The decibels far surpassed the scream of a broken wine glass, and it rang out without warning.

Everyone turned their eyes back, and what caught their eyes was a blond man lying on the table.

Wu Jialou picked up a pack of white powder and said, "He was going to pour this into my cup just now, so I subdued him."

"what is this?"

"Isn't it something that makes people sleepy?"

" could there be such a thing?"

It's over, it's over, it's over!

Kohei Imamura, who was lying on the table, was afraid to get up when he heard the discussions around him.

At the same time, Kitahara Iori, who was in charge of attracting firepower, saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately abandoned the car to protect the commander and pretended to be a dead person.

Kohei Imamura knows the character of his companion and understands the current situation, so he can only deal with it alone.

Imamura Kohei stood up straight, and said without changing his face: "Actually, it is like this. I don't know what it is, but Yizhi pulled me over just now, saying that this thing can increase the strength of wine, let me give it to everyone." Let it go, no, I think Garuda is heroic when drinking, so let her go first."

Although the reason is a bit far-fetched, it has to be said that this move is really ruthless.

Kitahara Iori, who wanted to marginalize herself, realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately stood up to express her opinion.

"Hahahaha, you guys are too unrestrained in drinking, so I just want to make it more difficult for you, don't you think so, Sister Zi, it's not fun at all, right?"

Azusa Hamaoka, who was suddenly named, has only one thing in his heart, and that are so fucking pretending not to take me with you!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Ditaro was watching at the door.

But after a while, the editor of Yinsha came over.

Knowing that everyone was waiting for him to give a speech, he was too embarrassed to shirk, so he had to pin all his hopes on Kitahara Iori and others.

After the two left, the sound of glass shattering and miserable screams came from the venue.

At this moment, Azusa Hamaoka, who took over the pot, has attracted a lot of attention.

Although she was ordered in danger, she knew that if she didn't help, the white powder would be hard to get rid of.

"That's right, our club is usually full of vodka and whiskey. Drinking beer is somewhat unsatisfying, don't you think so, Aicai."

"Puff...cough cough."

Yoshihara Mana, who took half a sip of her drink, choked for a while before reluctantly nodded, "Eh...yes, they usually drink strong alcohol, and they are all wine cans that are not too big. Right? Chisa."

"Ah? That's right, that's right." Chisa Furudekawa never expected that the pot could reach her own hands, which seemed rather sudden.

When Wu Jialou saw so many people vouching for it, his vigilance towards this bag of white powder immediately dropped a lot.

She handed the white powder to Kohei Imamura and said, "No need for this kind of thing, just serve me the whiskey and vodka you usually drink."

"Ah? Er..." Kohei Imamura put away the powder, and looked at Kiyoko Kamio at the other end with a smile.

Kiyoko Kamio showed no sign of weakness, and nodded heavily.

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman benefits.

At this moment, Nayuta, who was a bystander, stood quietly aside, the corners of his lips raised quietly.

Similarly, in the corner of the venue, a black-haired girl who was neglected sighed without warning.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was sitting elegantly, seemed to be in a deep daze, so quiet that no one dared to disturb her.

Soon, high-strength vodka and whiskey were brought to the wine table by the waiter.

Wu Jialou Luo Lisuo opened the wine bottle, and then made an astonishing gesture.

With the fusion of the two liquors, a cocktail resembling oolong tea... appeared.

"I didn't expect that this girl would actually do this trick."

"It looks like it was tricked by Di Taro. It is conservatively estimated that there will be two or three times for this familiar action."

"This oolong tea is too difficult for girls, even sister Zi, can't drink a few cups?"

Listening to the discussions all around, Kiyoko Kamio bit her lips tightly.

Even though she knew she couldn't drink enough, she still had to give it up for the sake of face.

"Give me the wine."

"Here, come on, Qingzi."

Kiyoko Kamio's girlfriends all cheered and cheered.

Wu Jialou turned his head, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Just when the two were about to toast, Kitahara Iori came to Imamura Kohei and whispered a few words.

Kohei Imamura's face suddenly tensed up, but it was gone.

The degree of oolong tea is not something that ordinary people can bear.

After drinking a glass, people who are overwhelmed with alcohol will basically have to pour it immediately.

Of course, at this time, some people will engage in unrestrained drunkenness.


Kiyoko Kamio wiped off the liquid from her mouth, her expression became subtle, and she kept shaking her head.

Wu Jialou's drinking capacity is really bad, and he is already a little unsteady.

The situation of the two of them made the sound of persuasion keep ringing around.

However, it is impossible for people who drink to the top to listen to persuasion.

At some point, Kitahara Iori, who was holding six cups of warm water, walked to the table with a smile.

"Drinking all the time will prevent you from being able to exert your original strength. Please drink some water."

Saying that, Kitahara Iori put down the tray.

The distribution of the six glasses of water was very even, and the amount far exceeded the upper limit of two people.

Even if there was a white powder incident before, the people around didn't think that Kitahara Iori would put medicine in the water.

In fact, Kitahara Iori not only prescribed medicine, but also put six glasses of water. It is true that he is a werewolf.

The two women who drank the water did not lose consciousness immediately.

Imamura Kohei moved closer to Kitahara Iori and said, "It will take effect within five minutes, and we have to deal with the remaining cups of water."

"Don't worry, I'll pour the water later..." Before Kitahara Iori finished speaking, the four glasses of water placed on the table were taken away by several other people.

Kitahara Iori stared wide-eyed, and said anxiously: "The situation has changed, do you have an antidote for this thing?!"

"Uh..." Kohei Imamura thought for a while, and took out the bag of white powder that was still halfway left.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Don't you want an antidote?"

"Eh? Is this the legendary "fighting poison with poison?"

" try to put a little on your finger and get it in your nose."

Kitahara Iori didn't know why, but she did it anyway.

Imamura Kohei raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, the method is given to you, put this thing in your pocket."

"You're finally... eh."

After Kitahara Iori took back the white powder, she suddenly felt dizzy.

In the blink of an eye, he figured everything out.

"You bastard... count... count... I..."

Imamura Kohei supported the black-haired man who was unconscious, and sighed: "The matter has come to this point, there must be someone who is responsible. If you don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"


Imamura Kohei was taken aback, turned his head slowly, and explained with a forced smile: "So it's... Nayuta, Kitahara is drunk..."

"Do you think I'm so stupid?" Nayuta stretched out his hand and said meaningfully, "Give it to me."

"Give you what?"

"What do you think? Give me that thing, and I'll pretend I didn't see anything."

Imamura Kohei hesitated again and again, but still took out the small bag of white powder from Kitahara Iori's pocket.

After Nayuta took it with his hand, he left as if nothing had happened.


At this moment, Kujo Tetaro, who had finished his speech, could finally escape early.

Editor Yinsha followed to the door and said goodbye: "Leave the follow-up to me, and you can gather over there with peace of mind."

"Okay, that's troublesome, my conscience editor."

"It's okay, if you let me worry at ordinary times, then I will make you happy too, go ahead."

Kujo Tetaro was no longer pretentious, and returned to his home field readily.

At the door, he glanced inside.

The picture that came into view was several drunken girls and two men who were tied up.

Such a strange scene made him give up waiting and watching, and directly pushed the door open.

"What's going on? Why did you drink it all down?"

"What else can happen, these two boys are really good at playing, and they have prepared drugs."

Azusa Hamaoka turned her head, saw that it was Tetarou Kujo, and pointed at the blond man angrily.

Kohei Imamura did not deny it, and said sadly: "I have said it all, Iori asked me to do this, and he gave me the medicine. As for why I did this, I don't know, Di Taro, you have to help me!"

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