"After all! After all, it was the king who failed to keep his crown! This strong man who defeated Mie Tang Zhi Fang will definitely become the new Fist Wish King! Let us shout loudly... the birth of a new king!"

Amid overwhelming cheers, Kujo Tetaro left the stage calmly.

And as the loser, Ganaker lost all his aura and was quietly carried away.

No one regrets Ghana's failure, because for everyone, the strongest is to be defeated.

If one day, Kujo Tetaro loses, he will not be treated much better than Kanana.

At this moment, in the VIP auditorium.

Katahara Mietou leaned on a cane and said nothing.

The group of people on the side had strange eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed, Katahara Mietou smiled.

"Hahahahaha, it's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, but that's fine too, hahahaha!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Katahara Mietou with even more doubts.

You must know that the failure of Kanako means that Katahara Mido will step down as the chairman.

Katahara Mietou is already an octogenarian, and it is almost difficult to get up after falling.

As we all know, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Katahara Mietou has been the boxing president for so many years, can he be relieved of his current situation?

No one could guess Katahara Mietang's mind, or in other words, no one present reached his level of thought.

What Katahara Mietou said and laughed were exactly his true thoughts.

He had originally planned to give up the throne of President Quan Yuan, but instead of retreating in the face of difficulties, he broke through and stood up.

As the saying goes, the older a person is, the weirder his temper becomes.

Katahara Mietou has stood at the peak for too long, and no one can shake his position.

Such an invincible life made him feel lonely.

Therefore, he wants to go back, back to the era when he did his best for the president of Quan Yuan.


The story is divided into two parts. After Kujo Ditaro won the game, it means that the first round of elimination in the boxing competition has been completed.

Among the sixteen winners, there are Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, Kiryu Setsuna, Wu Lei'an...

According to the promotion rules of the competition system, Kujo Ditaro's next opponent is not these acquaintances, but a fighter known as the god of thunder.

Time passed, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The quarter-finals promotion match came to the last match.

Amid the deafening cheers, Kujo Tetaro appeared on the stage.

In front of him stood a handsome man with extraordinary bearing.

The man has blue hair, a strong but not strong body, a strange expression, and a preoccupied look.

Kujo Ditaro knew that this martial artist named Yulei Ling was extremely good at speed, so fast that it was outrageous.


The referee raised his arms and was about to announce the start of the game.

Yu Lei Ling bent down, and at the exit behind him stood a coquettish big...beautiful woman.

The big beauty hugged her arms, and the Mount Everest on her chest was much taller.

"Zero, even if I can control the male with words, plus your Thunder Heart Flow, under this double suggestion, you have forcibly opened the limit of your body, but...does it really work?"

The woman's murmur did not reach Yu Leiling's ears.

At this moment, there is only one thought in Yu Leiling's mind.

That is... for your own queen, win this game!


The moment the referee dropped his hand, Yu Leiling's body had already disappeared.

Yu Leiling's speed is so fast that ordinary people can't keep up with their eyes.

Even the contestants on the audience stage frowned.

However, what happened next made the corners of their eyes twitch even more.

It has to be said that Yu Leiling's speed is already the second person in the entire boxing competition.

As for the first person, it is naturally the man who claims to have the template of the game god costume.

Kujo Tetaro's eyes seemed to have a slow-motion effect, and the movements of Yu Lei Ling were clearly captured by him.


Kujo Ditaro made a precise shot, pinched the face of the man who just rushed in front of him, and then smashed it to the ground.

The loud sound of heavy objects hitting the ground spread throughout the venue.

On the cracked ground lay a fainted man sprawled all over.

Kujo Tetaro let go of his hand, and slowly stood up.

Knot... over?

The referee who had just announced the start of the game shouted inarticulately: "Win...winner! Kujo Tetaro!"

After a brief silence, thunderous cheers erupted from the venue.

The beautiful host on the host stage was hoarsely expressing her sense of existence.

"Oh my god! It was such a fleeting battle! Thor, who claims to be the fastest and kills the enemy instantly in the preliminary round, failed to survive the next round in the hands of Kongjo. This... this is the birth of the King of Fighters! !"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cut off the teeth of Tang first, and then Thor.

After the victory of the two battles, Kujo Tetaro has become famous and has reached the point where no one knows.

The top eight companies that wanted to win the title of President of Quanyuan began to have an undercurrent.

Instead of looking for Kujo Tetarou's troubles, they focused on Soryuin Shione.

Zou Liuyuan Ziyin is very capable, facing these open and dark arrows, she is more than adequate to deal with them.

Time passed day by day, and the semi-finals promotion match went on as scheduled.

Kujo Didaro didn't go to watch the game, but discussed business with Soruin Shion.

"The competition has progressed to the late stage. After the semi-finals come out, it will be the semi-finals. I have confidence in you. If you win the championship, I need you to do this..."

"Are you sure?"

Kujo Tetaro had a strange expression on his face, and said, "I don't care who is the president, but do you think it's worth it?"

"I didn't want to be the president at all." Ziyin from Zuoliuyuan exhaled a puff of white smoke and said with a mysterious smile, "I'm a businessman and I won't let myself lose money. After you win, just do as I say. "

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have already earned enough in this boxing competition."

As Tetaro Kujo said, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

You know, he made a full 480 billion yen by virtue of the fight with Kanako.

This money alone is enough for him to squander the rest of his life.

In addition, there is a share worth 2800 billion, which is waiting for him to collect it.


Eight to four small finals, it can be said to be a group of demons dancing wildly.

The strength of any fighter who can reach the present level is unquestionable.

Therefore, after four games, almost everyone was injured.

Of course, Kujo Didaro, who was called the King of Fighters, still won easily.

"This man... is too strong."

"Why is it so strong?"

"No one of the four who have advanced now is his opponent."

Kujo Tetaro is stronger than most people expected.

Nowadays, whether it is a defeated fighter or a winning fighter, they can all sense a mountain in front of them.

Among them, the one with the strongest reaction was none other than the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, one of the top four.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma once suffered a defeat at the hands of Kujo Tetaro, so during this time, he has been concentrating on cultivation.

Although the strength is much stronger, even the Erhuliu, who was once disliked, is superbly used and has been greatly improved.


The stronger it becomes, the more clearly the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma can sense the horror of Kujo Tetaro.

Terrible is terrible, but if there is a fight, it must be fought.

However, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma thinks he can do it, but others don't think so.

His employer, as well as Qiu Shanfeng, are trying to persuade him to give up.

"Ouma, your next opponent is Mr. Kujo, your body is already seriously injured, or..."

"Even if you take painkillers, you can't suppress your injury. So far, Mr. Kujo hasn't suffered any serious injuries. It's really not a disgraceful act to abstain, and..."

"Shut up! This is my game, you don't want to interfere anymore, or don't blame me for turning my face."

The ten ghost snake king horse's obsession cannot be shaken by outsiders at all.

After Qiu Shanfeng couldn't persuade him, he had no choice but to find Kujo Ditaro.

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