Kotoshiryu Jiro sighed softly, put his hands on Kujo Ditaro's shoulders, and said solemnly: "Ditaro, do you know?"

Seeing the serious expression of the man, Kujo Tetaro was taken aback: "Know what?"

"The association has rules. If no new members are recruited within two years, it will be disbanded. It is difficult for our association to recruit people. Once the essence is exposed, it is even less likely to have new members."

"I see." Kitahara Iori, who was lying on the back of the chair, waved her hand, "No wonder Chisa joined the club."

Kotobuki Ryujiro nodded: "That's it. Without newcomers, the process of applying for funds for the association will become very cumbersome. You have to understand that human resources are very important."

"So." Imamura Kohei flipped through the manga while answering the question, "The new semester recruits students, you have to rely on deception, just like when we joined the club."

"Vulgar words, didn't you join the club voluntarily back then, how could you be cheating?"

"Voluntarily join the club? The kind of coercion?"

"Shut up, anyway, the society has been handed over to you, so if you don't ask you to shine, you have to pass it on, right?"

As Kotoshiryu Jiro said, his shoulders suddenly sank.

He turned his head, looked at Tokita Shinji's face, and looked puzzled.

Tokita Shinji coughed: "We come from all corners of the country, and it is a great fate to meet and get acquainted here."

"Yizhi, when we let you join the club, we might have done it too aggressively. When I thought, you are a man who can be made. As the saying goes, the way to defeat fear is to face fear. Now, you are not so afraid of water, are you?" ?”

"Senior..." Kitahara Iori was stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered, and her voice was a little hoarse.

Tokita Shinji looked at Kohei Imamura, and said earnestly: "Kohei, you were recruited by Iori, and we were worried that you would not be able to adapt to us at first, but I have been unable to get the resignation letter I prepared for you. Ugh..."

Kohei Imamura blushed, "No, senpai... I'm very happy to join the company, really..."

"Hmm." Tokita Shinji nodded his head, his eyes shifted to Kujo Tetaro, and after a while, he showed a sunny smile.

"Di Taro, I have always believed in you, you are outstanding, and everyone is at ease when the club is entrusted to you."


Kujo Tetaro was moved, but also felt that something was wrong.

Soon, he found the crux of the problem.

The purple-haired woman sitting on the sofa was whispering to the long-haired sister Yu beside her.

"It's started."

"Yeah, this brainwashing session."

"When the president brainwashed us back then, his expression was more devoted, and so was his tone. I almost cried at that time."

"Oh, there's no way around it. It's not that easy to recruit people from the club. If someone quits the club during the period, it will only be a vicious circle and affect the mood of the rest of you. So there is no shortage of chicken soup."

I see... No wonder it feels so weird.

Kujo Tetaro looked at Tokita Shinji who expressed his affection, he hesitated to speak very much.

Tokita Shinji didn't know that his plan was exposed, and he was still giving an impassioned speech.

"I have always firmly believed that you can lead Peek a Boo to the next step. Although you are only first-year students, it depends on human effort. When we accepted the club, we were the same as you. Come on, juniors!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since joining the diving club, Kujo Toshitaro has changed a lot.

The most prominent among them is a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the word insidious and cunning.

Although there are routines everywhere around him, this anxious atmosphere has really exercised his resilience.

This is not just to relax, but almost brainwashed.

Kujo Tetaro walked to the sofa and sat down alone, regardless of his companion's life or death.

The two girls, who were whispering, stopped talking cleverly.

Azusa Hamaoka picked up the water glass on the table and handed it to Kujo Tetarou.

"Are you thirsty? Drink some water."

"Sister Zi, forget it, don't mess with it."

"It's real water, do you think I'm so boring?"

Kujo Tetaro touched his pocket and took out a lighter.

Azusa Hamaoka tactfully put down the water glass.

Furute Kawa Nanaka smiled, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, giving off a soft beauty.

"Di Taro, are you tired from drinking these days?"

"It's a little too much."

"Well, then take a break today and stop drinking."

"Sister Nanahua is still understanding."

