Liu Sisi blinked her eyes, and the scene of meeting her master for the first time appeared in her pupils, she pursed her lips and said, "At the beginning, you were so arrogant, to be a broken five, you would need ten thousand and eleven bowls of noodles!"

"Do you think that noodles are not worth ten thousand?"

"It's worth it, of course it's worth it now, but I didn't know it at the time, besides you were so hateful back then.

Cook a meal and let us do your laundry for free, make your bed and make your quilt, you’re almost treating us as servants!"

Speaking of Han Changsheng at that time, Liu Sisi gritted her teeth, as if she really wanted to bite her master's shoulder again.

During the twenty years since she was a child, her master was the first extremely arrogant man she met.

The way he looks at people is like looking at the eyes of thousands of ants, revealing a coldness that is extremely indifferent.

It seems that in his eyes, everyone around him is like a lowly creature.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and slapped him again, "I said you have to be reasonable, okay? You guys broke the contract first and didn't pay me for the meal, and then the agreement is a fair deal, okay?"

Liu Sisi pouted, "Are you a man or our master, don't you have any measure?"

Han Changsheng gave a disdainful smile, "You were not my real wives at that time, so why should I measure you up?"

"That's why you told us to press :back after you gave us a massage"

"Yes, our relationship at that time was... just a marriage contract, why should I give you massages for nothing?"

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes, and the sly look flashed away, "Then according to what you said, at this moment, eldest sister, second sister, third sister, and fifth younger sister, you don't care about any woman Children should not be close to strangers, and should not be too close to acquaintances."

"Of course, the five of you are my wives. I love you, and I should love you. What do the other girls have to do with me?"

Liu Sisi blinked, and suddenly stared at Han Changsheng's eyes, "Is it the same for Nazha?"

Han Changsheng frowned, "Why do I feel that you deliberately brought the topic to Naza?"

Liu Sisi shook her head resolutely, "You feel wrong, we're just chatting and we're talking about her."

You can casually talk about other girls in the chat, and you can accidentally talk about Gu Li Nazha to deceive ghosts! Han Changsheng stared at Liu Sisi for half a minute, and saw that her eyes were firm and did not dodge. Then he said slowly: "It's not like you haven't seen what I look like this afternoon, do you still need me to explain?"


Liu Sisi grinned, and rubbed her little head on Han Changsheng's shoulder, she looked like a kitten pleasing its master.

Of course, she saw all the situation in the afternoon. Naza obviously asked for help on the top, but was ignored by the master. Instead, he saved her, the fourth Han who had nothing to do. At that time, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth and almost jumped curse.

But being in her position as a wife makes me feel very happy.

The master loves the five of them very much, what is more important than this? Thinking of this, Liu Sisi smiled sweetly, and said coquettishly: "Master, you really love me and love me, and you can satisfy all my requirements."

Han Changsheng shook his right index finger, "Everything is accurate, it should be a reasonable request under normal circumstances."

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes and said sadly: "Then you can teach me how to be a cat elder sister who said that you are usually like a noble cat, and you only let us do whatever you want when you are asleep."

Han Changsheng's face darkened and he raised his hand.


"Can you say that again."

"Learn... learn to meow."

"Crack! Let's talk."


Crack! After being beaten three times in a row, Liu Sisi finally calmed down, lay on Han Changsheng's arms with her mouth pouted, and giggled.

The master is really arrogant, and he refuses to meow like a cat.

Han Changsheng glanced at it, and said calmly: "Now it's your turn, you meow me like a cat."


Liu Sisi bit her lip and thought about it, and finally learned to meow, the voice was very sweet.

Anyway... there are only her and the master here, and there is no one else here, so she doesn't need to be shy.

"Study is not bad."

Han Changsheng stroked the beauty's hair, squinted his eyes and looked ahead.

At a certain moment, his voice suddenly became: as delicate as a woman.

"Let's learn how to meow and meow together.

Acting coquettishly in front of you, hey meow meow meow meow.

My heart is pounding, and I am infatuated with your smirk.

