"Okay, listen to the master."

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Chapter 212 There is no other way but to surrender (subscribe for the fourth update)

At the end of the m.com drama, the family of six finished washing and lay down together.

In the darkness, Han Changsheng said: "I forgot to mention just now, I'm going back to the capital tomorrow, Mimi can book a ticket for me."

Yang Mijiao said angrily: "One is not enough, six are needed."

Han Changsheng said: "I'll go back and look at something, that's all, there's no need for it"

Tong Liya said firmly: "It must be used!"

Han Changsheng was speechless: "Don't treat me like a child, okay?"

Zhao Liying giggled and said, "It's because you're not a child that we all have to follow."

Liu Sisi said sternly: "Master, you are so charming now, if we go out alone, how can we rest assured!"

Di Lieba snorted and said: "Second sister, third sister, fourth sister and three people followed you out, and I almost got a sixth sister Nazha. We can rest assured that we will let you fly alone. We don't want to fill up our villa. !"

"Let's go, let's go together, let's go together."

Han Changsheng gave a pause gesture with a headache and surrendered directly.

In this kind of thing, five 55 wives will not show an obedient state. If he says one sentence, the other party can get back five and a half sentences. He is not an opponent at all. There is no other way except...surrender.

Early the next morning, the family of six showed up at the Beijing International Airport, and was surrounded by many fans and entertainment reporters.

Stars and big names from all walks of life often appear at Beijing International Airport, so the number of fans and entertainment reporters here is also the largest.

Han Changsheng didn't make any cover-ups, and these six people were too conspicuous, so they were recognized within a few steps.

As usual, I signed for fifty 50 female fans, six of them walked out, and then a group of entertainment reporters followed closely, holding up the big guns in their hands.

"Han Changsheng, may I ask what the name of the movie you are about to shoot is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes""

"No comment."

"Excuse me, how much is your total investment in the film... Is it invested by Honey Traveling World?"

"No comment."

"Excuse me, are you going to shoot your first martial arts movie in the prairie?"

"No comment."

"May I ask what type of movie you're filming, a romance movie or a martial arts movie?"

"No comment."

All the way calm "no comment"

Among them, six people 6 sat in the Ford 35 driven by Yang Xiaoxiao.

After getting in the car, Di Lieba took Han Changsheng's arm and asked in confusion, "Master, why don't you answer the reporters' questions?"

Han Changsheng glanced lightly, "Why did you answer?"

Di Lieba took it for granted: "Because going is also a kind of hype in advance! All movies are like this."

Han Changsheng shook his head noncommittally, "No matter how popular a movie is, it is ultimately the audience who watch it, and only the audience can determine the reputation and box office of a movie.

If the box office is loud, do you think that if I shoot a movie next time, will anyone watch it?"

Di Lieba thought for a while, and muttered: "Then let's not hype it up."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "It's hype!"

Di Lieba was taken aback, "Then you didn't answer the question just now."

Han Changsheng bent the corner of his mouth, "Don't you know that the mysterious refusal to comment is also a means of hype?"


The five girls were taken aback for a moment, suddenly realized, and then couldn't help laughing.

Let’s talk about why the master keeps answering the questions. You must know that he has been ignoring those questions before... Yu Ji has always ignored them, but he is waiting here.

What Han Changsheng said is indeed accurate, he "has no comment"

The four words directly lead to the fact that the movie is hot before it is ready. Basically, the headlines are all about him making a movie.

[Han Changsheng flew back to the capital from Hohhot with five 55-year-old wives, explaining that the filming location was not at the Han family racecourse] [Han Changsheng refused to answer any questions, does it mean that his movie project has been aborted] [Han Changsheng The movie that Changsheng is about to shoot is called "No Comments", not "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"] [Han Changsheng, a novice director, tried to shoot a movie, and now he dare not answer any questions] Besides these news, there are many more I was interviewed by many entertainment reporters, and they asked about... about Han Changsheng's filming, and the interviewers were Huang Bo, who knew Han Changsheng well.

Huang Bo: With Mr. Han's talent, I am looking forward to the films he will make.

Huang Lei: There are many firsts in life, and I very much support Mr. Han in making movies.

He Jiong: Support Teacher Han, and strongly request to participate in the performance.

Sha Yi: Mr. Han is good at digging holes, I think he must be even better at making movies.

Xie Na: Fully support Teacher Han.

Gu Li Nazha: Mr. Han must ask me to act in a movie! There are strange voices in the support of a group of friends, but those... are all scene words.

