Nayuta felt guilty, subconsciously held his breath, pretending that there was no one in the room.

She knew very well that the door of the hotel room would be locked once it was closed.

Therefore, outsiders cannot come in no matter what.

dong dong!

The knock on the door was louder.

Nayuta frowned, persuading himself in his heart, it will be fine in a while, don't worry about it...

At this moment, the black-haired girl outside the door took a deep breath.

"Nayuta, right? I know you're inside. I don't know what you're planning to do, but if you don't open the door now, I'll call the front desk of the hotel. They have spare room cards."


Nayuta covered his mouth, his eyes widened.

How is it possible, how would she know I was inside?

Did you see me coming in here just now?No, her tone seems to know a lot?

Could it be that when I was downstairs, I saw the scene of me taking the medicine?I'm in trouble now...

Nayuta adjusted his mood and went to open the door.

What caught my eye was a waist-length girl with black hair.

"Who are you...?"

"Megumi Kato, Kujo Tetaro's cousin."


After Kato Megumi entered the room, Nayuta closed the door helplessly.

Looking at Tetaro Kujo lying on the bed, Megumi Kato sighed softly, "You really are lawless, how dare you do this."

Nayuta scratched his face, and said with a sneer: "Hey hey...that guy Kohei Imamura told you? No, I didn't tell him the plan either."

"I just saw that you took the medicine from him, so I was a little concerned, but I didn't expect that you would dare to do this. Are you really a junior high school student?"

After Kato Megumi finished asking, he walked to the bedside table and picked up half of the remaining fruit beer.

"You just add things here. Really, my cousin is so unsuspecting, and I have already warned him."

Nayuta blinked, and said with a smile: "Doesn't this just mean that I have a very high status in Brother Di Taro's heart?"

"Can you really distort the facts, or in other words, you are very good at deceiving yourself and others? You don't know that he has a girlfriend, why do you still do it? And you are only in junior high school, do you understand what you are doing?"

Kato Megumi put down the fruit beer, with a confused expression on his face.

Nayuta put his hands behind his back and asked back: "Sister Kato Megumi, you came here to ask me these things, but you came here as a cousin?"

Kato Megumi was taken aback, "What do you mean? I'm just here to prevent you from making mistakes."

"Just to stop me from making mistakes?" Nayuta supported the cold table and sat down on the sofa beside him, "I don't think Sister Kato Megumi, you stopped me just to stop me from making mistakes."

Kato Hui clenched his fists and said calmly: "You can think what you want, now we leave here together, I will not spread this matter, my cousin probably thinks he is asleep, don't let yourself make mistakes again and again .”

Nayuta spread his hands and said truthfully: "I admit that I did something wrong, but sister Kato Megumi, you actually have crooked ideas, right? After all, Brother Di Taro is very kind to you, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't see me after I took the medicine. , I immediately thought of these, and then ran to stop me."

"What are you reasoning about? I don't understand what you're talking about at all, all right, you can think whatever you like, now leave with me, understand?"

Kato Megumi stepped forward and walked in front of Nayuta.

Nayuta nodded, "Since you found out, then my actions must be impossible, why don't we sit here and chat."

"Nothing to talk about."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk? Are you so desireless? Even if you like something, you don't have the idea of ​​fighting for it?"

"Your thinking is very wrong..."

Kato Megumi was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Nayuta waved his hand and said meaningfully: "I'm not the only one who deceives others. Anyway, I don't believe that there will be no waves in Brother Di Taro's emotional experience. I will wait until the time comes. I hope you can remember your words." , don't fight."

"Why are you so disobedient?"

Kato Megumi was puzzled.

She really didn't understand why the junior high school student in front of her was so obsessed with Kujo Tetaro.

A half-grown girl, doesn't she really know that what she did was wrong?

"Don't distort my question, can you agree? Don't fight with me then?"

"Why do I listen to you? Let me, a college student, listen to junior high school students? I don't want to lose face?"

