If the death of a stranger really happened around me, maybe there would be nothing else but... a faint glance.

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Chapter 221 There Are No Good People in the Story

Yu m.com waited for everyone to digest the story of the Three Patriarchs of China, and then Han Changsheng said in a low voice: "Time passes slowly, and I have experienced Zhuan Xu, Di Ku, Tang Yao, Yu Shun, Xia Yu, Shang Tang, and King Wen of Zhou. , King Wu of Zhou..."

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Liying raised her little white hand and interrupted: "Master, you can tell stories as long as you tell them, but you can't stop talking so fast. In the blink of an eye, a thousand or two thousand years have passed."

Not bad! Han Laosan.

Just raise your hand at you, I promise you won't cut this sentence off! Han Changsheng raised the corner of his mouth, "Do these people have anything to say?"

"Yes, I have!"

Zhao Liying asked curiously: "Is Yao, Shunyu's abdication true? In the Romance of the Gods, did King Wen of Zhou really eat Bo Yi and pass the exam? Are there really gods under King Wu of Zhou?"

"Abdication...you really want to know whether the abdication is true or not"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Liying, with an inexplicable taste in his eyes.


"Okay! Then I'll tell you, but don't regret it."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "Tang Yao passed the throne to Yu Shun. In fact, Tang Yao was unable to control the flood well, and he didn't want his son Danzhu to take the responsibility, so he temporarily passed the throne to Yu Shun.

Tang Yao married two daughters to Yu Shun, and arranged nine sons to Yu Shun's side, in name of helping, but in fact monitoring.

But Yu Shun was wise and courageous, and finally relied on his own efforts to control most of the power of the tribe, and then put Tang Yao under house arrest, and exiled Tang Yao's son Dan Zhu to the house, where Dan Zhu died trapped in the house."

"And the most important reason why Yu Shun passed the throne to Xia Yu was that Xia Yu took nine years to control the flood, which made Xia Yu more loved by the tribe, and Xia Yu also got the support of most of the tribe's forces, so Yu Shun had to Pass the throne to Xia Yu."

"And when Xia Yu succeeded to the throne, Yao Shun was exiled to Jiuyi Mountain and allowed to die in a tragic way. The reason is that... when Yao Shun started a power struggle with Tang Yao, Yao Shun killed Xia Yu's father Gun' gone."

The story of Yao, Shun and Yu left everyone silent, the myth in their hearts was shattered, and they felt very uncomfortable.

But for some reason, compared with the sanctity of the abdication system, this kind of story that is closer to human nature gave them greater expectations.

In the silence, Han Changsheng looked at Zhao Liying with a smile, "Yingbao, but I still want to hear the story of Shang and Zhou."


Zhao Liying pondered for a long time, and finally nodded her head with difficulty.

Seeing the master's smile, this story is definitely not as good as I expected, but she just... wants to hear it.

"In "Fengshen Yanyi", King Wu's defeating Zhou represents justice and destroys evil, but in fact, Emperor Xin, the king of Zhou, is talented and intelligent. Li is a promising and wise king.

It's just that this... Mingjun has the same irritable temper as Sui Yangdi."

"As soon as he succeeded to the throne, he discovered the internal instability of the Shang Dynasty, realized the threat of the Eastern Yi Kingdom to the Shang Dynasty, and also saw the alienation of some vassal states, so Emperor Xin was a monkey, showing the force of the Shang Dynasty."

"Di Xin's imperial conquest, with the king's division as the main force, fought against Dongqi, from Dayi Shang, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, all the way to Youdi, where he captured the leader of the Yi country alive and destroyed the Yi country.

This is "the eastern capital of the soil, and the eastern search of the king"

"But when Emperor Xin sent troops to conquer Dongyi, the internal military strength of the Shang Dynasty was greatly weakened. King Zhou Wen, who surrendered to the Shang Dynasty, saw the right time and led his troops to attack Emperor Xin. Once he attacked Muye, he directly wiped out the 600-year-old army. Shang Dynasty."

"After King Wen of Zhou established the Zhou Dynasty, in order to prevent the remnants of the Shang Dynasty from causing trouble, he blackened Emperor Xin time and time again, and slandered Emperor Xin of his generation as a Shang Zhou king! But in the end, this matter was just a courtier Kill the king and take away the king's country."

Zhao Liying curled the corners of her mouth, half crying, half smiling, "Master, there don't seem to be any good people in your story!"

Now she really regrets listening to this Shang Zhou story.

One must know that he was on Zhou Chang's side before...

But after hearing this story, I always feel that the center of the Shang Dynasty is more like a human emperor.

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Is there any absolutely good person in this world who always has black and white in one mind? Confucius killed Shao Zhengmao, and it was not because of the power struggle that he killed him so painfully?"

Guqin nodded and said: "Mr. Han's words are right, except for... a newborn baby, no one's heart is black and white, it's all black and white, you have me in you, and you in me, ,.”

Lin Fenyu: "I have always believed that the battles in the harem will only be more cruel than those in novels, so I also believe that the battles between emperors will be bloodier, crueler, and darker."

Shan Qiyu said with emotion: "Mr. Han, although I know that the story you told is false, but now I want to continue to listen to this kind of story with real humanity."

Can it be fake?

Huang Bo, Sha Yi, and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other, and began to mutter in their hearts.

Their initial judgment was that Teacher Han's words must be false, and their ears were stunned... they wanted to hear what kind of stories this man could make up.

But with Mr. Han's explanation, they found that almost everything Mr. Han said was in line with the historical development at that time, and it was also in line with normal human nature.

From time to time, some people use the reports and materials they have read to echo what Teacher Han said, and even support Teacher Han to continue talking.

This will inevitably make them have a wonderful and weird psychology.

