Silently compared "Think" to Han Changsheng

mouth shape, and stood on tiptoe.

Thirty 30 days and nights, a month of lovesickness, how can it be a hug, a sentence of thinking you can resolve it.


Looking at the two people beside them who ignored everyone, Di Lieba pouted, but in the end she didn't make trouble.

She can't understand the feeling of lovesickness very well. She can't think of tea and food for a day when the master is away from home, let alone Yingbao's thirty days.

Forget it, take it as a reward for Ying Bao, and continue to fight with her later to compete for the position of Han Lao San.

A kiss temporarily relieved lovesickness, Zhao Liying also knew that she couldn't stay longer at the airport, she walked out of the airport quickly with Di Lieba holding Han Changsheng's arms.

Di Lieba drove the car all the way, pouted all the way, her eyes fell on the reflector.

Walking to a traffic light and stepping on the brakes, Fatty finally couldn't help patting the steering wheel, "Enough is enough for the two of you, I've been driving hard here, and you two are whispering behind me all the way, Are you really not afraid of calluses in your ears?”


Zhao Liying blushed, and lay down in Han Changsheng's arms, so ashamed that she didn't want to get up.

Just now, she only had the master in her eyes, so she was a little dazed when she got in the car, and she had long forgotten that Fatty was still there: driving.

If Fatty didn't speak, she would probably be whispering all the way.


Han Changsheng pinched Di Lieba's chubby face with his hands, and said helplessly, "If you feel unhappy, you can change it with Ying Bao. Anyway... I can chat with anyone."


! "

Di Lieba pouted, but the grievance in her heart disappeared like a balloon.

Stepping on the accelerator, he said arrogantly, "Since I have agreed to be your driver, I must stick to my job, but you must whisper quietly."


Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

An hour later, the car drove home smoothly.

"Yingbao, you should wear silky fleece rabbit slippers first, and go tomorrow."

"Yingbao, go take a bath and cool off."

"Yingbao, your room is here, I'll take you up there, and I'll show you around our villa."

At home, Di Lieba swept away the jealous state just now, and instantly became a hospitable hostess.

After entering the room, he not only brought slippers for Zhao Liying, but also took the initiative to take Ying Bao's hand and lead her to the bathroom.

After Ying Bao washed up, she took Ying Bao, who entered the house for the first time, to visit the Han family villa, and introduced the branches on each floor in detail.

Such as the music room, large study, kitchen, large living room, dressing room and utility room on the first floor.

There are five 55 guest bedrooms on the second floor, a large master bedroom, a small study and a large dressing room on the third floor.

Finally, when she was resting on the sofa, Di Lieba served Zhao Liying tea and poured water. She was very enthusiastic and made Ying Bao feel flattered.

But after an hour, Ying Bao noticed Di Lieba's passionate purpose.

The first is to pester her and prevent her from being alone with Han Changsheng.

The second is to show off her status as the third child of Han, and to ensure that the name of the third child Han will not be transferred.

After thinking about it, Zhao Liying was angry and funny, and there was also a hint of aroused stubbornness in her heart.

She flew to the capital as soon as the one-month deadline was reached, because... she missed Han Changsheng so much, she just wanted to see him to relieve the pain of lovesickness, and she had no other thoughts.

After all, this is the Han family's villa, she is not the wife Han Changsheng is marrying, so she is too embarrassed to go too far here.

But at this time, she really wanted to go beyond here.

She has already made up her mind to be Han's fifth child, the eldest sister and the second sister have also agreed, why can't they live in the Han's villa.

What's more important is that the elder of the Han family has recognized Zhao Liying as the fifth son of the Han family, so why can't she pass by here and glance at the elder Han who is eating grapes in the living room, and then go upstairs.

"I'm going to change clothes."

"I'll accompany you!"

Di Lieba continued to be enthusiastic, poured ivory white, and went upstairs in a hurry.

When Zhao Liying came down again, she was dressed similarly to the enthusiastic Di Lieba next to her, wearing a vest and heating pants.

Zhao Liying glanced at Di Lieba beside her, her eyes were a little strange, curious and inquisitive.

She had... heard others say that the height of the four wives of the Han family was inexplicably much taller.

But most of the rumors are that they wear underwear to match the tall and handsome Han Changsheng.

She believed this rumor a little bit.

But she observed carefully just now, Fatty was wearing flat slippers.

Without any height-enhancing measures, she is half a head taller than her, about ten centimeters.

This situation shows that the outside rumors are true, and the four wives of the Han family have really developed for the third time.

And according to her own understanding, all traces point to the old master Han on the sofa.

Going down to the living room, Zhao Liying took a few steps first, sat directly on the right side of Han Changsheng, and smiled at the pouting Fat Di, "Fat Di, I'll sit on the master's right, you can sit on the master's left."

