After all, Kujo Ditaro's defeated opponent is the strongest of the Wu clan.

This unit of measurement alone is enough to frighten Xiaoxiao.

However, the assessment of Kujo Tetaro's strength has dropped a bit.

Compared with the sensation when the Wu Clan released the news before, the assessment of strength at this moment is more or less the meaning of driving high and low.

Kujo Tetaro took the spoils and returned to the original venue.

Soruin Ziyin did what she said, except for the handling fee, a lot of gambling money was transferred to Kujo Tetaro's account.

No more, no less, a total of [-] million.

In just one ordinary night, Kujo Didaro earned half of his current worth.

After a while, Kujo Ditaro became more and more determined. In the next boxing competition, he must act weaker.

Maybe, he could earn tens of billions just by betting money.

At that time, winning a championship will be another income worth [-] billion yuan.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of something happy."

"That's right, I forgot to mention it before. I'll ask the secretary to call you for the registration fee later. Regarding our cooperation, you can take a look at this contract and sign it if you think it's okay."

Soryuin Ziyin handed over the contract.

Kujo Tetaro didn't have the idea of ​​sitting on the ground to raise the price, and signed the contract without hesitation.

Zou Liuyuan Ziyin smiled with satisfaction, and said: "If you have time, you can go to my sister Juju, she is very interested in your muscles, and you should have something in common."

"I'll talk about this when I have time..."

"Di Taro has no time to chat with your sister, he is my husband."

Behind Kujo Tetaro, a purple-haired girl walked straight up.

Zou Liuyuan Ziyin cast her gaze and said with a smile: "I heard you right, you were talking about your husband just now, right? The eldest lady of the Wu family, how come we don't know about such a big event as your marriage? The ceremony hasn't even been given yet. You go with it."

Unmoved, Wu Jialou emphasized, "Future husband, this will happen sooner or later, chairman."

"You still know that I am the chairman of the board, classmate Garuda, high school students should focus on their studies, and the matter between men and women, let's talk about it in college."

After Ziyin teased her, she left with a smile.

Wu Jialou stuck out his tongue, turned his head to look at Kujo Ditaro, and said happily: "Ditaro, this way you can participate in the boxing competition, congratulations."

"Thank you, but she is Zhu Mei's older sister in the Zuoliu Academy, you really don't give face."

"I can be friends with Zou Liuyuan Zhu Meineng, but I will not back down when it comes to the family purpose."

Kujo Tetaro really wanted to tell the truth, tell the fact that he has a girlfriend, so that they can relax each other.

However, it is a pity that for the sake of the follow-up boxing competition, he cannot freeze the relationship with the Wu family.

In the final analysis, it was Wu Jialouluo's face that the Wu clan could help him.

After all, Wu Jialouluo is the most talented woman in the clan. If the two can combine to give birth to offspring, they must be geniuses with excellent potential.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with us, let's go back."

"Well, you look very happy today, let's go, let's go back and have a baby!"


As we all know, only by not forgetting the original intention, can we always succeed.

Wu Jialou believes that one day, she will fulfill the purpose of the family.

Due to time constraints, Kujo Didaro didn't plan to go home that night, but stayed in the hotel.

I have to say that Wu Xiaxian is a very prescient and shameless villain.

When he booked the room, he resorted to tricks.

The room where Tetaro Kujo lived was a luxurious double room.

That's right, it's a room for two people, so...

"This is my room... Forget it, I'll open another room."

Kujo Ditaro persuaded Wu Jialou not to leave, so he simply stopped wasting his efforts.

Wu Jialou stopped the way, and said seriously: "There are two beds, why bother?"

"Why? I'm afraid you'll attack me at night."

"I won't do this. My mother has said that there are many prerequisites for having a child. It can't be sloppy."

Wu Jialou's words brought back memories of Kujo Tetaro.

He clearly remembered that the Wu clan was indeed very strict in the operation of giving birth.

"That's fine. Also, don't mess around."

"Well, I'll take care of things, don't worry!"

In this way, the two planned to spend the night together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro only believed half of Wu Jialou's answer.

So, in order to avoid accidents, he prepared some things.

In the rooms of high-end hotels, there are a lot of good wines, including authentic vodka and whiskey.

Of course, these good wines are not free, but need to be checked out afterwards.

After opening two bottles of wine, Kujo Ditaro asked Wu Jialou while drinking.

"Garuda, would you like a drink?"

"Wine? Let's forget it."

Wu Jialou shook his head immediately when he remembered the experience in the afternoon.

Kujo Didaro didn't chase after him closely, but persuasively and persuasively.

"You drank too fast in the afternoon, and the alcohol in the mix was a bit high, so you got drunk."

"Yes, but I don't think the wine is very good."

Wu Jialou walked to the table and sat down, picked up a bottle of vodka, looked it over, frowned and said, "And it doesn't smell good, it's really strange why you like to drink this kind of thing."

"Strange?" Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth and began to whisper devilishly, "You think it's strange, that's normal, at least you don't hate it, and people, you can't just try things you know, that would be very boring."

"Huh? What you said makes sense." Wu Jialou thoughtfully, his black and white eyes gradually widened.

Sorry, I don't worry if you're not drunk.

Kujo Tetaro forgot about Wu Jialou's innocent character, and tentatively poured a glass of vodka.

"In that case, why not try it?"


Wu Jialou nodded, reached for the wine glass, and took a long gulp.

Kujo Tetaro is ready to catch a drunken girl at any time.

However, it is strange that Wu Jialou was not drunk.

"You're right... Actually, this thing is not so bad..."

"Eh? Let's have some snacks."

Kujo Tetaro rolled out the liqueur chocolate, with scarlet lights hidden in his eyes.

Wu Jialou shook his head, expressing that he didn't need it.

"...I want more, give me... more of yours..."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Kujo Tetaro will not show mercy.

He picked up the wine bottle, filled Wu Jialou's glass, and filled his own glass at the same time.

Wu Jialou raised his glass and said vaguely: "Cheers..."

Kujo Totaro toasted and touched each other, "You are bold, Garuda."

After Wu Jialou was flattered, he immediately felt bored.

Kujo Ditaro smiled habitually, but adjusted quickly, and immediately turned into a normal smile.

Wu Jialou was overwhelmed with alcohol, and after drinking two glasses of high-strength vodka, he staggered and fell down.

"Garuda, do you still want to drink?"

Kujo Ditaro asked knowingly, his face became more and more sinister.

Sure enough, Wu Jialou did not respond for a long time, obviously unconscious.

"Don't blame me, just think of stepping into the adult age ahead of time."

Kujo Ditaro hugged Wu Jialou, and was just about to make a move when there was a knock on the door.

For some reason, he suddenly had a sense of guilt.

With a creak, the door opened.


"No reason, I just asked, how did you earn at night?"

Wu Xiaxian said while peeking in.

Kujo Tetaro didn't answer, and forced the door to close.

Wu Xiaxian stretched out his foot to stop him, but he was caught.

"Hiss... You bastard, what are you trying to do in such a hurry?"

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