It seems that what this... Teacher Han is explaining is... a real history, and they are using the only historical knowledge in their minds to confirm it. What they are thinking is that the historical knowledge they see is Not wrong.

Contradicting the true and the false, the two sides are out of place, which makes them feel like they can't laugh or cry.

Under a different mentality, Han Changsheng's voice sounded again, and there was a taste of a grand bell.

"As recorded in history, King Wu destroyed Shang, the name of the founding country was Zhou, the Zhou Dynasty was first divided into Western Zhou, and then divided into Spring and Autumn and Warring States and Eastern Zhou.

After experiencing the Five Overlords of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Qin Shihuang unified the world.

However, although Qin Shihuang was very talented and general, he was eventually defeated by age, Qin II died, and Liu Bang and Xiang Yu fought for the hegemony of the world, and finally Liu Bang, the king of Han, defeated Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, and established the Western Han Dynasty."

"Slow down."

Liu Sisi raised her little white hand and shouted, "Master, don't speak so fast! I still have a lot of questions to ask."

Xiao Sisi is also sensible.

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Ask!"

Liu Sisi said: "Did Xu Fu really help Qin Shihuang refine the elixir of immortality?"

"Xu Fu..."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, with an indescribably weird smile, "Xu Fu was an alchemist in the Qin Dynasty. He was from Qi, with extensive knowledge and strong memorization. He was proficient in medicine, alchemy, and navigation. It is simply impossible to refine the elixir of life.

He made up the lie about the elixir of life, just to make Qin Shihuang believe him, the purpose is to leave the Qin Dynasty and go to a more free place.

Finally, as Xu Fu expected, he took 300 virgins and [-] artisans to Fusang, where he became king and called himself Xu Fu of Qin.

In Fusang, the surname Qin or the surnames and place names with the characters Fu, Haneda, Botian, Bodo, Hata, Hatake are all related to the descendants of Xu Fu or the descendants of the Qin people who traveled eastward with Xu Fu."

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Chapter 222 Fatty's Concerned Issues

Yu m.com really didn't have any elixir of life! Everyone looked at each other with disappointment in their eyes.

Even though they know that immortality is fake, they still hope that immortality is real, so that they can still maintain a little fantasy.

After all, if you can't live forever, it's good to be young forever.

Liu Sisi sighed, and then asked: "Master, is it true to burn books and confuse scholars?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said: "There are mixed truths and falsehoods about Confucianism, once Xu Fu left and never came back, how could Qin Shihuang not know that he was deceived.

In addition, Lu Sheng, an alchemist like Xu Fu, was funded by Qin Shihuang, but he always talked about Qin Shihuang's cruelty.

The first emperor of Qin took his anger out on Lu Sheng and other alchemists, and ordered the arrest of all alchemists in Xianshi, the capital city, and tortured them to extract confessions. The latter ordered 460 alchemists to be buried alive."

"Burning books, not "Qin Ji", but the history books of the Six Kingdoms and the history books of the Emperor Zhou.

Burn the Confucian "Spring and Autumn", "Book of Songs" and "Shangshu", and do not burn the rest.

All the books of various schools of thought were also burned, but copies were kept in the doctor's office.

And all the private collections are burned, and the official collections are not burned."

But there is a time interval. The decree is that the books should be handed over to the government to be burned within [-] days, which means that those who want to learn have [-] days to memorize them. This is also a subset of classics and history after the fall of the Qin Dynasty. ,,,,,,,,There is no reason for all of them to disappear.”

Shan Qiyu nodded in agreement and said, "What Mr. Han said is quite different from the research results of some history masters. Those...Academicians of Arts have studied the collection of classics and history after the Qin Dynasty,,,,,,,,, it is obviously the same book There are subtle differences in the content, presumably it is... an error caused by word of mouth."


Everyone looked at each other, and strange thoughts appeared in their hearts again.

They feel that this... Dean Shan came here, apart from...appreciating ancient calligraphy and paintings whose authenticity is unknown, it is to cheer for Han Changsheng.

With the identity and knowledge of Dean Shan, [-]% of what he said is true, which makes Han Changsheng's story more... closer to the truth.

Di Lieba raised her hands high and looked at her master eagerly.

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Pang Di, what do you want to ask?"

"Have you ever seen Liu Bang and Xiang Yu? During the Battle of Gaixia, did the ancient war song "House of Flying Daggers" really play? Also... Did you write "Huang Qiufeng"?"

"What you really want to ask is the last one."


Di Lieba stuck out her tongue and smiled sweetly.

As a girl, who likes to care about war, naturally she has to care about whether the exclusive song she hears is made by her master.

"Then I'll just start with the first question."

"I once drank wine with Liu Bang, and he drank so much that he slept for three days and three nights, and in the end I paid for the wine.

I also fought against Xiang Yu once, his force value was comparable to mine, and after three days and three nights there was no winner, and then we went out to drink together."

"As for "House of Flying Daggers", it is just an ancient war song made by later generations based on the legend of the Battle of Gaixia.


Han Changsheng looked at the sky outside the ceiling with nostalgia, and murmured: "I witnessed the battle of Gaixia between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu with my own eyes. That battle also made me understand that no matter how strong a person is, he will never be able to defeat thousands of troops. Later, he became more and more careful to hide himself, only to be a time traveler with peace of mind, not to participate in the disputes between the court and the army, even if he was forcibly recruited into the army, he was just a small soldier, and never promoted to an official. "

Immortality may not be as good as imagined! Noticing Han Changsheng's expression, everyone couldn't help but have a strange thought in their hearts.

No matter how immortal you are, you are just one person after all, but people are still social creatures after all.

Once it is discovered by the people around it, it is likely to be regarded as a monster in ancient times.

If you live too long and everyone shouts and beats you, it's better to live seventy or eighty years and die.

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