Machida Sonoko looked at the black-haired girl on the opposite side of the table, and sneered, "Ask for leave? Dreaming, since you're here, get the manuscript out for me here!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu showed bitterness, and said sincerely: "Editor, I really can't write it, and Mr. Di Taro is about to participate in an extraordinary signing event. As his good friend, I have no reason not to go Yes, oh yes, Di Taro-kun’s debut work is the "JOJO" that has been released for more than a month, announced the animation, and the novelization!"

"Huh? "JOJO"? That painting is from... ahem."

Machida Sonoko blushed and coughed, "Excuse me, may I ask, are you Teacher Kujo?"

Kujo Ditaro nodded, "It's not an autobiography, it's just that I'm a name cancer, so I use the abbreviation of my real name in the characters and pen names, so it's fine even if you call me Teacher dio."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I see...."

After Machida Sonoko smiled awkwardly, she changed the subject calmly.

"You two are good friends? Xiaoshi, why haven't I heard from you?"

"You never asked me, Machida-san."

"Oh? It seems that I don't know you well enough..."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa sat up straight, and said calmly: "Editor Machida, that's how things are. Di Taro-kun's autograph will be held tomorrow. As his good friend, if I don't show up, it will be too unreasonable."

"Eh...that being said." Sonoko Machida turned the black pen and said with a smile: "But you don't know that your deadline is approaching. It's good to cheer for your friends, but you can't miss work, right? Kujo-sensei, you think so too, right?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked sideways slightly, signaling with a wink.

Kujo Tetaro understood, and said, "Yes, I think so too."


After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu adjusted the water bottle, she sighed: "Mr. Di Taro, I would rather attend your autograph signing than work. Who told us that we are childhood sweethearts since we were young."

"My childhood sweetheart...?" Machida Sonoko's lips curled up slightly, and her eyes sparkled.

"Yes, although Xia Zhiqiu has a bad personality, has a poisonous mouth, and feels good about himself, it is undeniable that we are childhood sweethearts."

"Eh... well? So I have always been like this in Di Taro-kun's heart?"

"That's right, Xiaoshi, you are like this. You are serious, have a bad temper, and have no coordination. Every time the reporter interviews, others return without success. Alas, as the responsible editor, I have a headache."

"I'm so sorry."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu forced a smile on his face, holding the hands of the water bottle, gradually a vein emerged.

"So I think editor Machida should teach her well. By the way, closing the small black house is a good choice." Kujo Ditaro continued to kill and mend, and his methods were extremely cruel.

With a poof, Sonoko Machida laughed.

"Hahaha... I was quite skeptical before, but now it seems that you are indeed childhood sweethearts, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"Editor Machida, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm going to play tricks just to ask for leave?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu used advance as retreat, intending to occupy sovereignty.

Machida Sonoko crossed her arms and said without thinking: "I have been an editor for many people. I have seen many authors who delay updates in order to ask for leave. I am not surprised by vulgar excuses such as suspected of being terminally ill. Xiaoshi , want to ask for leave? No way!"

"What? No, no matter what, I must go to Di Taro's signing event!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu slapped the table and got up, his face was full of determination.


Sonoko Machida smiled, turned to look at Tetaro Kujo, and said, "Mr. Kujo, her deadline is coming soon, I think as a good friend, you can forgive her for not being able to be there because of work, right?" ?”

"I'm sure it was..."

"You... bastard! Didn't you agree at the beginning that your signing will definitely need my support? It's something that you promised, it's such an important thing..."

The moment Kujo Tetaro raised his mouth, Kasumigaoka Shiwa had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

So, she took the first step and took timely countermeasures.

Seeing the black-haired girl shaking by his collar, Kujo Toshitaro pretended to be a character in the play, and said affectionately: "Shiwa, work is important, and I am also a creator. I understand your feelings. Seriously, can you have I am very satisfied with this heart, even if you are not present at the signing, I will still not be angry with you, you will always be my good friend, so, take my sustenance and create well!"

You bastard is plotting against me! !

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes were about to burst, and her heart was hysterical.

Machida Sonoko stood up, couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, since Mr. Kujo has said so, then Xiaoshi will stay here until the manuscript is finished. Don't worry, the food here is very good, and the atmosphere of the small black house is perfect. It's pretty good too."


In desperation, Kasumigaoka Shiwa hid behind Totaro Kujo.