"Of course, I sit casually at home."

Fat Di hugged Han Changsheng's left arm, and smirked warmly at Zhao Liying, feeling very unhappy.

Under normal circumstances, the seat at home is of course random, and whoever grabs the seat next to the master counts, and under normal circumstances it is her and Sisi's.

And if you really want to talk about seniority, there are rules.

Taking the master as the center, the first one on the left is the position of the elder sister, and the one on the right is the position of the second sister.

The two positions of 2nd from the left and 2nd from the right were taken by her, Fatty and Sisi.

And this...Yingbao chose the right side instead of the left side, which made her even "no".

Can't say a word.

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Chapter 160 Ying Bao, You Are So Cute

Yu Han Changsheng glanced at Fat Di and Ying Bao on the left and right, and shook his head secretly, feeling amused.

He had heard Yang Mi's analysis of Fat Di and Ying Bao before, and at the time he just felt that it made sense, but he didn't quite agree with it.

But looking at it now, Fat Di is really not Ying Bao's opponent when it comes to competing for the title of Han Laosan.

The reason is that Fatty has a smooth journey and rarely suffers setbacks, and she has developed a carefree personality, so her enthusiasm is a bit exaggerated, and her purpose can be seen through at a glance.

And Yingbao has been silent for many years, and has been a little transparent for many years, and the skill of observing words and expressions is probably already at the full level.

Comparing the hatchback, Fat Di and Ying Bao's minds are like elementary school students and college students, there is a big gap.

Laughing secretly, Zhao Liying hugged her right arm and pressed half of her body up, "Master, I also want to grow taller, just be as tall as Fatty."

Not waiting: Han Changsheng opened his mouth, and Di Lieba quickly replied: "Ying Bao, you haven't been included in my Han family's door, it is impossible to grow taller."

Zhao Liying said hopefully to Di Lieba: "Then third sister, do you agree with me entering the gate of the Han family?"


Di Lieba opened her mouth, and suddenly realized what Zhao Liying called her, her pupils widened, she didn't dare to answer: "Yingbao, you call me third sister"

Zhao Liying smiled sweetly, her white teeth gleaming and said: "That's right! Our eldest sister is Mi Mi, and our second sister is Ya Ya. Aren't you the third sister?"

Di Lieba endured and endured, and finally couldn't help grinning: "Ying Bao, the more I see you now, the more I like you, you are so cute."

Third Sister! I have been fantasizing about the title for a long time, but I didn't expect to hear it now.

What kind of mood is this? There is a kind: drunk to the state of half-drunk but not drunk, floating like nine days, there is a kind of extreme happiness from body to mood.

Facing Di Lieba who showed true enthusiasm, Zhao Liying's smile became more and more brilliant, "I also like the gentle, generous, beautiful and kind third sister, then third sister, do you agree with me entering the Han family's door?"


Di Lieba's smile faltered, and under Zhao Liying's serious expression, she nodded reluctantly, and said with a forced smile: "You are such a cute little sister who wants to enter our old Han's house, how could the third sister disagree?"

Although I really don't want to give the master another share, but who made this matter come to an end.

Since you can't stop it, then let nature take its course, and let's push the boat along the way again.

Anyway...she also got the benefits of being the third sister.

Yingbao's vote, together with the eldest sister's vote, can completely defeat Si Si, who is supported by the second sister alone, and win the title of Han's third child! It's over, Fatty, this girl is in the trap! See Di Lieba being killed Zhao Liying persuaded her with a few words, and jumped into the hole dug by Ying Bao, Han Changsheng secretly shook his head and wanted to laugh.

He could tell that when Yingbao called Mimi and Yaya, the second sister was sincere.

And this third sister? It's more like the elder sister coaxing the younger sister to play, or it's Ying Bao's way of showing the enemy to be weak.

Although it was some signs that he could see, Han didn't want to take care of it.

The big and small rankings in the family have always been arranged by Fatty and the others, even he has no right to intervene.

I didn't look at Mimi and Yaya, the two elder sisters and second sisters, and I never cared...

Is it about Fatty and Sisi vying for the position of the third sister?

As Mimi said, if you want to be an older sister, you have to think about how to take care of your younger sister. If you don’t do anything as long as you have a position, no one will be ashamed to be an older sister.

I looked at the time and found that it was already eleven o'clock, so I got up and went to the kitchen, "I'll make lunch, do you have anything to eat?"

"I'm going to help!"

Zhao Liying jumped up, took Han Changsheng's arm, and walked happily.

"...I'm going to help too!"

Di Lieba swallowed the words 'stir-fried beef slices', pouted and followed.

Although she agreed to Yingbao's entry into the Han family's gate, it doesn't mean that Yingbao can share the important kitchen with the master alone! "Third sister, help me get the kitchen knife."

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