Only one female sci-fi director, Fuyu, said, "Han Changsheng... Uh director, he is a rookie director, he has no experience, it is normal to stumble, I just directed a Chinese-foreign co-production with an investment of one billion yuan The big sci-fi movie "Battlestar" is about to be released, director Han Changsheng can watch it and learn from it, I think he will learn a lot."

"My lord, Fuyu is too disgusting!"

Di Lieba handed over the tablet computer, with an aggrieved face.

"Don't worry about others, just do your own thing."

Han Changsheng glanced at it, he didn't care, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This FusionExcel opening is... "Chinese and foreign co-production"

Four words, this movie also has "fortress"

In two words, he estimated that this movie should not end well.

In the midst of the outside discussion, a family of six visited Panjiayuan, the Palace Museum, the antique market and other places in the capital, and then rushed back to the Han family racecourse, carrying all kinds of things in their hands...

"Master is really eager to learn: ah, I started reading after eating."

Looking at Han Changsheng who was flipping through "The History of Ming Dynasty Art", Di Lieba gasped in admiration.

They bought a lot of things in Beijing and Hohhot, besides... small materials and books brought back by hand, and books sent back by post.

The content covers Chinese painting, calligraphy, ancient literature, ancient drama, folklore, clothing, etiquette, etc., and there are at least seven or eight hundred books.

But judging from the master's hard work, it is estimated to be seven or eight hundred, and this book can't last for a few days.

Yang Mi said lightly: "Do you really think that master's genius only depends on his head? If there is no such hard work, how can people outside say that he is a genius?"

A genius-like mind is just a tool. If the master doesn't transform it into real strength, who will admit that his genius time was spent in Han Changsheng's hard work, reading seven or eight hundred books in various categories After reading it all, the time has reached the night of August [-]nd.

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Chapter 213 The dead villain is one in a million (please subscribe at the fifth watch)

On m.com "Master, you have finished watching"

Yang Mi paid attention to Han Changsheng all the time, and when she saw him get up, she hurried over.

"It's over! You don't need to read it again tomorrow."

Han Changsheng stretched his waist, twisted his neck, and found that Yang Mi's eyes were red, as if he had cried.

Busily hugged the beauty, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Mi smiled sweetly, "It's okay, I just cried while watching TV dramas."

Han Changsheng: "..."

In this prairie, you can also find the kimchi drama "Weeping..." from Bangzi Kingdom

Not far away, Di Lieba sobbed twice, ran over with her mouth open, and hugged Han Changsheng, "Master, it's good that you didn't die!"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he slapped Di Lieba... "Now you really haven't rented a house for three days, and you have learned to curse me."

"I'm not cursing you, it's the ghost emperor's death that makes me sad."

Di Lieba pointed to "Life after World", which had not been fully played, and began to cry again.

Han Changsheng glanced at the weeping little Phoenix in the TV series, smiled wryly, then held Di Lieba in his arms, patted her on the back one after another, and comforted her softly.

The consequence of bringing little phoenix into the play is... so, when the character dies, little phoenix begins to cry.

Han Changsheng comforted Di Lieba, and countless bullet screens flashed across the TV screen.

【I'm so convinced, the news turned out to be true, and the ghost emperor died.

】【The God Emperor is dead, the Ghost Emperor is dead, what else can I pursue in the future】【Give me back the God Emperor! Give me back the Ghost Emperor!】【I will never... watch this kind of TV series again, I Enough tears have been shed.

】【Then if our mental illness plays something else, do you want to watch it】【Is it a new movie? If it’s still a romantic movie, I definitely won’t watch it.

】【If you sprinkle dog food, you can take a look. If this kind of dog food burps after spreading dog food, I will never... read it again!】 Han Changsheng on the other end coaxed Di Lieba before crying Yang Mi looked at the text on the bullet screen, and began to smile.

Di Lieba glanced sideways, and said unhappily: "Sister, you are enough! People are crying and you are laughing, do you still have... some sympathy."

Yang Mi glanced lightly, and said forcefully: "I have sympathy, but I won't give it to you, because what I like is our master, not the god emperor or ghost emperor."

"...I like our master too!"

Di Lieba paused:, hugging Han Changsheng tightly, it seems to be to prove what she said.

"Pang Di, you can do it! Are you trying to strangle me to death with such force?"

Han Changsheng slapped Di Lieba, and walked to Yang Mi with the pouting beauty in his arms.

"Mimi, look at your smile, it seems like something good is going on"

"Look, sir."

Yang Mi presented the treasure, and handed the tablet to Han Changsheng in a gracious manner, pointing to the numbers on it with a smile.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The real-time ratings are 5.

Is 3% so high?"

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