too. Stalking shouldn't happen. I think they're the ones watching the game tonight."

"That's very possible. Grandpa said that your reputation has already spread in the boxing wish club. It's normal for people to pay attention to you."

Wu Jialou picked up a sweet and ate it in small bites.

Seeing the actions of the purple-haired girl, Kujo Tetaro couldn't help thinking of Kato Megumi.

Speaking of Kato Megumi, he was a little confused.

Since saying goodbye to him in the company last time, Kato Megumi seemed to have disappeared from the world, and he was completely gone to contact him.

Kujo Tetaro asked Kasumigaoka Shiwa who lives in the same apartment, but he didn't get any valuable information. The only thing worthy of attention is that Kato Megumi's appetite has decreased a lot.

Kujo Tetaro is well aware of the reason why Kato Megumi became a big eater.

After learning that Kato Megumi had returned to normal, besides being surprised, he was quite uncomfortable.

After all, I am used to it.

In short, the recent Megumi Kato, Kujo Tetaro thinks something is wrong.

If possible, he intends to take the time to ask and thoroughly understand the situation.

"Di Taro, what are you thinking? So fascinated."

Wu Jialou, who was being stared at, couldn't help but waved his hand.

Kujo Ditaro looked away and happened to see Wu Xiaxian coming out of the elevator.

"Wu Xiaxian has come out, Jialuluo, the conflict between you can be dealt with after adjournment, is it okay?"

"Huh? No problem, anyway, it will take a few seconds."

Wu Jialou didn't even look back, just ate the dessert by himself.

Kujo Ditaro breathed a sigh of relief, after all, Wu Xiaxian still needs to arrange the journey to the venue.

Wu Xiaxian didn't know that he was cheated, so he walked to the sofa opposite the two and sat down with a smile on his face.

"Di Taro, you left in such a hurry, so ruthless."

Kujo Ditaro could tell that there was something in Wu Xiaxian's words, but he didn't care about it.

There is no way, people who are about to die should be treated with leniency.

Kutiao Di Taro ignored Wu Xiaxian and turned to ask Wu Jialouluo.

"Are you full? If not, take it with you."

"I've had my mouth full, and I'm not hungry at all."

"Okay, then let's go, Wu Xiaxian, it's time for you to perform."

Wu Xiaxian didn't take a sip of tea, and his tone was somewhat resentful.

"Okay, I'm a tool man, let's go, the old man has already sent a car to wait outside."

"If you're so dissatisfied, then you can find your own way to get over."

After Wu Jialou finished speaking, he got up and walked out with Kujo Ditaro.

Kujo Tetaro felt wicked, and turned his head with a flamboyant smile.

Wu Xiaxian was taken aback for a moment, and hurried to catch up.

"Hey, cousin, you can't do this, anyway, we are relatives."

"I don't take it as a cousin, don't call me cousin."

"No, cousin, the relationship between us is not so bad, is it?"


Wu Xiaxian was at a loss for Wu Jialouluo's disgusted reaction.

Kujo Ditaro gave comfort and said kindly: "Well, you go to take a taxi, maybe you will arrive before us."

"What? Take a taxi? You're killing donkeys, no, I want to take a Rolls-Royce too!"

Wu Xiaxian is shameless, but the driver of the Rolls-Royce belongs to Grandpa Luo of Wu Jialou.

"There's something out there..."

Wu Xiaxian couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly because the Rolls-Royce drove away quickly.

"Grass! What's the matter? I didn't do anything?"

When Wu Xiaxian was confused, he did not forget to stop a taxi.


It was obviously an informal boxing match, but the venue was well chosen.

When Tetaro Kujo got out of the car, he saw a tall building.

The black-clothed bodyguard who pulled the door gestured to see you.

"Sir, ma'am, please go inside."


Not long after Kujo Ditaro and Wu Jialouluo entered the building, Wu Xiaxian rushed over.

"Sir, you don't go in."

"Don't be so snobby, you can tell by looking at my eyes."

"So it's from the Wu clan, please come in."

Wu Xiaxian suffocated his anger, and angrily found Totaro Kujo.

"The more I think about it along the way, the more something is wrong, what the hell are you doing!"

"What? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

Kongtiao Di Taro knocked off Wu Xiaxian's salty pig's hand, and asked in confusion: "Why are you so angry? Didn't you just take a taxi."

"This is a matter of face! A matter of face! I was despised by the guards at the door. The most important thing is that this matter must have nothing to do with you. No, where is my cousin, I have to tell her clearly!"

Wu Xiaxian looked left and right, but in Nuoda's VIP venue, Wu Jialouluo could not be found at all.

Kujo Ditaro put his arm around Wu Xiaxian's shoulder, and began to whisper devilishly.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, but I can tell you one thing, this matter has something to do with the women in your family."

"Women in my family... Could it be... Wu Fengshui's eighth woman?!"

Wu Xiaxian frowned, his face became more and more distorted.

"This eighth woman has so many mouths, curse her that she won't be able to buy a submarine in her lifetime!"


Kujo Tetaro hesitated to speak, but finally chose to remain silent.

At the same time, whispers sounded from all corners of the venue.

"It's him, the fighter recognized by the Wu clan."

"It is said that the strength is very terrifying. The strongest member of the Wu clan has no power to fight back against him. Who do you think is stronger, he or Mietang Zhiya?"

"That must be Mietang Zhiya. His strength is obvious to all. As for this martial artist recognized by the Wu clan, he may be very strong, but he should not be Mietang Zhiya's opponent."

"A lot of company presidents and fighters came today, I don't think it will be too quiet today."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro could hear the whispering around, but he didn't pay much attention to it.


Taking out his mobile phone, he was stunned for a moment when he saw the text message sent by Kohei Imamura.

[Brother Di, I've already done it, are you at home? 】

[No, let's talk about this tomorrow. 】

[Let's talk about it tomorrow?You are right?You know how much effort I have put in to get Beiyuan settled! 】

[Since we have reached this point, you might as well anal him, then I will forgive you. 】


This is the end of the SMS interaction.

Kujo Tetaro put away his phone, turned to look at the door.

The goal was a group of black-clothed bodyguards, and at the front of the black-clothed bodyguards was a white-haired old man with an unfriendly face.

Wu Xiaxian walked to Kujo Tetaro's side, and introduced in a low voice.

"The ruler of the Neon Big Bank, the president of the current Boxing Club, the source of the movie is gone."

"Big bank? How does your Wu family compare with him?"

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