Kato Megumi opened his mouth slightly, a little regretful.

She didn't know what happened to her suddenly, and her temper suddenly came up.

"Look, we're not the same." Nayuta raised the corners of his lips, showing an extremely exaggerated expression.

This little devil!

Megumi Kato clenched her fists, feeling furious after a long absence.

"I just don't want to argue with you, a junior high school student, so don't be too complacent."

"Yes, yes, I am a junior high school student, but I heard that boys like girls who are younger than me. When I get to college, you will be 25 years old..."

While Nayuta was talking, Q bomb's face was pinched.

Kato Megumin had no expression on his face, but there was a faint red light in his eyes.

Nayuta didn't sit still, and pushed hard directly.

When Kato Megumi fell, he grabbed Nayuta.

Suddenly, the two fell on the bed one after the other.

"You scumbag."

"You stinky brat."

Kato Megumi had the physical advantage, and rode Nayuta in an anti-climbing manner.

Nayuta was exasperated, and stretched out his hand to grab at random.


Kato Megumi's collar was pulled down a lot, and the spring light on his chest could not be blocked.

Nayuta was also uncomfortable, his face was almost rolled into a ball.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although the two were arguing, they didn't really do anything.

After Nayuta tore Kato Megumi's clothes, his behavior restrained.

Facing this junior high school student who is several years younger than himself, Kato Megumi will not do anything too extreme even if he is angry.

After punishing Nayuta's face like kneading dough, she stopped.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"No, you are anxious, I am not wrong."

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, a junior high school student. Really, it actually tore my clothes."

Kato Megumi sat aside, stretched out his hand to pull the loose collar, and said angrily: "If I were your sister, I would definitely be mad at you."

After Nayuta got up, he retorted without giving way: "Similarly, if I were your younger sister, it would definitely not be easy."

"Anyway, you broke my clothes. You have to find a way to get me new clothes before you leave tomorrow."

After Kato Megumi let go of his hand, the collar naturally slipped off, revealing a large spring on his chest.

Nayuta actually didn't have the idea of ​​reneging on the debt, but deliberately said the irony.

"You also rubbed my face, so we settled the matter. This dress has nothing to do with me."

"Smelly brat, that's fine. If you don't deal with it, I won't leave today. When my cousin wakes up, I won't hide anything from you."

After Kato Megumi finished speaking, he lay back directly.

Nayuta was taken aback for a moment, "You are too shameless, don't think about making a profit. If you don't leave today, then I won't leave either. Even if I get beaten up by Di Taro tomorrow, I won't back down."

"Who is afraid of whom, anyway, it's not like I haven't slept..."

Megumi Kato, who was in a rage, made a big news unpreparedly.

As soon as the words fell, the air was suddenly quiet.

Nayuta's face darkened, and he said angrily: "I knew it, you really have a problem, and you still say I'm wrong!"

Kato Megumi glanced over and argued, "You're so deceitful, I'm just kidding you..."

"You think I'm stupid. You didn't think about what you said just now, so it's 100% true. Damn it, you're all in this kind of relationship. No wonder you came to stop me today, you despicable villain!"

Nayuta sat on Megumi Kato like a kitten with fur.

Kato Megumi felt his chest tighten, and his face gradually turned red, "You...what are you doing? You perverted pervert."

"Damn it, it's this pair of Oupai, look at me for a while..."

"Hahahahaha... you give me... Enough is enough!"

After Kato Megumi pushed Nayuta away, he clutched his chest while panting and accusing.

"You are messing around, I will not be polite, even if you are a junior high school student."

"I wanted to pay you for your clothes, but now it's impossible to say anything."

Kato Megumi lost his composure, and urged impatiently: "I don't care about your clothes anymore, get out of here right now."

Nayuta pointed to the door, "If you want to go, go now, I will follow you."

"Why?" Megumi Kato breathed harder, "I'm still fighting with you today. If you don't go first, I will tell my cousin tomorrow what you did tonight."

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