Kujo Ditaro pressed his fist to his chin, and said with a smile, "Miss Kurayoshi thinks highly of me. Shopping malls are like battlefields. Who knows whether the accident or tomorrow will come first."

"Hey, yes, just as Chairman Kujo said, shopping malls are like battlefields, everything is uncertain." Rino Kurakichi picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, and continued: "But I I believe that Chairman Kongjo, who can win the championship, will not disappoint."

"President Kongjo, I came here with sincerity. Your company is developing rapidly, but you should know that what you have done has affected the interests of many people. Now, the seiyuu who dare to cooperate with your company has already Running out."

Hearing this, Kujo Tetaro's expression changed slightly.

Kurakichi Rino narrowed his charming eyes, and said with a smile: "We at Gold Entertainment Group don't think President Kujo has done anything wrong. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. I don't have the ability to see other people's good people. It's really scornful. How about it, President Kujo, can we talk about cooperation now?"

Kujo Ditaro pondered for a while, and responded with a gentle voice.

Kurakichi Rino smiled slightly, her appearance became more charming, and the faint fragrance of her body permeated the entire office with every gesture.

It's so hard...

Kujo Tetaro has to admit that Kurakichiri is the most attractive woman he has ever known.

If it weren't for his deep understanding of the truth that roses with thorns should not be touched, he would have been in a precarious situation at this moment.

"Our group plans to set up a seiyuu agency and only cooperate with your company."

"Only work with my company? I don't quite understand what you mean."

"President Kongtiao, what's so hard to understand? Didn't I say it before? Our group doesn't think there is any problem with what you do."

Kurakichi Rino glanced at his watch, and suggested: "It's lunch time, I know a good restaurant, why don't we go over there to eat and talk, President Kujo, what do you think?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The place Kurakichi Rino chose was a western restaurant with a down-to-earth style.

After the two finished their meal, they took their seats and chatted about business.

Even though Kurakichi Rino's mouth was full of sincerity, Kujo Toitaro was still very vigilant and did not dare to be sloppy at all.

No way, in the world of adults, there is no such thing as easy.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

After listening to Kurakichi Rino's narration, Kujo Tetaro expressed his confusion.

"Why? If you want to come to me at this juncture to carry out such a meaningful cooperation, I don't think you don't understand the principle of seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck?"

"President Kongtiao, didn't I say this before."

The corners of Kurangichi Rina's lips were slightly raised, revealing a smile that he was accustomed to but could charm all living beings.

"We, the Golden Entertainment Group, don't think there is anything inappropriate or lacking in what you have done. After all, isn't this what the world is like. A few people control most of the world's wealth, and those who are capable will receive special treatment everywhere. entertain."

"Isn't it?"

Kujo Tetaro is no longer a novice, and he will not let down his guard just because of one or two nice words from Kujo Rino.

On the contrary, he will be more careful.

"Miss Cangyoshi, you are not a half-baked guy like me who hasn't graduated from college yet. Even though I'm doing well now, I'm actually just playing around. In your opinion, my achievements shouldn't be worth mentioning, right?"

"how come."

Kurakichi Rino leaned forward, put his hands on his chin, and said with a smile: "You are the one who won the boxing championship for the director of Soryuin. You feel worthless, President Kongtiao, I understand your feelings, and our cooperation with you is just a small starting point."

"Investment is risky. This is an eternal truth. The chairman of Soryuin is willing to gamble with 10% of the company's shares. I really admire it. Although the boxing competition is over, the heroic appearance of President Kujo, It’s still in my mind, it’s really fascinating.”

This woman...couldn't have learned some charm technique, right?

Toshitaro Kujo thought to himself, looking at Rino Kurakichi with even more fear.

"To this day, President Kujo's charm is still the same as before. Well, far away, I can't learn the gamble of the chairman of the Soryu Institute, but a small investment is still no problem."

Kurakichi Rino's words have been made very clear.

Kujo Ditaro pondered for a while, and asked, "Do you want to cooperate with me for a long time?"

"Well, President Kujo, in the mall, having a strategic partner can do more with less." Kurakichi Rino's half-joking tone eased the atmosphere inadvertently.

Toshitaro Kujo smiled, "You Gold Entertainment Group, you actually came to form an alliance with me, isn't it too overkill? I'm really scared."