Machida Sonoko rubbed her palms, her face became more evil, "The more you resist, the more excited I am, Xiaoshi."

"Miss Machida, don't come here, don't come here!" Kasumigaoka Shiwa circled the table, intending to fight a guerrilla.

"No one will pay attention to you even if you have a bad voice, Xiao Shiyu, follow me obediently to the small black room to catch up on the manuscript."

Machida Sonoko took a deep breath and stood at the door.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu forced a smile on her face and said, "Ms. Machida, creation needs inspiration. If you lock me in a small black room as a typewriter, even if you drive out the work, it's just a sham..."

"Don't worry, for any author who enters once, not only will the quality of his work not decline, but it will improve a lot. Human potential is unlimited, so let me squeeze out all of you."

"Really...really not a drop."

"I haven't even entered yet, how can you say no?"

After the two circled around the table several times, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu saw the opportunity and rushed to the door.

Machida Sonoko murmured that it was not good, and immediately quickened her pace.

Kujo Didaro couldn't stand this vile behavior that violated the labor law, and finally took action.

"What the hell are you...!"

Looking at Totaro Kujo who blocked the way, Kasumigaoka Shiwa was out of breath, her delicate face became more and more defined.

"Good job!"

While Machida Sonoko hugged Kasumigaoka Shiwa from behind, she did not forget to thank Kujo Tetaro.

As the saying goes, the merit and fame are hidden deep, and the matter is gone.

Kujo Tetaro waved his hand, opened the door and left with a smile.

"You bastard! Don't leave! I'm a ghost and I won't let you go! I hate you so much!"

"Xiaoshi, it's okay if you want to ask for leave, please be quiet."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stopped making noise, turned around and said, "Really?"

"I'm not a devil. You are in such a state that it's really not suitable for rushing the manuscript, so it's not impossible to let you take a vacation, but it's okay."

Sonoko Machida narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Ms. Kujo's book signing event, there are three types of booklets on sale, regular edition, special edition, deluxe limited edition, and [-] copies of the special edition, but the deluxe limited edition has three thousand copies. It is very rare, there are only three copies on sale, do you have an internal method?"

"I...can help you ask, and why do you want this?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind.

Sonoko Machida hugged the black-haired girl's shoulders, her expression changed slightly.

"Don't you know? "JOJO" is so popular now, I don't want a luxury version, just get me a signed special edition."

"OK, no problem."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa answered very confidently, because Kujo Tetaro had promised her that he would give her a special edition booklet.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is impossible for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to easily turn over the matter of being calculated.

After quickly running from the fourth floor to the first floor, Kasumigaoka Shiwa saw the back of Kujo Tetaro.

Without the slightest hesitation, she chased after him.

"Di Taro, stop!"

"You can still escape?"

"You bastard! Don't you have any morals as a human being?"

Kujo Tetaro waved his hands and walked forward without looking back.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu followed closely, her tone became more and more gnashed, but she didn't gain anything.

Eventually, she gave up and stopped trying to awaken Kujo Tetaro's humanity.

"I really can't get along with myself, forget it, do you still remember that you promised to give me a special edition booklet?"

"Oh? You don't want it, you said you want to use it as a table foot."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't change his face, and said: "The table has been replaced with a new one, and there is no need for table legs."

"That means I don't have to send it away."

"No, you promised... well, forget it."

Kujo Ditaro turned his head, looked at the slightly frustrated black-haired girl, and asked, "You didn't want it before, why do you want it now?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu spread her hands, "I didn't expect that Ms. Machida is actually your fan. She wants your first booklet. Really, I don't understand what she is thinking."

Hearing this, Kujo Ditaro stopped in his tracks and said with a smirk: "So...if I tell her that I will give her another booklet, the price is to let you go to the small black room to catch up on the draft. Do you think she will promise?"

"You are simply a devil, but unfortunately, she has already approved my vacation, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was angry, and the corners of her lips gradually rose.

"Brother Didaro."

The shouts from a distance made the smiles of the two people restrained obviously.

Kujo Tetaro heard the sound and looked, and what caught his eyes was a silver-haired beautiful girl coming towards him.

"Your sister?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought of the shout just now, so he made a guess with a high possibility.

Kujo Tetaro shook his head, "Let's be considered the little girl next door."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was thoughtful, looking at the silver-haired girl who was running close, her expression gradually returned to her usual calm.

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