As soon as Titaro Kujo finished speaking, Azusa Hamaoka at the side spread his hands helplessly.

"Di Taro, don't you know that when you compliment a girl, you have to compliment both of them together?"

"Sister Zi won't care about these details, and the moment you served me the wine, why didn't you consider me."

"Hey, aren't you used to it? I don't think you will care about this little detail, right, great painter."

Azusa Hamaoka picked up the beer bottle, took a big sip, and showed a happy expression.

"You guys talk first, I'll go cut some sashimi."

Furute Kawa Nanaka picked up the spare plate on the table and left with a smile.

Azusa Hamaoka looked back at the woman's leaving back, and muttered to herself abruptly.

"I really want to see Nanahua's ass."


"Di Taro, why don't we make Nanahua unconscious?"

"That's enough, sister Zi, let's talk about something normal."

Kujo Tetaro waved his hand, forcing the topic back on track.

"Sister Zi, where do you usually work?"

"For me, it's a very normal place, in the restaurant."

"Oh, where are you going to do your internship in your senior year? Or the old place?"

"Let's look at this again. Compared with work, I am more anxious about my graduation thesis." Azusa Hamaoka thought of something, and narrowed one eye slyly, "Why, ask me this suddenly, you, a great painter, lack an assistant? I But without drawing skills, I can’t help you.”

"There are some work units. I know some companies that pay well. If you go there, I can talk about it for you."


On the arm of Kujo Ditaro, a delicate little hand was caressed.

Azusa Hamaoka is below the top, with her head raised and smiling, her appearance is quite feminine.

"I'm very happy that you have this kind of heart, but I'm not down to the point where I need my juniors to make a living for me. Compared with work, I care more about how to get Nanahua into bed."

Kujo Ditaro raised the corner of his mouth, "You really don't forget your original intention, sister Zi."

"That's right. When I think of Nanahua's shy appearance in front of me, I can't stand it with excitement. Think about it, isn't a gentle person like Nanahua so pitiful under my claws? Isn't it very graphic?"

Azusa Hamaoka's eyes were squinted into crescents, and what he said was driving.

Before Tetarou Kujo spoke, Chisa Furutekawa walked straight to the coffee table with her arms around her.

While tidying up the messy desktop, she asked the two what they had talked about before, and why they were smiling so wickedly.

Azusa Hamaoka smiled, the corners of her lips rising continuously.

"Qiansha, what kind of brother-in-law do you think my sister will find for you in the future?"

"Ah? Why are you talking about this all of a sudden? It doesn't matter who my sister finds, as long as she likes it."

"Then you mean, you won't have any objections to your sister's marriage?"

Furutegawa Chisa was stunned for a moment, suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

She scratched her face and nodded hesitantly.

"Well, as long as my sister likes it, I am my sister, and I will bless her."

"You're so cute, Chisa."

Azusa Hamaoka came to Furutegawa Chisa, and kept rubbing the latter's head like stroking a small animal.

Furutegawa Chisa smiled helplessly, and when she glanced around from the corner of her eye, she discovered something.

Kujo Ditaro restrained his pity expression in time, but he was still a step too late.

Furutegawa Chisa looked at Tetaro Kujo with a strange look in her eyes.

Kujo Tetaro pointed to the wine glass on the table, and gave a vague answer.

Furutegawa Chisa thought for a while, but in the end she didn't care too much.

Alas, let's pretend we don't know anything.

Kujo Titaro sighed inwardly, tilted his head and looked to the other side.

At this moment, Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei, who had undergone the brainwashing process, were full of excitement.

No need to think about it, the two of them want to carry forward the diving club's mood, which has reached the highest point in history.

To be honest, Kujo Tetaro was a little surprised.

You must know that the despicableness and shamelessness of the two are deeply rooted.

It is somewhat unreasonable to be so easily fooled now.

Kujo Tetaro doesn't have the ability to read minds, so he doesn't know and doesn't want to know what's going on between the two of them.

Anyway, when the new semester comes, you will know whether it is a mule or a horse, just take a walk.

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