"Hey, it always takes a process for a bud to grow into a big tree. For us, the concept of time when looking at problems is mostly based on the year as the unit of measurement." Kurakichi Rino said, looking at the watch .


"Just a little thing."

"Small things are big things."

Kujo Tetaro sat up and said condescendingly, "I'll give you an answer about the cooperation in two days, Miss Kurayoshi, see you later."

"Go well, President Kujo, I hope that when we meet next time, we can talk about work in detail."

After watching the man leave, Rino Kurakichi took out his mobile phone from his bag.

She flipped through her address book and dialed a number.

With a beep, the call went through.

"Miss Kurayoshi, what are you looking for...?"

The voice from the phone was soft and weak.

Kurangichi Li smiled naturally, and said: "As you wish."

"As I wish?"

"Well, even though you won't be able to go on stage, I won't let you down. Change your career and become a seiyuu."


Two days later, Kujo Tetaro gave a reply as promised.

He agreed to Kurayoshi Rino's proposal.

In fact, Kujo Tetaro had no better choice.

No way, who told him to offend too many colleagues, as well as some shady businessmen.

Most of these businessmen are not members of the Boxing Club, so they are not restricted by the Boxing Club, let alone boxing.

They are afraid of the Wu clan behind Kujo Ditaro, so they dare not do black hands, and they can only restrict the development of Kujo Ditaro by besieging the city and fighting for aid.

A person's life cannot be smooth sailing.

Kujo Tetaro is not surprised by the persecution he is currently suffering.

You know, as early as when he first decided to develop his career vigorously, he expected such a day to come.

The market value of the Golden Entertainment Group is almost not much higher than that of the Zuoliuyuan Group.

It's just that the two industries are very different, so there is little friction at ordinary times, and the relationship between them is relatively harmonious.

Before Kujo Tetaro agreed to Kurakichi Rino's proposal, he went to consult Soryuin Shione's opinion.

Soryuin Shion did not give any decision-making suggestions, but simply summarized Kurakichi Rino's life experience.

In Ziyin's words, Kuangichili is a reliable woman with outstanding ability, shrewdness and not a bad heart.

It was knowing Kujo Rino's daily style that Kujo Tetaro made the determination to cooperate with Gold Entertainment Group.

As we all know, benefits and risks are directly proportional.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and getting something for nothing often hides various crises.

Kujo Tetaro knew that the reason why Kurakichi Rino took the initiative to seek him to cooperate was by no means as simple as what he said.

However, he doesn't care about these.

The reason for this is mainly because he is in a situation where a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

It's ashamed to say that if a person like him doesn't start a business well, he can only go back and marry a beautiful wife, and then live a life of prosperity and wealth.

Although the woman's family relationship is complicated, this seemingly purposeful marriage is actually not as sad as imagined.

Kujo Ditaro didn't dislike Wu Jialou's views on Wu Jialou, and he even felt good about it.

After all, Wu Jialou is good-looking and has a great figure. The key is that his two attributes of high force value and pure heart are cleverly composed of contrasting cuteness.

Of course, a normal man, even if he likes Wu Jialou, would not dare to get involved, because he can't beat him at all, and he won't be liked.

To be honest, Kujo Ditaro was able to be favored by Wu Jialou, and it is true that he has overcome many difficulties.

Let me ask, how many daughters in today's society can beat a proud daughter from a family of killers?

This level alone is enough to kill most people.

Besides, who can suppress Wu Jialouluo's grandfather?

To be fair, it is really very difficult for Wu Jialou to marry someone he likes.

Chapter three hundred and ninety second: Not joining the club?It's okay, drink a cup of oolong tea to moisten your throat first

For the group of students, leisure vacations are always passed without a sound, and even in many cases, people have the illusion of a world away.

Since cooperating with Gold Entertainment Group, Kujo Tetaro has been more devoted to his career, and his original good concept of time has been blurred.

It wasn't until Kitahara Iori sent a text message informing him of the exact date that the school would start that Kujo Didaro realized that his vacation was coming to an end.

As the saying goes, work and rest should be combined.

It is impossible for Kujo Tetaro to dedicate his life to his career.

He is not a workaholic, the hard work these days is already his limit.

Therefore, the next campus life is his moment of relaxation.


The neon April has a special meaning.

Now is the time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and it is also the day when each school welcomes new students.

Similarly, at the opening ceremony of Izu University, many new students came.

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