Sisi and Fatty were sweating on the treadmill beside them, flicking their ponytails while bouncing around, exuding youthful beauty.

"Yingbao, which one do you choose?"

Han Changsheng leaned against the wall and asked with a faint smile.

"What's the difference?"

Zhao Liying turned her head and looked around, feeling suspicious.


"Liar! There is a difference at first sight, or you wouldn't ask me that."

"You are... clever."

Han Changsheng praised it with a smile, and explained: "Mimi and Yaya are fighting Yin-Yang Fist, which can strengthen the body.

Si Si and Fat Di are lively and can't learn that kind of... slow boxing, they can only run, which one do you choose now?"

"Of course it's running! I'm so young and beautiful, I don't want to punch an old lady."

Zhao Liying jumped directly onto the third treadmill, started the machine and ran happily.

Seeing Ying Bao chattering with Si Si and Fat Di, Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed dumbly.

Yingbao is not youthful and beautiful, but she is born with the same nature as Sisi and Fatty. She is of the... lively nature. Although she is a bit patient, she is not as much as Mimi and Yaya.

At home, she doesn't need to show her hard-working pretense anymore, just show her real side... just fine.

Han Changsheng walked up to Yang Mi and Tong Liya, corrected and instructed them again hand in hand, and then went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Although Yin-Yang Fist is also a martial arts martial arts, but who owns it.

In the hands of Han Changsheng, it is a killing technique, in the hands of Yang Mi and Tong Liya, it is purely an old lady boxing technique for strengthening the body.

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Chapter 167 Zhao Liying with Right Ideas

After having breakfast at, Yang Mi and Di Lieba went to Honey World for a meeting, and the remaining three female cats were at home.

Tong Liya took Liu Sisi to clean up the house.

Zhao Liying happily followed Han Changsheng into the music room, then threw herself into his arms, her voice was tired, "Master..."

"What's wrong"

Han Changsheng hugged Zhao Liying's soft and boneless body, and bent the corners of his mouth.

After the girl's waist injury was healed last night, she has been sticking to herself, like a little plasticine.

Zhao Liying pouted and put on a cute little look, blinking her big eyes hopefully, "Eldest sister, second sister, fourth younger sister, and fifth younger sister all have their own songs, how about mine?"

"Don't you have it too?"

"The song "Mice Love Rice" was really written for me"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, and scratched Zhao Liying's little nose, "Of course it's for you, or can I sing it to you? If you want to learn, start practicing now, and record the song when you're done."

Zhao Liying shook her head violently, like a rattle, "I don't want to learn it, I want the version you sing."

What's so good about singing, at most it's the same as the eldest sister and the others, and it's just on the golden song list.

But listening to songs is different. Among the few songs written by my master, only "Mouse Loves Rice" was sung by him. When you hear it in your ears, it is a deep love for yourself. That is the biggest difference from others.

Han Changsheng patted Ying Bao's little head, "All right, all right, if you don't learn, don't learn."

Zhao Liying bit her lip and said hopefully, "Then can I change the 'unknown' at the back of this song to you?"

"You want to be exposed now, stop thinking about it"

"I don't want to think about it anymore. A person who looks forward and backward will not be able to be your wife, sir."

Zhao Liying smiled arrogantly, took out her mobile phone and fiddled with it.

One minute later, "Mouse Loves Rice" on the Golden Melody Chart, the unknown behind the songwriter suddenly became "Han Changsheng"

"Nimma! Ying Bao has really fallen!"

"Wuuuuu Han Spirit, you give me back Ying Bao!"

"Show face! I won't accept Ying Bao because Han is mentally ill, and you can only watch eagerly."

"Hahahaha! Mental illness Han from Daqingshan Mental Hospital has finally accepted this little flower, Yingbao, into the door of Han's family. Let's keep working hard and create brilliance for our Daqingshan Mental Hospital!"

"The sound of gongs and drums, the sound of firecrackers, warmly celebrate that Zhao Xiaogu's children's shoes have been taken down by my family, Han Psychiatry."

"Ying Bao has been taken down by my family, Han Jing, are the other little flowers still far away? Come on, Ollie!"

Zhao Liying looked at a lot of comments below, and suddenly saw the most important one.

She patted Han Changsheng, put the phone in front of his eyes to pick up the microphone, and said with a half-smile: "My lord, those doctors of yours really want to take down other little flowers. What is your goal? Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and raised his hand." He slapped Zhao Shi, "Ying Bao, you are enough! You need to use this thing to test me? How do you take mine? Don't you have any points?"

"I hate you!"

Zhao Liying pouted and punched Han Changsheng, and then suddenly received a new message on her mobile phone, she immediately burst into a smile.

Han Changsheng was suspicious, "Why do you smile like a dog's tail flower?"

"You are the dog's tail Tweed."

Zhao Liying pouted and shook her phone, proudly said: "See, "Nine Gates" is also on the trending list."

