The two looked at each other and hurried to the board.

Kujo Ditaro looked at the stalled cargo ship with some doubts.

Doctor Yingchu was well-informed, and when he came directly to the edge of the deck, he saw a speedboat gradually going away.

"The captain ran away. The ship is probably going to be damaged, so we will withdraw soon."

As soon as Doctor Yingchu finished speaking, there was a loud noise from the bottom of the hull.

Under the violent shaking, the entire cargo ship began to tilt sideways.

Kujo Tetaro grabbed Doctor Eichu and threw it forward vigorously.

Then, without hesitation, he jumped into the sea.

The sinking momentum of the cargo ship caused a very suction vortex to appear on the sea surface.

Kujo Ditaro struggled with Uzumaki for a while, and barely escaped.

Dr. Eicho floated on the surface of the water, looked at Totaro Kujo from a distance, and shook his head regretfully.

"I'm afraid the people in the boat won't survive, what a cruel hand, these foreigners."

"What about the escaped captain?"

"This is not their territory. It's fine if he doesn't show his face. As long as he shows up, he will feel better."

Kujo Tetaro nodded, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Doctor Eichu.


What happened in the psychiatric hospital was once reported by the world's media.

In order to suppress the pressure of public opinion, the Neon government temporarily closed the Kyoto Psychiatric Center.

Among them, the mentally ill were seriously injured and were transferred to nearby medical institutions for treatment.

The uninjured mental patients were shunted to mental hospitals in various places according to their household registration.

In fact, after this kind of turmoil, the Neon people no longer trust the mental hospital.

Therefore, some mental patients with mild symptoms were taken home by their relatives.

Similarly, Kujo Ditaro also returned to Bilan Town from Kyoto.

After more than half a month of peaceful daily life, Kujo Tetaro ushered in the winter vacation.

Winter vacation is not suitable for snorkeling, and the New Year is coming soon, so the people in Pab Club basically went back to their respective homes.

Kujo Didaro called his parents and was not too surprised when he learned that the two were busy with running a new company and would not be going home this year.

After all, a person's years, he has been used to it.

After sending Megumi Kato, the cousin, to the high-speed rail station on his way home, Toshitaro Kujo gave a few words of admonition in a rather elder style.

"Go back and say hello to your parents for me, and you take this gift."

Kato Megumi responded: "Cousin, are they really not going back to China this year?"

"Isn't it normal for them not to come back?"

Kujo Ditaro didn't take it seriously, and after handing out the gift in his hand, he said in a low voice: "Go back and try to control your food intake, otherwise your parents will think that you have a miserable life here. To be honest, I don't want to hear about your parents. complaints."

Kato Megumi blushed rarely, nodded and said, "I will try my best to control it."

Kujo Ditaro waved his hand with a smile: "Okay, it's time for you to go. You have been here for more than half a year. Your parents should miss you very much, so be careful along the way."

"I will, cousin." Kato Megumi pulled the suitcase and followed the flow of people.

Suddenly, Kato Megumi stopped, looked back at Kujo Tetaro, his lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

Kujo Tetaro smiled slightly, his eyes slightly soft.

Kato Megumi was silent for a while, and finally left with the suitcase.

Kujo Tetaro turned back and walked up the steps, he couldn't help but think of the conversation between the two in the car.

"Cousin, if cousin and the others don't come back, don't you have to spend the New Year alone?"

"Well, I'm used to it."

"This...Cousin, why don't you go to my house for the New Year, at least it's not so deserted."

"This is your family's reunion day. It's not suitable for me to go. Well, don't worry about it. My parents can't tell. They may or may not come back. It's the same anyway. I'm used to it... "


After Kujo Tetaro returned home, he received a text message from Kato Megumi.

The content of the text message was nothing special, just a hug for peace.

Kujo Didaro didn't say much, and replied with an OK emoji.

After chatting with Megumi Kato for a while, he ended the chat on the grounds of eating.

Kujo Tetaro is not talking empty words, he is indeed a little hungry.

After lunch, Kujo Tetaro glanced at the calendar on his phone, and confirmed that there were five days left before the New Year's Eve.

An empty house can easily create a lonely atmosphere.

Kujo Ditaro didn't stay downstairs for long, got up and went upstairs to sleep.

In the next few days, Kujo Ditaro lived a life like a salted fish.

I either eat or sleep every day, and occasionally find someone to chat about illogical days, which is a waste of time.

Kujo Ditaro looked through Moments and found that everyone's updates were about how to celebrate the new year tonight.

For a while, he was not interested in playing with his mobile phone.

Kujo Tetaro squinted his eyes, intending to sleep for the New Year's Eve.

Suddenly, the door of Kong Tiao's house was opened.



Kujo Tetaro turned his head to the side, looking at the black-haired girl's eyes, a little astonished.

Kato Megumi removed the suitcase, took off the white cotton cap on his head, and sighed expressionlessly.

"Cousin, I thought you weren't here, did you have lunch?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kato Megumi's sudden arrival did catch Kujo Tetaro by surprise.

Kujo Tetaro opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

Kato Megumi put down the cotton cap and took off the scarf.

Seeing Kujo Tetaro's expression, she gave an explanation.

"Cousin, I can't stay at home anymore. My parents thought I was still eating as much as before, and I didn't dare to act too strangely, so I had no choice but to find an excuse to come back."

"That's it, but today is Chinese New Year, you come back at this time..."

Kujo Tetaro looked at the black-haired girl who walked up to him with strange eyes.

Kato Megumin had no expression on his face, and sat calmly on the sofa.

"Cousin and the others haven't come back this year?"


"I think so, after all, cousin and the others are so busy, then cousin, what are your plans today?"

Kujo Tetaro smiled: "I originally planned to be casual, but since you are here, let's go, let's go buy some food and make dinner."

Kato Megumi nodded: "Cousin, why don't you wait, when I came, it was snowing outside."

"It's okay, it's just Xiaoxue. The convenience store is nearby. Let's buy some food and have hot pot at night."

"Hot pot, it's a good choice."

After the two reached a consensus, they went to a nearby convenience store together.

Kujo Ditaro is a meat eater, so he almost only eats meat and not vegetables.

Kato Megumi was not picky about food, and followed Kujo Tetaro all the way, picking a lot of vegetables.

When checking out, the cashier smiled inexplicably as he looked at the two baskets of meaty goods.

It's just a little effort to buy vegetables, the snow outside is much heavier.

Kato Hui looked up at the sky and said with emotion: "It's just like my cousin thought, the snow is getting bigger and bigger."

Kujo Ditaro raised his mouth: "Isn't this the best way, no one can go out for the New Year's Eve ceremony."

"Cousin, you are really..."

Kato Megumi was speechless, and slowly opened the umbrella.

Kujo Tetaro also held up an umbrella, while carrying merchandise in the other hand.

The two walked back home side by side. After shaking off the fine snow from their shoulders at the entrance, they went to the kitchen to organize the ingredients together.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Kujo Tetaro received a call and went out for a while.

It was not until seven o'clock in the afternoon that Kujo Tetaro returned home.

"Cousin, why did you come back from buying cakes?"

"When I passed by the cake shop, they were doing a big promotion. After thinking about it, I bought a cake and came back."

After placing the strawberry cake on the coffee table, Kujo Tetaro turned around and sat down at the table.

Kato Megumi didn't say much on the surface, but he remembered some past events in his heart.

She once heard from her parents that when Kujo Tetaro was born, her mother almost died of dystocia.

Therefore, most of the relatives of Kujo's family know the date of birth of Kujo Tetaro.

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