If you don't say you love me, I will meow meow."

The voice changed again, hoarse and full of magnetism.

"I need your hug every day and cherish every minute and every second we spend together.

How important you are to me, I think you know better than me, you are my heroine."

Liu Sisi got up suddenly, knelt directly beside Han Changsheng, shaking his shoulders, and said excitedly, "Master, teach me to sing! I want to sing this song!"

"You really want to sing this song "Learn to Meow""


Han Changsheng bent his mouth and whispered something in his ear.

Liu Sisi thought for a while, bit her lip and nodded.

"Let's learn how to meow and meow together.

I want to wear your coat, smell you, and want to be your cat.

Lai fell asleep in your arms, yearning for your kindness every day..."

The cheerful singing echoed in the room, and it took a long time before it stopped.

Liu Sisi lay lazily in Han Changsheng's arms like a cat, and murmured: "Master, did you write this song "Learning to Meow" in a flash of inspiration just now?" counts."

"You are really a musical genius, you can make a song just by listening to me."

Han Changsheng bent the corner of his mouth and did not reply, he looked deeply at the night sky in the distance, and complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

There is a saying that goes well, we do not produce things, we are just porters of nature.

And he, Han Changsheng, is... just a porter who carries good things from another world.

"Hey, all of you are geniuses, why am I so stupid?"

Liu Sisi sighed, with a sad expression on her face.

"You can sing very well, at least you can be regarded as a second-rate singer."

Han Changsheng stroked the beauty's hair, and kissed her forehead.

Sisi's voice is sweet and can't control the kind of... ethereal or high-pitched songs, but it's still good to learn sweet songs like meowing.

"I'm not talking about rapping."

"what is that"


"You like to dance"

Liu Sisi nodded and said with a sigh: "I started ballet in primary school, but later I found that my physical condition was not as good as others, so I couldn't dance."

"You can still dance now"

"But I'm so old."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure your age depends on your physical fitness, are you 20 years old this year?"

Liu Sisi thumped Han Changsheng coquettishly, "It's disgusting, you're dealing with me again by lying to my second sister."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "What I said is true, if you don't believe me, you can try it now."

Liu Sisi tried it in disbelief, only to find that her hamstrings could stretch straight without realizing it.

"I didn't lie to you"

"You really didn't lie to me, you..."

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Chapter 208 I Want to Be a Director and Make a Movie

At 101 next door to, Gu Lizha and Xie Na just finished their facial maintenance, and they didn't rest.

Gu Li Nazha lay on the pillow and looked at the light above her head, and suddenly murmured: "Then sister, what do you think of Mr. Han?"

"what's how"

Xie Na turned his head to look at Gu Li Nazha, frowned and said, "Naza, you don't want to get Teacher Han's idea, do you?"


Gu Li Nazha raised her eyebrows slightly, "Who else has the idea of ​​thinking about Teacher Han?"

"Xinxin and the girls, when we chatted, they always said that the most suitable person to marry is... a man like Mr. Han. Of course, the prerequisite for this is that Mr. Han has no wife."

"I'm not going to marry him, I'm asking you what do you think of him."

Xie Na thought about the past few days, "I think Mr. Han is quite a good person. He looks like a cold-faced male god, but in fact, he is just like what my second brother said. He is a cold-hearted person. Hot warm man."

"But I think he's very unmanly."

"You're not still worried about what happened in Xiangshawan today, are you?"

Gu Li Nazha curled her lips, "Why can't you just be brooding? I obviously asked for help, but he didn't care at all...

my life."

Xie Na was speechless, "Sisi is Teacher Han's wife, shouldn't it be a matter of course for him to save Sisi? Besides, the sand in the Xiangsha Bay is very gentle, and it won't hurt anyone at all."

Gu Li Nazha said: "But I'm still angry!"

Xie Na frowned, and reminded: "Na Zha, if you are angry, you will be angry again, just don't get angry out of your feelings."

Gu Li Nazha said arrogantly: "I won't fall in love with him."

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