[The heroine of "Nine Gates" Zhao Liying has been taken down by Han Changsheng, and the little flower in the entertainment industry has lost another flower] [The songwriter of "Mouse Loves Rice" finally changed to Han Changsheng, and the love song is only for Zhao Liying. Does it mean that Han Changsheng has moved? Love is not in love] [The heroines of "Life after World" and "Nine Gates" are both from the Han family. It is a double-hit drama, and the big scene of sisters fighting is about to unfold] Han Changsheng glanced at those messy titles, and said to Zhao Liying in doubt : "Don't you like to hype me and you together? Why do you seem to be very happy this time?"

Zhao Liying smiled arrogantly, "Eldest sister said that only when you enter the door of the Han family can you be tied up with you for hype. This is exclusive to the wife of the Han family."

Han Changsheng curled his lips, "I didn't expect you to call yourself Mrs. Han just a day after you passed the door. Then I would like to ask Mrs. Han, what kind of psychology do you have after changing your identity, do you feel that you are back to the young eighteen years old?"

"I hate you!"

Zhao Liying punched Han Changsheng, took a bite, and muttered, "You will accompany me to get the marriage certificate tomorrow."

"As it should be"

Han Changsheng nodded, and asked again: "Have you told your parents about us?"


Zhao Liying pouted, and fell silent.

The day she made up her mind was... She told her mother once, and then she was scolded by her mother, saying that she would find someone to find a married man, there were a lot of blah blah blah blah, anyway, she strongly opposed her being with the master.

And then she won't mention it anymore, anyway... She has made up her mind, no matter what the family says, she won't change her mind.

Han Changsheng smiled bitterly and said, "You don't want to cut first and play later, do you?"

Zhao Liying scratched her neck and muttered: "When I go home with a big belly or carry the baby and cook the uncooked rice into rice porridge, how can they drive me out of the house?"

"You can do it! The idea is too correct!"

Han Changsheng gave a thumbs up and couldn't say anything else.

"You don't seem to like children"

Zhao Liying propped herself up, staring at the pupils in front of her suspiciously, not allowing Han Changsheng to move.

"How can I not like children? Ask your eldest sister and second sister, how rare I am: children!"

Han Changsheng spoke uprightly, his righteousness was ten times more righteous than Wen Tianxiang's.

But in fact, deep down in his heart, he was terrified.

Not afraid of children, but afraid of having children.

On the issue of having a child, Yaya has tortured him for a long time.

If Yingbao wants to follow Yaya's way of giving birth in a scientific way, his number of pulse checks will increase again, and his free time will sharply decrease again.

Zhao Liying stared at Han Changsheng for a long time, but still couldn't see through Han Changsheng's heart, so she said, "You pass the test"

, lying in Han Changsheng's arms again.

Han Changsheng caressed Ying Bao's hair and curled the corners of his mouth.

After absorbing the essence of the evil emperor's soul, his spiritual power is increasing every moment, and his self-control is also becoming stronger and stronger.

If Yingbao can see through his heart like this, then there is a ghost...

Early on Monday morning, Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and they were directly photographed in the third position.

The two sat on the chairs and waited for the call, and the staff would pour water from time to time: drink water, drink tea, and go to the bathroom.

And every time they do this, they have to pass through the corridor and take a photo accidentally.

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Chapter 168 Are You Afraid Of Marrying Me? (Begging to subscribe at the fifth watch)

Yu "It's really Zhao Liying and Han Changsheng! It seems that the news on the Internet is true."

"The songwriter of "Mouse Loves Rice" has already been replaced by him, and the things between them can still be false"

"I really don't understand why Zhao Liying married Han Changsheng. She already has four 44-year-old wives. Does she need to enter the Han family like a moth to a flame?"

"That's right...! Isn't this Han Changsheng more handsome? What else is there?"

"You guys are just...envious, jealous and hateful! Han Xiangzi, who is a god, is not only handsome, but also very talented, isn't there a song he writes that doesn't make people cry and laugh at the same time?"

While the staff were whispering, Zhao Liying glanced at Han Changsheng and found that he was not normal, she immediately said suspiciously: "You are not afraid of marrying me, are you?"

Han Changsheng's eyelids twitched, and he said stiffly: "Joke! You are not afraid of a little girl, what am I afraid of?"

Zhao Liying moved her eyes down, stared at Han Changsheng's hand holding the corner of his clothes, and said with a smile: "If you are not afraid, then why are your hands trembling?"

He also said that he is not afraid, the appearance of the master holding the hem of his clothes is too similar to those... the shy little girls in the TV series.

Han Changsheng unnaturally moved his hand away, still speaking stiffly, "It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable."

Zhao Liying raised her eyebrows, "But didn't you come here with the elder sister and the others? You've been married four times, so you're afraid of the fifth time?"

"You don't understand, that's different."

Han Changsheng shook his head without explaining.

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