He pulled the radio on his collar and murmured.

"The appearance of her eating bananas is simply indescribable. Can you change her?"

"No, don't you claim that there is no girl you can't take down? Why did you retreat from the beginning? Do you want to show some face?"

"But can she be considered a girl? She's just a monkey in human skin. I really can't do anything to a monkey."

"Just take it for a change, and it's not as exaggerated as you said. Haven't you seen the photos before? Isn't she cute?"

The handsome guy had no choice, coughed dryly, and looked at Yoshiko Hanabata with a smile.

"The way you eat bananas is so cute. Meeting is fate. How about we go to the nearby cinema and watch a movie?"

"Watching a movie? Okay."

Yoshiko Huabata swallowed the banana and agreed.

The handsome man's eyes flickered coldly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The two walked into the cinema.

Yoshiko Hanabata found something and ran away in a hurry.

The handsome guy was startled, and hurriedly chased after him.

Yoshiko Hanabata stopped in front of the claw machine and dug into her pockets with both hands, but there was nothing.

"You like dolls, don't you?"

The handsome guy took out his wallet and gave out some change with a smile.

"Wow, you're such a nice guy."


When the handsome guy was in a daze, the change in his hand had disappeared.

Looking at the girl holding the doll, he began to sneer in his heart.

That's right, just change the taste.

It's a bit stupid, but it looks pretty good anyway.

At that time, I must let you know the dangers of society...

"Give me some more money, please."

Yoshiko Hanabata tilted her head, like a wise child, she spread her hands towards the man beside her.

The corner of the handsome guy's mouth twitched: "Why don't we go to the movies first, and then come out to hold the dolls?"

"You're out of money, right?" Kako Huabata held the back of her head with both hands, "Then I'll go find Xiao Ming."

"Oh no, just wait a moment." The handsome guy took out his wallet and handed out a banknote with a forced smile, "It's okay after this time, right?"

Yoshiko Hanabata smiled and accepted the money happily.

The handsome guy stepped aside and began to report the situation.

"This is so outrageous. I feel that this girl is mentally retarded at a young age, and my behavior is even more like a mental retardation."

"Come on, hold on, victory is just around the corner, she and the target are good friends and must be won."

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt my back. I look at her more now, and it makes me look stupid."

"The organization won't treat you badly. Don't worry, we will pay for today's consumption."

The handsome guy felt better when he heard this.

He sighed, turned his head and glanced, his pupils contracted suddenly.

I saw that Yoshiko Hanabata, who was staying in front of the claw machine, had disappeared without a trace.

The handsome guy cursed under his breath as he looked around.

"The woman is missing, shit, cheated me of five thousand yuan?"

"What's the situation? How did this happen?"

"I walked away for less than two minutes, and the woman disappeared. Damn, I was tricked? Fuck, she's a scheming bitch."

At this moment, Yoshiko Hanabata outside the movie theater sneezed without warning.

She scratched her head, recalled today's business, and started running all the way.

"Uncle Banana, I'm coming!"


Pua man's failure is doomed.

Whenever they pick a normal person, they can achieve some effect, but they choose Yoshiko Hanabata.

Kujo Ditaro didn't know that the pua man had already started a revenge plan and was tricked.

At this moment, he was standing at the door of Nayuta's main house, holding some gifts in his hand.

Ding dong.

The door opened from the inside, and it was Nayuta who came.

Nayuta was wearing a light green midi skirt and a pair of black stockings on her lower body.

The long silver hair that was originally loose was tied into twin ponytails today.

Nayuta's image changed, Kujo Tetaro couldn't help but look twice more.

"How? This hairstyle?"

Nayuta pinched the ends of the twin ponytails, shaking them with a smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's pretty cute."

Rarely, Kujo Tetaro truthfully praised Nayuta once.

Nayuta obviously couldn't boast, the corners of his lips rose wildly, and his cute image plummeted instantly.

Kujo Tetaro was used to it, and there was no strange expression on his face.

Nayuta realized that he had lost his composure, and coughed dryly.

"Brother Di Taro, in fact, today is not only my mother's birthday, but also my grandma's birthday."

"Yeah, that's kind of related."

"Well, you come in first."

Nayuta took a pair of slippers from the shoe rack and put them on the ground.

After changing his shoes, Kujo Tetaro followed Nayuta and walked into the house.

Nayuta's parents were busy in the kitchen.

When the two saw Tetaro Kujo, they immediately greeted him warmly.

"Sit down, Di Taro, there are fruits on the coffee table."

"Di Taro, what do you drink, tea or?"

Kujo Ditaro raised his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

"Mom, keep working, I'll just entertain Brother Di Taro."

Nayuta walked back from the refrigerator, handed the beer to Kujo Tetarou, and then yelled at the kitchen.

Nayuta's parents laughed cordially, but stopped talking.

Kujo Daitaro put down the beer casually, and explained: "I came here by car, so I don't drink this beer."

"Okay, Big Brother Di Taro, let me get you a drink."

"No, I'm not thirsty."

Nayuta thought for a while, then pushed the fruit plate on the coffee table to Kujo Tetaro's desk.

"Let's eat some fruit, Brother Ditaro."

"Don't be so polite to me, Nayuta."

In order to satisfy Nayuta's desire to entertain, Kujo Tetaro ate some fruit symbolically.

Satisfied, Nayuta smiled and sat on the sofa.

The girl propped her hands beside her, and her long silver ponytail fell down her shoulders.

Perhaps because of his good mood, Nayuta swayed his legs back and forth naturally, and his behavior was quite cute.

dong dong.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Nayuta jumped off the sofa and trotted to open the door.

"Grandma, you are finally here, hey, cousin, are you here too?"

"Hezi, show grandma, she has lost weight recently."

"Yes, that would be great."

Those who followed Nayuta came in, besides the white-haired Nayuta's grandmother, there was also a girl with short silver-white hair.

Kujo Tetaro's eyes fell on the girl with short silver-white hair, and his eyes gradually became strange.


Konno Junko looked at the man on the sofa with a surprised expression.

Nayuta took Grandma's arm and introduced with a smile.

"Grandma, this is Brother Di Taro, who takes good care of me."

"Hey, the young man is really strong. Hezi has made you worry about it. I thank you, old lady."

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