"Don't worry, it's only after eight o'clock. Brother Di Taro doesn't seem to be a person who goes to bed so early."

"You let me stay here for a long time, your mother will worry sooner or later, all right, get out of the way."

"No, my mother trusts you very much. Don't talk about staying for a long time, it's fine even if you sleep... Mmmmm."

Kujo Tetaro pinched the girl's cheek and rubbed it wantonly.

Nayuta didn't struggle, but enjoyed it.

Kujo Ditaro twitched his eyes, turned around and walked to the bed, and searched while talking.

"I seriously suspect that there are some strange books in your room. I'll take a look... Sure enough, there are orcs and loli?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is my privacy, Brother Di Taro, how can you do this!"

Nayuta snatched back his personal belongings, his face blushing.

Kujo Tetaro was quite surprised, "You still have the face to be shy? Do you see that this is a book that junior high school students should read?"

"This is an academic research. The teacher doesn't say it all. If you don't understand it, you have to understand it. There's nothing wrong with it."

Nayuta not only did not feel ashamed, but instead made strong arguments.

Kujo Tetaro didn't expand the topic on nonsense.

Unable to help, he thought of what happened at the hotel on the day the two met.

After a little thought, he asked.

"Tell me honestly, do you only watch this kind of stuff in elementary school?"

"It's not. How can there be such elementary school students in the world? I take the lead in disdain!"

Nayuta glanced over his head, with a guilty expression on his face.

Kujo Tetaro narrowed his eyes, and his tone became subtle.

"But in your book, the release date is not in the last two years."

Want to tell me something?

ya ya ya...

Nayuta spoke articulately, and said unhurriedly: "Well, a junior high school student like me certainly can't go to a bookstore to buy, so I order online, and it's not normal for merchants to sell second-hand goods."



At some point, Kujo Tetaro's head moved in front of the girl.

Nayuta looked at the exaggerated face in front of him in a daze, a little at a loss.

Kujo Tetaro stretched out his big hand, and snatched the book hidden behind the girl.

"I confiscated this thing. How can a little girl look at these things? No wonder she usually does outrageous things."

"Brother Di Taro, don't you want to take it back and see for yourself? Otherwise, give it back to me."

Nayuta retreated to advance, and it didn't work at all.

Kujo Tetaro didn't take it seriously, and continued to look for adult books in the room.

Not to mention, Nayuta's addiction to meat is really heavy.

Relying on his experienced experience, Kujo Tetaro found several adult books.

The content of the book is nothing else, they are all big and small stories that show the contrast and cuteness.

Nayuta saw that his country was destroyed, and immediately rolled around in place and started messing around.

"Give it back to me! I spent a lot of effort to get these! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

"Don't worry, I won't take it away, I'll give it to your mother."

"Are you doing human affairs?" Nayuta crawled to Kujo Tetaro's feet, and hugged the latter's thigh like a sloth.

"Brother Di Taro, compare your heart with your heart. I don't believe you don't have these things. If you take them all away, how can I live? Please, just keep a copy."

"One copy? I won't leave one for you."

"Brother Di Taro, Oni-chan, Oni..."

Nayuta is used both soft and hard, but the effect is minimal.

Kujo Tetaro found a bag and packed these unsuitable books for children.

Nayuta was lying on the ground, looking a little depressed, as if he had lost his purpose in life.

"I'll take these away, and I'll come here irregularly every week in the future, so I can take it easy."

Kujo Tetaro picked up the bag and made a gesture to leave.

Nayuta was dejected, but his body was honest, and he hugged the man's ankle.

After dragging the girl for a few steps, Kujo Ditaro turned his head and warned: "Let go, this thing has already had a considerable impact on you, if you don't take it away now, you will be finished sooner or later."

"I don't." Nayuta puffed up his cheeks, and said forcefully: "I don't believe that brother Didarou doesn't have these, I don't believe it! I don't accept it! I don't!"

"But I'm an adult, and you haven't." Kujo Tetaro squatted down, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, "If your mother agrees with you to read these, then pretend I didn't say it, how about it?"

"But I'm used to it." Nayuta sighed with a bitter face, "This is not how you quit smoking. It's not about step by step, bit by bit."

"Then tell me the truth, you started reading it in elementary school?"

"No, not really."

"I'm leaving."

"Yes! When I was in elementary school, I found an unwanted adult book in the apartment. To be honest, when I picked it up, I wanted to return it to the owner one day..."

Before Nayuta finished speaking, his little face was rubbed back and forth.

To be honest, Kujo Tetaro prefers beautiful girls with smooth skin.

In addition to being pleasing to the eye, the main reason is that such a girl has a very elastic face, which is particularly refreshing when rubbed.

After some ravages, Kujo Tetaro let go of his hand.

"Because of your simplicity in the beginning, I will leave a copy for you."

"Really? I want the dragon and the princess."

"Return the dragon..."

Kujo Ditaro rummaged through the books in his bag, disdainfully.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"I cut fruit for you..."

Kujo Ditaro stuffed back the half-retrieved book, and said back, "No need, Auntie, I'm leaving now."

"I'm leaving now? Why don't you stay for a while, your house lives across the street, so it doesn't matter if you go back later? Hezi doesn't have any friends here..."

Nayuta's mother put down the fruit and put her hands in front of her, as if begging.

Kujo Tetaro nodded, indicating that he would stay longer.

Satisfied, Nayuta left with a smile.

"Brother Di Taro, it's okay to stay a little longer, I don't mind you sleeping here."

Kujo Tetaro felt his back sink, and the aroma rushed to his face.

After Nayuta hugged Kujo Tetaro's neck, his whole body seemed to go limp.

Kujo Ditaro looked sideways and said, "I won't leave any of them for you."

Nayuta rested his head on the man's shoulder, his voice soft.

"If it can continue like this, I don't want any of those."

"Nayuta, I know you won't listen, but you have better choices than me, we are really not suitable."

"Sooner or later, I will become an adult. The difference in age is not a problem at all in the adult world. Brother Di Taro, don't treat me like a child who doesn't understand anything, okay?"

Kujo Tetaro sighed softly, and the topic changed suddenly.

"Okay, I don't treat you as a child, you should know that I have a girlfriend, and you are acting as a third party now."

Nayuta did not deny it, and said frankly: "Brother Ditaro, what you said put me on the same level, that's fine, as for the third party, I don't care."

Sure enough, I can't communicate, just like Garuda, paranoid to death....

In Kujo Tetaro's mind, the figure of Wu Jialou appeared.

Not to mention, the personalities of the two are similar.

What you have determined cannot be changed at all, even if you hit the south wall.

Kujo Tetaro gave up preaching, picked up the fruit on the side, chewed and swallowed slowly.

"Brother Di Taro, I want an apple too." Nayuta said, opening his small mouth.

Kujo Tetaro stuck a piece of apple with a toothpick and stuffed it into his mouth.

Nayuta was not discouraged, and continued: "Okay, the apple is gone, then give me a banana."


Kujo Tetaro looked down and found that there were no bananas on the plate.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Misfortune comes out of the mouth.

After Nayuta's wanton departure, Kujo Tetaro was ruthless and directly took away all the adult books.

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