After a brief moment of confusion, Furutegawa Chisa revealed the reason why Kitahara Iori couldn't come to class.

"Have a cold? Is that in the store?"

"Eh? Hmm..."

As soon as Furutegawa Chisa finished speaking, Imamura Kohei ran out of the classroom in three steps at a time.

After thinking for a while, Chisa Furutegawa sighed with experience.

"What the hell are these idiots doing?"


In dive shops.

The drowsy Kitahara Iori slowly opened her eyes.

In his blurred vision, he saw a familiar figure, walked up to him and sat down.

"Bei Yuan, how is your health?"

Imamura Kohei put down the tray, picked up a green onion, and gently wrapped it around Kitahara Iori's neck.

Kitahara Iori raised her cold light, and said vigilantly, "You...what are you doing?"

"Beihara, I just want to ask you something. Did you take the things I put in Di Taro's place?"

"How, how is it possible..."

Kitahara Iori's face was sweating, and he was terrified in his heart.

Indeed, when he returned the VR headset, he secretly took a butter game home.

But he didn't sell this item that didn't belong to him, but studied it quietly with an academic heart.


Imamura Kohei picked up a green onion, the corners of his mouth raised strangely.

"When you replied to me just now, your tone was not natural, Yizhi, you should know, there are two simple ways to treat fever..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kitahara Iori was already in a cold sweat from fright.

"Wait! Genghei, calm down first, I just took a little..."

"You really took it!"

Kohei Imamura glared at him, picked up the tape on the tray, and pulled it away.

Before Kitahara Iori could react, her mouth was sealed with tape.

Kohei Imamura was skillful, and he used tape to bind Kitahara Iori's wrists and ankles.

Kitahara Iori was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, looking up at the blond man in front of him in horror.

Imamura Kohei stood up, sighed sadly, and his face was instantly grim.

"Beiyuan, you can go on the road with peace of mind!"

"No no no!"

Kitahara Iori always spared her life, seeing that her chastity was about to be lost, she immediately rolled to the side.

Imamura Kohei smiled disdainfully, and the green onion in his hand looked even thicker.

"Beiyuan, why are you running? I'm treating your illness."


Kitahara Iori leaned against the wall, shaking her head desperately.

Facing the black-haired man's begging for mercy, Kohei Imamura turned a blind eye to it, and the corners of his mouth rose even more.

"Don't worry, it will be fine after a while. This simple method is very effective. Do you still remember that when I caught a cold, you could ask the doctor to pick the thickest needle tube. Don't worry, you are good. I will always remember it. In my heart, I picked a green onion for you."

Kitahara Iori was sweating profusely, feeling panicked.

Kohei Imamura shook the green onion vigorously, his eyes flickering with coldness.

The movement upstairs attracted the attention of the people below.

At this moment, Kujo Tetaro was sitting in front of Furutegawa Nanahua.

"What's wrong with them? It's a bit noisy."

"It's okay, they've always been like this."

"But Yizhi is sick today, shouldn't he be given a good rest? I'd better go and talk about it."

Kujo Tetaro waved and stopped Furute Kawana.

"Hey, sister Nanahua, they've always been like this, and Iori has a fever, so she has to move more. I think Kohei should have thought of this and did this on purpose."

"That's right, Gengping is quite intentional. Usually the two of them quarreled like that, but it was unexpectedly reliable at critical moments."

Furute Kawa Nanaka didn't think too much, and showed a gratified smile.

Kujo Ditaro raised the corners of his mouth, "They are all college students after all."


There was a noise from upstairs that could not be ignored.

Even though Furute Kawa Nanaka was dumbfounded enough, she realized that something was wrong.

"I'll go up and take a look."

"Let me go, Miss Nanahua."

Kujo Tetarou stabilized Furute Kawana, turned around and walked up the stairs.

As soon as Tetaro Kujo arrived on the second floor, he saw Kitahara Iori, whose mouth was sealed with tape, dragged into the house bit by bit by a mysterious force.

At the critical moment, Kitahara Iori saw the figure of Kujo Tetaro.

As if seeing a savior, the black-haired man began to struggle violently hysterically.

As the movement became louder and louder, Furute Kawana who was downstairs couldn't help shouting upwards.

"Titaro, what's the matter?"

"It's fine, they're just as usual."

"Well, then tell them to keep their voices down."

Kujo Tetaro responded, and walked slowly to Kitahara Iori.

Kitahara Iori raised her head, her eyes filled with sad tears.

Toshitaro Kujo looked at Kohei Imamura and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Cure Iori."

Imamura Kohei solemnly took out the green onion stuck in his waist.

Kujo Tetaro suddenly smiled, waved his hand and said, "Okay, then you guys continue..."

"No no no no!"

In the end, Kitahara Iori was freed.

Recalling the scene just now, Kitahara Iori still felt scared.

You know, if he hadn't resisted desperately, chastity would be dominated by green onions.

After Imamura Kohei learned the truth, he didn't realize that he owed Kitahara Iori.

After all, he was done like this when he had a fever.


Although the misunderstanding has been resolved, Imamura Kohei still failed to get back what he wanted.

Kujo Tetaro sat at the dining table, drinking spirits and eating sashimi.

Seeing Kohei Imamura slumped, the corners of Iori Kitahara's mouth turned up, gloating over his misfortune.

"This sashimi tastes really good, good like those butter games."

"What are you doing!"

"Don't be angry, let alone, the taste of this wine reminds me of that VR helmet."

"Do you want to die?!"

Kohei Imamura was pinching Kitahara Iori's collar, his beautiful face was hideous and out of character.

Kitahara Iori shook the hair in front of her forehead, her smile became more and more broken.

"Some people are alive, but he is already dead. The greatest pain in life is not being loved, tsk tsk tsk tsk."

Imamura Kohei's eardrums were pierced, and his eyes could almost burst into flames.

Kitahara Iori knew the consequences of going too far, so enough was enough.

"Don't stare at me like that. At the beginning, you asked us to help you take care of things. Now that you've repented, you still blame us?"

Imamura Kohei lowered his arms and said helplessly, "I don't blame you either, but, even a little bit is fine, just give a little bit."

"What did you say?"

Furute Kawa Nanaka brought a plate of fruit and put it on the table, then looked at the three of them suspiciously.

Imamura Kohei waved his hands again and again, and said perfunctorily, "It's okay, it's okay, sister Nanahua, go and do your work."

"Oh..." Furutegawa Nanahua smiled, turned and left.

Kujo Tetaro picked up the fruit and chewed it carefully.

"Gengping, it's not impossible to return the things to you, but it's okay."

"But what?"

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